The Princess and the Foal. Stacy Gregg
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“Oh,” Frances falters. “Please don’t bother. I never … rode to hounds very often. Besides, it was such a long time ago I hardly think—”
Suddenly a muzzle thrusts over the door of the loose box beside Frances. She emits a piercing shriek and leaps forward, almost landing on top of Haya.
“It’s all right,” Santi says as he reaches out to stroke the bay mare who has popped her head over the door. “This is Amina. She is being friendly; she didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I wasn’t scared!” But Frances won’t step any closer to the mare.
“She’s got a rather coarse look about her for a pure-bred, hasn’t she?” Frances says, glaring at Amina’s flat nose and heavy jaw.
“Amina is Desert Born,” Santi says. “Her temperament is excellent and she was once a very good showjumper …”
“Arabs don’t jump,” Frances says emphatically.
“That is what they say,” Santi agrees, “but some, like Amina, are very bold, confident jumpers …”
“Yes, well, thank you, Señor Lopez,” Frances says flatly. “I think we’ll be leaving now.”
“But we only just got here!” Haya says.
“I think we’ve been here quite long enough,” Frances says. She walks back towards the car and Haya only just has enough time to snatch up a handful of alfalfa to feed to Amina.
“I wish you had tried to bite her,” Haya whispers. “She deserves it.”
Amina nickers. “I know,” Haya agrees with the mare. “I don’t think she does like you. And I don’t think she likes me either.”
“Stay for lunch!” Santi implores as Frances ushers Haya into the car. “Ursula can bring food up from the house for us.”
“No, thank you.”
“Well then, leave Titch here for the afternoon. She loves the horses and my grooms will keep a close eye on her.”
“The grooms? She’s not a horse!” Frances replies. “Thank you for the tour, Señor Lopez.”
The car trip home is awful. “Those horses are ill-mannered brutes!” Frances proclaims. “Small wonder with Señor Lopez in charge! The dust and the dung in those yards …”
“I like it there.” Haya juts her jaw out bravely. What is wrong with dung anyway? To say there is dung in a horse yard is like saying there is sand in the desert.
The rest of the journey home is spent in silence. But the next day, when Haya asks to go to the stables, Frances says she can’t. She has a piano lesson instead. And the piano lesson is followed by French and then ballet. There is no time for the stables.
“Baba? I don’t feel so good.”
The King puts down his newspaper and looks at his daughter. Haya’s face is flushed and she has hardly touched her breakfast.
“You haven’t got a fever,” the King says as he feels her forehead.
“Maybe I am coming down with something?” Haya says hopefully.
“Maybe.” Her father looks at her knowingly.
“Frances?” The King summons the governess. “Princess Haya will be coming with me today.”
Haya packs her colouring-in pencils and waits with Doll at the front door as the driver brings the car round. She tries not to look too happy or too healthy as she gets in the back seat beside her father. The car cruises out of the gates and up the winding roads of the palace compound to the Royal Court.
“Welcome, Your Royal Highness!” The women who run the office are always pleased to see her. Her father’s secretary brings the King his morning coffee and also some orange juice and crackers for Haya, with a stack of paper and more coloured pens. In the corner of the office Haya makes herself a fort out of sofa cushions and lies on the rug, drawing pictures of horses while her father talks on the phone and looks at the important papers on his desk.
She is very quiet when the King’s ministers come for a meeting at the large polished-oak table in the corner of the room. Haya focuses hard on her colouring-in, but she hears them, their voices deep and serious as they discuss Egypt and Israel and a place called Camp David. After the men are gone, the King asks his secretary for more orange juice and chocolate biscuits. Then he takes off his shoes and climbs inside Haya’s sofa-cushion fortress.
“Haya, are you feeling better now?”
“Yes, Baba.”
“You are very quiet. Why don’t you tell me what is wrong?”
Haya hesitates. She doesn’t want to bother her father. He is a King with the weight of a nation on his shoulders.
“It’s OK,” her father says, “you can tell me.”
“Frances won’t take me to see the horses,” Haya says. “I keep asking, but she always says no.”
A misunderstanding. That is what Happy Frances calls it. Of course she is more than happy to escort the Princess to Al Hummar if that is what she wishes.
Haya is triumphant as they drive to the stables. Frances, meanwhile, has a face like poison. When they arrive, she refuses Santi’s offer of coffee and returns to sit in the car while Haya visits the horses.
For two hours Frances just sits there, reading a romance novel. On the car trip home Frances stuffs the book in her handbag, but she still doesn’t speak to Haya.
For the next fortnight visits to Al Hummar continue in this way. And then, one afternoon, the driver arrives at the front door of the palace to transport them to the stables and Haya notices that Frances isn’t holding her handbag.
“Señor Lopez and I have had words,” Frances says, and Haya is filled with despair until she adds, “he has agreed that there is no need for me to accompany you to the stables. It is more sensible for him to take care of you in the afternoons.”
As Haya travels to the stables, she feels electrified with a sense of freedom. Frances has finally admitted defeat. Haya is going to Al Hummar stables on her own!
There are fifty horses to care for and a half-dozen grooms under Santi’s command, but he is never too busy to spend time with Haya and is always waiting at the gates to greet her.
“I hope you are feeling strong, Titch,” he says. “There is much work to do.”
At the yards Yusef, the head groom, finds a pitchfork that is small enough for Haya’s little hands and she follows along behind the two men to help with the chores. There are boxes to be mucked out first. She digs out the damp straw with her pitchfork and helps to throw down fresh bedding into the stalls. Then she fills the hayracks in each box with armfuls