Finding Glory. Sara Arden

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Finding Glory - Sara  Arden

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he wanted her.

      “Talking about how it would be to stay there forever?”

      She sighed at the memory. “Yeah. We thought that was some kind of huge dream to have a houseboat there. Or even a little cabin. It was our own nirvana, you and me.”

      “Crystal always wanted the big city. She wanted lights and people. She wanted the rush, and all we could talk about was sweet tea and fireflies.”

      “That made her so mad.”

      “So mad she spent the night with one of the local boys. Your mother was so mad at her that we left an hour late because she wasn’t home yet.”

      “I was okay with it. I wanted to stay as long as was humanly possible.” Gina laughed at herself.

      “I thought my world was going to change that night. I thought we were finally through the dark,” he confessed, looking out into the darkness rather than at her.

      She thought that for herself as well, but it hadn’t happened. “I’m sorry it didn’t.”

      “I used to be sorry. But if it had, I don’t know where I’d be. I like who I am now.”

      She exhaled. “Can I be honest?”

      “That’s preferred,” he said drily.

      Walking down memory lane with him was bittersweet, but it wasn’t the past she was worried about. It was their future together. Gina decided to be honest. “I’m glad you like who you are now, but that’s someone I don’t think I know. I’m not sure what to do here.”

      “Me, either.” The air between them hung heavy and strange. He took the plunge first. “So today didn’t go as I’d imagined it.”

      “And how did you imagine it?” She wondered if he’d ever had the same thoughts about her as she did about him, but then she dismissed the idea before it could take root. Before it could make this any more awkward than it already was.

      “I don’t know. But not as it went.” A genuine grin curled at the edge of his mouth.

      It’d be hard to deny him anything with him flashing that grin around. That was a glimpse of the boy she’d known and it was even more endearing on the man he’d become.

      “I wasn’t trying to keep you from her.” That was as close to a peace offering as she could manage.

      “Deep down, I know that.” He didn’t speak for a long moment and the creaking of the rocking chair against the floorboards echoed with all the force of a gunshot. “But you still have to meet me halfway.”

      She was torn between being glad he was willing to do that and angry that he could just decide to buy a house because he felt like it and she was working two jobs and going to school trying to raise his daughter.

      Worse, if she lived in the same house with him, married to him, how would she hide her attraction to him?

      Gina had to remind herself that this wasn’t about her. It was about what was best for Amanda Jane. It had never been hard to do things for her. There had never been any question that she’d take her discharge from the army when her two years was up, knowing that Amanda Jane needed her. She knew that would make it harder to go to medical school. Harder to do everything, but it had been no sacrifice.

      Living under the same roof with Reed Hollingsworth? Torture.

      “I don’t know. We may not have the best life, but I like this house. I love that she can run and play here. I like that I can point to a place in the backyard and say that’s where she smelled her first flower.”

      “But this isn’t yours. Not really. Wouldn’t you rather live somewhere that will one day belong to her? Where she can look at a chair in the corner and say that’s where Gina-bee used to read me stories. This is where my dad taught me to ride a bike. God, Gina. If we do this right, we can give her everything that we never had.”

      All of her protestations died on her tongue. She’d been about to defend herself, the home she’d provided for Amanda Jane, but she realized he wasn’t saying it wasn’t good enough. He was saying they could do even better together. He didn’t say “I can give her...” he’d said we.

      He had this way of speaking that made her imagine picket fences, family picnics and happily-ever-after. She had to keep herself grounded. There was no relationship between them. He just wanted a chance to raise his daughter.

      She hurried to add, “I just don’t see how this will work.”

      “I’m not under any illusion that this will be easy. There will be a lot of compromise for both of us.”

      “I’ll be honest, I’m terrified of moving in with you. I’m terrified that you’ll try to control us with the money. I’m terrified...” She didn’t say the rest of what she was feeling. It was too much.

      “I’m terrified, too,” he confessed.

      That was when his warm, strong fingers closed around hers.

      “But everything is going to be okay, Gina.”

      This wasn’t exactly what she’d pictured when she imagined one day holding hands with Reed Hollingsworth, but it wasn’t bad. Maybe it was better than what she thought she wanted.

      The gesture was meant to comfort her, reassure her.

      And strangely, it did. She’d felt so alone while going through this, and realizing that he had doubts and fears didn’t make her position less secure, but more. To her, it meant that he’d thought about the realities of their situation, but he still wanted to try.

      He believed he knew what he was in for.

      She held his hand in silence for a long time into the quiet night.


      “AMANDA JANE TEXTED to tell me that Operation Frogfest is a go.” Maudine Townsend put her phone down next to her stack of poker chips.

      “Frankly, Maudy, I’m surprised.” Helga pushed her chips around. “You know, if this little plot of yours doesn’t work, we’re going to have to give up our Friday nights. At least until after the case.”

      “You know, I’m actually surprised that Reed’s lawyer didn’t ask for another judge.”

      Helga shrugged. “He probably figures that you know everyone.”

      “Or he’s plotting something.” Maudine’s eyes narrowed further.

      “Not everyone’s brain works like yours, Maudy.”

      “Yes, it does. Don’t tell me you’re not curious.”

      “Actually, I think since we’re here, we could work on Marie. She’s too young to be a Glory Grandmother.”


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