No Regrets. JoAnn Ross

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No Regrets - JoAnn  Ross

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is going to have to learn that true strength comes from within,” Sister Benvenuto said sagely.

      Unable to argue with that, Molly was grateful for Yolanda’s interruption.

      “I vant to suck your blood,” she said in a ghoulish voice. The sight of the gag store fangs gleaming white and red in the nurse’s dark face made Molly laugh. When you worked in a world where the bizarre and horrific were commonplace, sometimes laughter truly was the best medicine. And the only way to stay sane.

      “This is the first in the series of HIV tests, isn’t it?”

      “Now, aren’t you a clever girl. Anybody’d think you were a health-care professional, or something.” Yolanda took the fangs out of her wide mouth, put them in her pocket and pulled out a rubber tourniquet. “Hold out your arm.”

      Molly did as instructed.

      “Lordy,” Yolanda complained, shaking her head as she studied Molly’s freckled arm. “You call those veins? Those are purely pitiful, girl.” She wrapped the tourniquet around Molly’s upper arm.

      “Lucky thing you’re in the hands of an expert. Health services tried sending up one of their lab vampires, but I cut him off at the pass. They tend to spatter the stuff all over, and with that pale white skin, I figured you didn’t have any blood to spare.”

      When she took a needle out of another pocket and uncapped it, Sister Benvenuto rose. “I believe it’s time I let you get some rest, dear.”

      Molly didn’t blame the nun for escaping. Hating having blood drawn even more than she disliked drawing it, Molly would have left if she could.

      “I’ll return during visiting hours,” Sister Benvenuto assured her. “Sister Joseph is making those fudge brownies you used to enjoy. She’s making enough to bribe the medical staff into giving you preferential treatment.”

      “As if anyone would have to bribe us to take care of our own,” Yolanda muttered after the older nun had left the room.

      “She means well.”

      “I suppose so. Although she reminds me an awful lot of that harridan who used to rap my knuckles whenever she caught me chewing gum at Sacred Heart Academy.”

      The needle slipped into the vein as smoothly as a hot knife through butter. Although accustomed to the sight of blood, seeing her own filling the cylinder was an entirely different matter.

      “All done.” Yolanda capped the cylinder and released the tourniquet. “I have to ask you if you do IV drugs.”

      “You know I don’t.”

      “Just following procedure. So, how about safe sex?”

      Molly laughed at that, but the sound held no humor. “Before or after Christmas Eve?”

      “Point taken. I’ll have the lab rush this and either Reece or I will let you know as soon as the results come in. You’ve got three more of these over the next nine months. When you test negative on the third one, you’ll be home free.”

      “Thank you for saying when and not if.”

      “Positive thinking is a powerful thing. Sister Crack-the-Whip who just left might call it praying, and existentialists might call it meditating, but the way I see it, it’s all the same thing.”

      Although she knew Sister Benvenuto would probably have her down on her knees saying an Act of Contrition and countless rosaries for such heresy, Molly decided she’d be willing to pray to God, all the saints, Mohammed, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, even some ancient druidic pagan oak tree if only she could dodge this deadly bullet.

      “If I get AIDS, I’ll just die,” she muttered, more to herself than to Yolanda.

      She and her longtime friend exchanged a gloomy look. Then burst into laughter.

      * * *

      “She’s going to be all right,” Reece assured Lena once again as they drove home from the hospital together. Although he never would have wished such horror on Molly, he couldn’t deny being grateful for the change seeing her sister victimized seemed to have made on his wife these past days.

      “I know.” She put her hand on his leg. “Thanks to you. If you hadn’t done all that you did…”

      Her voice drifted off and she stared out at the brilliant lights of the city as they drove up the curving road to their Pacific Palisades home. The house, situated on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Coast Highway and the ocean beyond, was more expensive than a resident could afford, but Reece was independently wealthy. He’d inherited a generous trust from his parents, who’d died in a plane crash when he was a boy.

      He slanted her a sideways glance. “How are you with all this?”

      “Strangely, although I was panic-stricken when you first called, I’m doing pretty well.” Lena shook her head. “All my life, even when we were separated, I knew that Molly would be there for me if I ever needed her.”

      “In a heartbeat,” he agreed.

      “I think, although she meant well, her protective behavior kept me from growing up.”

      Since there was no way he was going to get trapped into agreeing that the woman he adored was immature, Reece didn’t say anything.

      “Then, of course, I married you, who took over where Molly left off.”

      He laid a hand over hers. “I think it’s only natural for a man to want to protect his wife.”

      “I suppose.”

      Lena thought back to the tarot card reading. Amazingly, the destiny foretold that night seemed to be coming true. Out of apparent evil, she remembered the young woman saying sagely, much good can come.

      “What happened to Molly made me realize I can’t always count on other people taking care of me. It’s time I learned to stand on my own two feet.”

      Something inside Reece went still. And cold. “Are you saying you want a divorce?”

      “A divorce?” Shocked, she looked over at him. “Of course not.” Turning her hand, she linked their fingers together. “You’re the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me, Reece. I just think it might be a nice change if you were to discover that you were married to a woman. And not a girl.”

      Reece thought about that and decided she was right. As much as he adored his bride, there were times when he found being the sole focus of her life—along with her desperate desire for a child—more than a little wearying.

      “You certainly don’t have to change on my account. I love you just the way you are.”

      “I know. And I thank God for that every day. And I’m not changing for you. I’m doing it for me.” Lena smiled, pleased with the plan she’d come up with while drinking far too many cups of that toxic waste the hospital cafeteria tried to pass off as coffee. “Although I think you’ll find some side benefits.”

      There was something in her voice. Something lush and sensual, an impression

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