Haunted Destiny. Heather Graham

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Haunted Destiny - Heather  Graham

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some of the people I know.” She looked at him anxiously. “Do you really believe the killer is on the Destiny?”

      He decided not to lie to her. “Yes,” he said.

      “Because your man—my ghost—came on the ship?”


      “But since you don’t believe me and you think this guy is alive... Maybe if that’s true, he was watching what was going on, and then realized he was late for the sailing.”


      “Why do you say that?”

      “His behavior.”

      “It’s still just a hunch.”

      He didn’t admit that she was nearly right.

      She smiled. “So you believe in gut feelings and not much else.”

      He shook his head, almost smiling, but he wasn’t willing to discuss it. “My partner on this case wants to meet you, by the way. We’ll get to that later. Meanwhile, I’d appreciate going to the employee cafeteria with you.”

      “Follow me,” she said. As they left her cabin and walked down the narrow hallway, she added, “You’re aware that there are quite a few entertainers on the ship, aren’t you?”

      “Of course.”

      “Anyone in particular you want to meet?”

      Jude had memorized the names. “Simon Green, Ralph Martini and Larry Hepburn. And your head of entertainment, Bradley Wilcox.”

      “Oh!” she said.

      “You know them?” he asked her. “Well?”

      “Bradley Wilcox was the head on my first contract with Celtic American, too,” she said. “He’s talented at his job.”


      She shrugged. “To my mind? A jerk. Rude. He seems to think we’re all lesser individuals. His servants. But as I said, I have to admit he’s good at his job.”

      “What about the others?”

      “This is the first time I’ve been on the same ship—same contract—with Simon Green and Larry Hepburn. Ralph Martini, I do know. I’ve worked with him before. He’s a nice guy and, again, very talented.” She glanced at Jude sideways and he was surprised to realize once more how attractive she was, with her head of sunset-tinged hair and amber eyes.

      Just the type the Archangel might choose...

      “Be careful around these people,” he said, his voice gruff.

      “They’re really suspects? Is there a reason for that?” she asked.

      “Proximity,” he replied. “They might’ve been in all the locations where murders took place. And you really shouldn’t know what we’re thinking, and I shouldn’t be speaking to you about this at all. At the moment, though, you’re about all I’ve got.”

      “So, I’m all you’ve got. Great,” she murmured.

      But he could tell that she did intend to be helpful.

      “Grab a tray,” she told him, leading him to the buffet. “I see Simon and Ralph—they’re over there.”

      He selected a bagel and a plate of eggs from the buffet and followed her to the table.

      Ralph and Simon greeted her with friendly smiles and she introduced them to Jude. “Company bigwig,” she said lightly. “Watching us on board.”

      Ralph stood up to shake Jude’s hand. He was a stocky middle-aged man of about six feet. “He’s a great tenor!” Alexi said in a cheerful voice.

      “And I’m chorus.” Simon got up to shake Jude’s hand, as well.

      “We all start somewhere,” Ralph said.

      Simon Green was a handsome man, young, classically good-looking. He was lean, and Jude figured he must be a decent dancer if he was in the chorus of a play like Les Miz.

      Ralph grinned. “Should we be afraid of you?” he asked. He obviously wasn’t.

      “No.” Jude grinned back. “We’re just observing, trying to see what works and where improvements might be made,” he lied. “I understand that the entertainment on this ship is excellent.”

      “That’s a relief,” Ralph said. “Hey, there’s Clara.” He waved and Jude turned. A very pretty blonde had come into the room. She looked over at them and waved, frowning curiously as she saw Jude.

      “Just getting some food!” she called.

      “Clara Avery,” Alexi told Jude. “She has a gorgeous soprano voice.”

      “Part of our Les Miz cast,” Simon added. “I’ll find a chair for her.”

      Clara joined them a moment later. “You look peaked, girl!” Ralph said to her. “You up all night?”

      “Nightmares,” Clara said shortly. “Hi,” she greeted Jude.

      Alexi quickly introduced them.

      “Nightmares?” Simon asked her. “On the ship?”

      “I shouldn’t have, but I stayed up watching the news,” Clara replied. “That Archangel killer out there—he was in New Orleans!”

      “And he’s probably already moved on,” Simon said gently. “He goes from city to city. You’re safe on this ship. And we’re all here with you,” he added.

      “They don’t seem to have anything on this guy, nothing at all! They can’t even find some of the actual crime scenes,” Clara said, shivering.

      Jude considered himself a good judge of character. He believed that the men at the table were as concerned for their friend as they appeared to be. Their empathy and determination to assure her seemed completely genuine. He was as confident of that as he could possibly be.

      A good thing, since this young woman, like Alexi, would certainly appeal to the killer.

      He lowered his head.

      The ship has many beautiful young women aboard. A veritable feast for the so-called Archangel.

      Clara shivered again, then managed a smile. “I’m going to stick close to all of you.”

      “The cops aren’t sharing much information,” Simon said. “I read somewhere that the women weren’t just found in churches, but that they were all posed, with saints’ medallions around their necks. What do you suppose it means?”

      “I didn’t hear about that,” Ralph said. “I’ll bet the cops weren’t supposed to give out that information. I guess some of ’em talk when they’re off duty. And once the media

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