Pilgrim. Sara Douglass
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Yes, Raspu nodded to the others. WolfStar.
StarLaughter, unaware of what was going on about her, crooned and laughed at her child, one hand trying to wipe the clots of blood from his body.
What should we do? What is he doing?
They considered, their jewel-like eyes sharp.
Watch, Sheol thought, and the others silently agreed. Watch — and learn what it was that WolfStar did here.
Raspu laid a hand on StarLaughter’s arm and pulled her gently back up the slope.
“It is time to leave, Queen of Heaven,” he said. “Time to move to the next site.”
“Yes.” StarLaughter had a great smile of happiness on her face. “Yes.”
As they moved off, Barzula lagged behind, concealing himself with power and keeping his senses focused on the blood pool.
Thus he was aware when WolfStar furtively ran forward to the pool, now considerably smaller in circumference than previously, and threw in his own still corpse.
A tiny girl bubbled back to the surface, as still as the male-child had been, but just as warm.
Barzula frowned, only barely repressing the urge to confront WolfStar — how dare he use the pool! — when he stopped himself, and smiled.
They could use this. Indeed they could.
And so he hurried after the other Demons, formulating his plan as he ran.
Drago pulled Faraday back down to the ground when the Demons emerged, sheltering her with his body.
Both drew in shocked breaths at the appalling sight of the bloodied StarLaughter carrying a toddler.
“Look!” Faraday whispered. “Look!”
Drago nodded, his face composed but thoughtful. “Their first goal is achieved. Qeteb now warms.”
“And they? The Demons?”
“Will be stronger now. More confident. They have braved and won the first of the obstacles. They will know they can win through the others, as well.”
StarLaughter sat, the child in her lap, completely absorbed in him. Her eyes shone soft and happy.
A few paces away the Demons stood huddled, talking urgently.
“He had an infant that he threw in?”
Barzula nodded. “The corpse of a girl-child. I do not know what she means or is to him that he so dares.”
“And she …?”
“She was … warmed.”
“How dare he?” Rox seethed. “How dare he —”
“Wait,” Barzula said, and laid a hand on Rox’s arm. “We can use this.”
“Use? How?”
And Barzula spoke.
After a few minutes all the Demons nodded, their eyes glowing with satisfaction.
“And StarLaughter?” Sheol asked.
“She will not like it at first,” Barzula said, “for she aches for revenge. But she will accept, and then she will approve. Think how much sweeter the revenge will be!”
Sheol gurgled with merriment, startling StarLaughter into looking up.
All the Demons were laughing, and clapping their hands. They must be pleased for her son, she thought, and smiled at them.
Sheol quietened as she watched StarLaughter. She turned to her companions. “Is it time?” she asked. “Should we?”
They considered the possibilities, finally nodding.
“A little,” Raspu said. “Not too much.”
“Just enough,” Sheol agreed. “Enough so she can be useful —”
“— but not a threat,” Mot said.
StarLaughter, her head once more bent to her son, looked up as she heard the TimeKeepers approaching. Their faces were gentle, their jewel-bright eyes loving.
“When you originally came to us,” Sheol began softly, “we promised you power for your help.”
Her eyes shifted to the boy-child in StarLaughter’s lap. “Now we are on the final path, our goal is in sight, and we have come to fulfil our promise. Stand.”
StarLaughter obeyed, her eyes hungry. Rox stepped forward, and took her shoulder in his hands. “Beautiful woman,” he whispered, and kissed her full on the mouth.
Power flooded through StarLaughter. Her mouth gobbled at his, desperate for more of the sweet stuff, but Rox pulled away, laughing.
Barzula stepped forth, and offered StarLaughter his mouth. She clung to him, drinking in as much power as he was willing to give her, and then almost fell when he pushed her back.
StarLaughter regained her balance, and clung to each of the other Demons in turn as they let her feed from their mouths.
As Sheol, the last, pushed her away, StarLaughter tried to understand the power that now flooded her. It was not Icarii power, and not tied to the now-silent Star Dance, but something far different — and far, far more exhilarating.
“I thank you,” she whispered. “Now I shall be a true mother to my son.”
The Demons smiled.
Faraday swallowed her revulsion as the Demons gathered StarLaughter to them. Once they had done, they mounted their dark horses, moving back through the Silent Woman Woods.
“Drago,” she said, “it is time we went. Noah told me that we could find a way down through the Keep —”
“No.” Drago laid a hand on her shoulder and pushed her gently back down. “You stay here. I want to do this by myself. Please.”
“But how will you —”
Faraday never finished. With a low cry the feathered lizard stuck its head out of the neckline of Drago’s tunic, looked about, then scrambled forth.
Drago almost fell over with the strength of its exertions, and grabbed at the nearest tree for support.
The lizard scuttled for the border between the Woods and the crystal forest, and then jumped between the first two of the crystal trees, its feet scrabbling on the slippery surface.
Drago looked at the lizard, looked at Faraday, then shrugged helplessly. “It looks like I will have some company after all.”