Pilgrim. Sara Douglass

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Pilgrim - Sara  Douglass

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stiff nod and moved away a pace or two.

      Faraday dropped her eyes, shocked by the encounter and by Isfrael’s hostility. There was something more than anger at Shra’s death feeding that hostility, but Faraday could not even begin to think what it might be.

      “If you can tell me how to save the Icarii from the inevitable destruction ahead, then I am also yours to command,” StarDrifter said quietly. Gods, someone had to say something!

      Drago looked at Zared.

      “And I,” Zared said, although his willingness to accept Drago’s command clearly had not eased his frustration. “Tell me how to save my people.”

      Askam, who had finally managed to push the lizard to one side, leapt to his feet. “Fools!” he cried. He started to say something else, but was so angry that he couldn’t get any more words out. He stared, then stumbled away, the lizard nipping at his heels.

      “I’ll speak with him,” Leagh murmured, then rose and hurried after her brother.

      “Drago,” Zared said, “where may we find this Sanctuary?”

      “It is somewhere in the waterways —” Drago began.

      “Forgive me,” Zared said, “but I do not like this ‘somewhere’. Where?”

      “WingRidge, as indeed the entire Lake Guard and SpikeFeather TrueSong, are already engaged in the hunt for Sanctuary. Trust, Zared. That is all you can do.”

      The Lake Guard are aiding Drago? StarDrifter’s heart began to thump as if it had shifted position into his very mouth. WingRidge and the Lake Guard are working for Drago? Oh merciful Stars above, StarDrifter thought. Oh Stars! Now I understand!

      It was as well that no-one addressed StarDrifter at that moment, for he thought himself incapable of speech. He almost moved a hand to his eyes, then realised they were shaking so much it was impossible.

      Across the fire from StarDrifter, Zared was fighting his own doubts. He wanted to be able to trust Drago, but he had the responsibility for hundreds of thousands of people. And what had Drago given him? Just vague mention of a Sanctuary that even Drago admitted he couldn’t find. Damn you, Zared thought, staring at Drago. You demand trust of us, and yet you cannot tell us where it is that —

      Something jerked within Zared’s body, and he had to fight to keep his face expressionless. For an instant … for an instant he’d been overpowered with the sweet fragrance of a field of lilies, and the bizarre, but utter, conviction that this was what Drago would lead Tencendor into. Both scent and conviction were so compelling they literally took his breath away.

      Zared regained his equilibrium within a few heartbeats, and the scent faded. He could have sworn that somehow Drago had cast an enchantment over him, save that Drago was himself looking at Zared with a clearly puzzled expression.

      “Zared,” Drago said, watching the man carefully. “I need you to go back to Carlon, taking this army with you. Gather together as many of your people as you can, and ready them for the word I will send when WingRidge finds Sanctuary. Isfrael, will you allow the Acharites in the eastern parts of Tencendor access to the shelter of the forests?”

      “As long as they bring their own food with them,” Isfrael said, but Drago nodded. It was enough.

      “StarDrifter, I need you and Zenith to go to the Minaret Peaks. Tell FreeFall what I have told you, and wait for word on Sanctuary.”

      StarDrifter’s mouth quirked. “The Icarii will not take kindly to news of another exile,” he said. “But we will do as you say. Anything you say, Drago.”

      StarDrifter stared at his grandson, his eyes intense, and Drago looked away quickly, not liking the knowledge he saw there. He began to say something else, but Zared forestalled him.

      “I do have one small problem,” he said.

      Drago raised an eyebrow.

      “How do I get myself and my thirty thousand back to Carlon? Isfrael and StarDrifter shall have the forests to protect them, but you seem to calmly assume I can just wander back across the Plains of Tare with my army and all their cursed horses as if we are out for a seventh-day picnic. There is no shelter!

      “Shade will protect you,” Drago said evenly. “All you must ensure is that your army can access shade during the Demonic Hours —”

       “There is no shade between these damned Woods and Carlon!”

      “Carry it with you.”

      “Carry it with me? Carry it with me? Shall I uproot these trees, then, and carry them with me?”

      “A cloth against the sun or moon is all you require, Zared. Perhaps stretched over poles. The most basic of tents, enough to shelter you and your horses.”

      “A tent? How am I supposed to get enough material —”

      “I can give you what you need to move your army,” Isfrael said.

      Zared’s eyes widened. “Do you have a thousand bolts of cloth secreted somewhere?”

      “You will be surprised by what I and mine have secreted within these trees.”

      Zared almost pressed Isfrael, then realised there was no point. “I thank you,” he said, then looked back to Drago.

      “I have spoken as I did through anger,” he said. “Anger and frustration. Drago, Prince of the House of the Stars, I will give you everything I can and then more, but only if you can provide my people this Sanctuary. If I watch them shrivel and die because you are wrong, if I watch this land desecrated into nothingness because you are wrong, then know now that I will curse you for all eternity.”

      “If I am wrong, then I will deserve to be so cursed,” Drago said, “and I will embrace it for all eternity. But for now, you will do as I say.”

      Zared stared at him, remembering again the all-consuming scent of lilies, and he nodded.

      As the meeting broke up, Drago moved to speak with StarDrifter and Zenith.

      “Zenith,” he said low, “I need to know what happened in your battle with Niah. How exactly did you expel her?”

      Zenith exchanged a glance with StarDrifter, then told Drago of how Faraday had found her in the shadowlands. Moving back towards the Island of Mist and Memory, where lay Niah, Zenith had eventually forced the Niah-soul into the baby girl that the shared body carried.

      “And then?” Drago asked.

      Zenith took a deep breath, her eyes stricken with the memory. “Then I forced the child from my body, and killed her.”

      “And then? Drago said.

      “WolfStar took the corpse,” StarDrifter said, sliding a protective arm about Zenith. “Drago, why push Zenith on this? It is over and done with.”

      Drago rubbed his eyes. “No,” he said quietly. “It is only just beginning. WolfStar is in the waterways.

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