The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Paul Kennedy

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The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers - Paul  Kennedy

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       The Crimean War and the Erosion of Russian Power

       The United States and the Civil War

       The Wars of German Unification


       5. The Coming of a Bipolar World and the Crisis of the ‘Middle Powers’: Part One, 1885–1918

       The Shifting Balance of World Forces

       The Position of the Powers, 1885–1914

       Alliances and the Drift to War, 1890–1914

       Total War and the Power Balances, 1914–18

       6. The Coming of a Bipolar World and the Crisis of the ‘Middle Powers’: Part Two, 1919–42

       The Postwar International Order

       The Challengers

       The Offstage Superpowers

       The Unfolding Crisis, 1931–42


       7. Stability and Change in a Bipolar World, 1943–80

       ‘The Proper Application of Overwhelming Force’

       The New Strategic Landscape

       The Cold War and the Third World

       The Fissuring of the Bipolar World

       The Changing Economic Balances, 1950–80

       8. To the Twenty-first Century

       History and Speculation

       China’s Balancing Act

       The Japanese Dilemma

       The EEC – Potential and Problems

       The Soviet Union and Its ‘Contradictions’


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