Song of the Fireflies. J. Redmerski A.

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Song of the Fireflies - J. Redmerski A.

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breath catch. Her hands were trembling between her knees.

      I scooted farther to the edge of the ottoman, closer to her, and held her face in my hands.

      “Do you remember what I told you on my twenty-second birthday?” I paused, searching her beautiful blue eyes, which were glossed over with moisture. “I said it was always about you.” I squeezed her face gently to add emphasis. “It’s always been you, Bray. I could never love another girl the way that I’ve loved you since we were kids. Never.” I squeezed it again, my jaw grinding. “I’ve tried. Believe me, I tried to go on with my life—dating, relationships. But no matter what I did, no matter who I was with or how good they were to me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

      I was so intent on explaining these things to her—I had rehearsed them over and over in my mind for four years—that I hadn’t even noticed her tears had changed. Instead of heartbreaking sobs rendering her weak, the tears streaming down her cheeks had become calmer, though heavier, laced with happiness even though there was still a bit of fear.

      But I also hadn’t noticed that I’d finally started crying, too.

      “I love you so much, Bray. So fucking much!” Sobs rattled my chest briefly until I managed to calm myself.

      Bray finally gave in and lunged forward, wrapping her arms around me. I scooped her up into them, squeezing the life out of her and into me. We shared that life. We always had. And from this day forth, we both knew that we always would.

      Even if it killed us.


      It’s the hardest thing in the world for me to describe, but when Elias held me in his arms like that, I literally felt whole again. Or maybe for the first time. Because things were different this time around. I knew that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. I knew I couldn’t walk out that door without him. I knew that going forward, no matter what I did, I wanted Elias to be right there with me. Not just as best friends. But as lovers, girlfriend and boyfriend, husband and wife. I didn’t care, as long as we were together and in love the way we were meant to be.

      His lips covered mine and he kissed me deeply, passionately, stealing my breath away. My stomach fluttered and spun and did things it had never done before, not even the first time we had sex. And before I knew it, I was pulling his T-shirt over his raised arms and tossing it somewhere on the floor. He practically tore my shirt off me. We stood up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he carried me into his bedroom and threw me down on the bed.

      He didn’t wait even a minute before stripping off the rest of my clothes. And then his. I watched the muscles flex in his arms and in his chest as he crawled on top of me. He was so damn gorgeous to me, every muscle, every line, every curve in his sculpted, tanned body. His mouth hungry for mine, searching my breasts and my neck and the underside of my chin until he found my lips and kissed me ravenously. I speared my hands through his wavy, chin-length dark hair, and when I reached down and took his hard length into my hand he moaned against my mouth.

      “I want you inside me, Elias,” I said breathily against his mouth. “I’ve wanted this for so goddamn long.” This time it felt real. It felt right. It felt the way it should have felt our first time. And I wanted to savor it as if it were.

      His powerful hips rocked against mine before he reached down with me, and his strong fingers splayed around my hand as it held his cock firmly. He guided my hand, and I gasped and threw my head back against the pillow as I felt the head of his cock enter me. My eyelids fluttered and fell helplessly over my eyes. My lips parted and a sharp gasp escaped as he slid the rest of his length slowly into my wetness. I moaned with pleasure.

      “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered hotly against my lips, and then slipped his tongue into my mouth, his hips thrusting relentlessly against mine. “I never want you to leave me again.” He bit down on my bottom lip.

      I wanted to cry hearing his words. And deep inside myself, I did. But they were tears of bliss. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed myself farther toward him, wanting him deeper.

      “I’ll never leave you again,” I said, as those tears deep inside began to seep from the corners of my eyes.

      I could hardly catch my breath.

      “Promise me,” he said, thrusting harder.

      I looked up into his eyes and saw that they were as tearful as mine; the intensity in his face much greater. I knew in that moment that if I ever left him again, it would kill him. It would kill me.

      “I promise. I’ll never leave you.”

      “Swear it on your life,” he said and rammed his cock into me so hard it took away what little breath I had left. My thighs trembled. My stomach flip-flopped with pleasure and excitement. Elias stared down into my eyes.

      “I fucking swear on my life,” I said and meant every word. “I’ll never leave you again.”

      His lips devoured mine and he fucked me harder than I had ever been fucked, until my fingers hurt from digging into the wooden headboard behind me and my legs were so weak I could hardly lift them. And when he came, he came hard on my stomach, his entire body trembling. I wrapped my arms around him, kissing the sweat from his temples and from his lips.

      He rested only a few minutes before he was hard again, and then he made love to me slowly until I came.

      We stayed in bed all day, tangled in the sheets, our arms and legs entwined. For a long time we didn’t speak. We just stared up at the ceiling, his fingers combing through my hair, my head resting against his warm, hard chest.

      “You promised,” he whispered.

      I raised my head and looked at him. “I did,” I said and leaned over to kiss his lips.

      He kissed me in return, but a worried look lingered in his eyes.

      “I’m not going anywhere,” I assured him. “I’ve lived for far too long away from you, Elias. I just wish that I had figured it out sooner.”

      His eyes smiled faintly and he moved a piece of hair away from my face with the tip of his finger.

      “I’m glad you kicked me in the hip that night,” he said and kissed my nose.

      “Well, if you hadn’t have called me ugly, I probably wouldn’t have.”

      Elias smiled and pulled me back down, laying my head against his chest again.

      “You’ve always been beautiful to me,” he said, and then I felt his lips press against the top of my hair.

      I was in heaven.

      We were in heaven.

       Chapter Six


      It took us seventeen years to truly find each other. But now that we were together, neither of us was letting go.


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