Good Girls Don't. Victoria Dahl

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Good Girls Don't - Victoria Dahl

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God, he tasted good. So good. Tessa’s body went hot in a sudden rush of lust. She spread both her hands on his chest, but Luke didn’t deepen the kiss as she’d expected. His hand stayed light against the back of her neck. His tongue still teased her. He seemed content to taste and taste again. But Tessa wanted to drown.

      Something about this man inspired a strange mix of urgency and vulnerability that turned her into a bundle of need. Clearly, Luke wasn’t laboring under the same burden. His tongue slid over hers with such slow sensuality that she found herself whimpering, hoping he only needed a hint.

      But no. It was just his mouth on hers, his fingers against her neck. Then his other hand rose to spread over her shoulder, and shivers shot along her skin.

      Screw it. She was all in. Tessa eased closer and straddled his legs.

      “Mmph,” he said against her mouth. Ignoring his surprise, she pressed her belly to his and took advantage of her new leverage to kiss him deeper.

      Luke groaned and his fingers finally tightened against the back of her neck. The roughness of his hands only made her hotter. She was wet already, aroused as all hell, and they’d only kissed. Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his hair so she could press her body more firmly to him. The hand that had been holding her shoulder slid down until his fingers framed her ribs.

      Now, finally, his kisses grew rough. Gorgeously rough. His mouth tasted of heat and wine, and the scent of his skin clung so tightly to him that she had to press closer and closer to get enough of it. Her shifting proved that she wasn’t the only one aroused. But when she rolled her hips into him, Luke jerked his head back, breaking the kiss.

      “Wait,” he gasped.

      Tessa froze. What the heck?

      “We can’t …”

      “Can’t what?” she asked with a frown that felt decidedly grumpy.

      “Can’t … do any of this.”

      Tessa scooted back a little so she could meet his gaze. “Do you have a girlfriend? Not your partner, but someone else?”

      “No. That’s not it. I don’t have a girlfriend.”

      “Good.” She started to scoot forward again, but Luke’s hands gripped her hips and held her back. He shook his head, his eyes going wider as each second passed. He looked … scared?

      “What’s wrong?” Tessa pressed.

      “Nothing! I just … I should go. That’s all.”

      “You’re kidding. You need to leave right now? In the middle of this?”

      He didn’t answer, just watched her as if she might grow tentacles at any moment.

      Tessa shrugged. “Just give me a few more minutes.” She leaned in and kissed him before he could say no. Her ploy worked for a moment. He moaned when their tongues met and immediately picked up the kiss where they’d left off.

      She would’ve smiled if she could have, but Tessa didn’t want to frighten the man. She had him just where she wanted him: under her and falling fast.

      And it felt good. It felt good and that was all she wanted right now.

      NO, NO, NO, Luke’s brain was chanting, but the message broke up before it reached his body. Her mouth was so hot. Just pure wet heat. He wanted to get deeper. Deeper inside her fiery body. Good Christ, what would that feel like?

      Stop! his brain bellowed. Luke’s body jerked at the command, and he managed to pull away. “Stop,” he groaned.

      This woman was a virgin. He had no intention of taking her virginity, so there was no point going any further. His resistance was more effective this time. Tessa scrambled off his legs and stood in front of him.

      “What is wrong with you?” she demanded.

      So many things. But he wasn’t going to add “deflowerer of innocent women” to his list of dubious accomplishments, so he croaked out, “Nothing,” and pushed to his feet.

      Tessa backed up and crossed her arms. “Well, you look like you were having a good time.” Her eyes dipped down to aim her gaze at his lap.

      He fought the urge to shield himself from her sight. She probably understood what happened down there, anatomically speaking. Her brothers hadn’t mentioned anything about a convent education.

      “I’m sorry, Tessa,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender. “I shouldn’t have come over. I’m honored, but …” He backed away, heading for the door.

      “Honored? What the heck are you talking about?”

      “Look,” he finally said. “I know, okay? I know.”

      “Know what?”

      “About your …” He made a vague gesture toward her middle.

      Tessa shot an impatient glance down her body. “This is getting really weird, Luke. Just go.”

      She’d given him permission to escape, but now he couldn’t move. Tessa’s sweet face was creased in a frown of confusion. He’d rejected her, and she didn’t know why. If she’d really wanted to have sex … Surely that kind of rejection could scar a virgin for life. What if he permanently damaged her blossoming sexuality? His mind spun with horror.

      “Go,” she said. “I won’t jump you when you turn your back on me. Shoo. You’re free!”

      He should never have come over. This was too much pressure. Luke turned up his palms in a helpless plea. “Maybe we could just watch a movie or something. Get to know each other as friends.”

      Tessa drew herself straight and gave him a tight smile. “You seem like a really nice guy, Luke. Honestly. But I’m starting to get a weird Madonna-whore-complex vibe from you. And I don’t feel like watching a movie. Or pretending to be a saint. So I’ll see you around, okay?”

      “Madonna-whore complex?”

      “It’s a psychological term for men who—”

      “I know what it is and I don’t have it!”

      “Oh, come on. You think I’m nice. You’re honored that I’m sexually interested in you? And then there’s the pregnant woman you want to save. The first step is admitting you have a problem.”

      He’d been cursed. He was sure of it. Cursed to never have a simple, straightforward relationship with a woman. But he was a willing participant, wasn’t he? He’d come over here knowing damn well that he shouldn’t. Then he’d kissed her because … just because he’d wanted it so badly. And she was way off base about his interest in her. He thought she was nice and he wanted to fuck her all at the same time.

      Tessa growled and squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh, just go already! You look so cute standing there. It’s not fair.”

      He could not leave like this. There were too many rumors floating around about him as

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