Claude’s Christmas Adventure: The must-read Christmas dog book of 2018!. Sophie Pembroke
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I knew he was trying to cheer me up, but his words only left me more depressed. What if they weren’t planning on coming back at all? They were off on their ferry, France and chateau adventure, probably having all sorts of fun without me.
Maybe Daisy and Oliver hadn’t meant to leave me behind, but I was starting to worry that they hadn’t missed me since they left. And what did that say about my place in the family?
The McCawleys were my pack. But to them, I was only a pet.
In which case … I looked up at Jack, who was whistling a tune I recognised from Daisy’s Christmas CD. If I needed to find a new family, I could do a lot worse than Jack. He’d been kind so far, and he was helping me – even if he had put me on a lead. He and Holly had fed me, and they were trying to find my family for me.
Yes, Jack and Holly were good people. Perhaps I’d adopt them. After all, why should it always be the humans who got to choose their pets? I’d bet they’d love a handsome dog like me for Christmas. Suddenly, I felt a lot better about my day, and about Christmas as a whole. All I had to do was show Jack and Holly that they were my humans now. At least until Daisy and Oliver came home, anyway.
That shouldn’t be too hard. Right?
‘I don’t think you understand,’ Daisy ground out, mentally cursing the man behind the ferry information desk. Boils in very uncomfortable places. Or maybe the tinsel that lined the desk could rise up and strangle him … ‘We need to get back to England. Immediately.’
Jay’s thin arms were wrapped around her waist, clinging on for dear life, and Daisy’s tunic felt damp around the middle from his tears. This was a disaster. How could they possibly have forgotten Claude?
‘Madam, I am sure that you understand that we cannot simply “turn the boat around” as you say.’ The official followed his words with an insincere smile that made Daisy wish for worse than boils for him. Maybe verrucas all over his face …
Jay let out another wail, and Daisy decided to forgo the creative cursing and try begging instead.
‘Please.’ She looked down at his name badge. ‘Henri. It’s our dog, you see. He got left behind. He’s all alone back there. We have to get back to him.’
Henri’s face twisted up in disgust. ‘A dog? Madam, these are wild creatures. They know how to take care of themselves. Really, you shouldn’t worry.’ He waved a hand dismissively, then selected a postcard from his clear plastic rack and passed it to Daisy. ‘Here. Go treat yourselves to a free drink in our bar. Soon you will be enjoying your journey with us so much that you will forget all about your animal.’
Daisy glared at the ferry official as she took the voucher. As if a free drink could make them forget that Claude was at home, alone, scared and probably – knowing Claude – hungry.
Still, no point turning down a free G&T.
‘What if it was emergency? A matter of life and death? Would you turn the boat around then?’ It had to be worth a try. In fact, Daisy thought there wasn’t much she wouldn’t try right now. One way or another, they had to get home to Claude. It wouldn’t be Christmas without the furriest member of their family there to share it.
‘That depends,’ Henri said, rather too knowingly. ‘On whether the life and death in question was human or canine. Now, if you’ll excuse me …’ He turned away and beckoned the next person in what Daisy now realised was a rather lengthy queue to the desk.
She sighed. Plan A was an abject failure. Time for Plan B. Grabbing another few voucher postcards from the rack when the official wasn’t looking, Daisy headed off to find the rest of the family, dragging Jay along behind her.
Oliver was waiting in the bar with Bella and the twins. He already had a pint in front of him, which Daisy took as a sign he wasn’t planning on driving when they reached the continent. Mind you, there were another five hours before they got there. As long as he didn’t have too many more, maybe she could talk him into it.
Surely it had to be his turn to take charge for a change.
She tossed the vouchers onto the table, and sank into the plush velvet of the bench seat, Jay beside her, arms still clamped around her middle.
‘Restaurant was full. But we have crisps here.’ Oliver held out a packet. Daisy ignored it. ‘No luck getting the boat turned around?’ he asked, eyebrows raised.
Daisy’s shoulders tensed. ‘Feel free to say I told you so.’
‘It was worth a try,’ Oliver said, with a gentle shrug. She supposed even oblivious husbands had to realise eventually that there was only so far their wives could be pushed. Even if she knew he was thinking it inside. He’d made it quite clear how ridiculous he thought the idea of asking them to stop the ferry was. But she’d had to do something. Jay had been staring up at her with big wet eyes, the twins were wailing, and even Bella looked sad instead of sardonic. And just thinking about Claude … all alone, shivering in the cold, dreaming about doggy treats. It just broke her heart.
‘So, what do we do now?’ Bella asked. Daisy studied her daughter. Was there a hint of enthusiasm around her edges? It had been so long since she’d seen Bella enthusiastic about anything, she couldn’t be sure. ‘I mean, we have to go back, right? Spend Christmas at Maple Drive?’
No, that was definitely enthusiasm. But what for? Going home? Daisy could understand not wanting to go to France for Christmas – Bella had made her opinions on that idea very clear. But what was it about Maple Drive that made Bella want to be there particularly? Because heaven knew she had complained enough about home over the last year too.
There was definitely something going on with her daughter, and Daisy was determined to find out what it was. Just as soon as she’d disentangled the still sobbing Jay, fed the twins, and figured out what to do about Claude.
‘But I guess that will still take a while, right?’ Bella went on. ‘We need to do something in the meantime. Like … a social media campaign! Yeah, we need to start a Find Claude campaign! We could put his photo up on the internet, and get people to share it and everyone in Britain can watch out for him and report in sightings and—’
‘I sincerely doubt that Claude has wandered any further than Maple Drive,’ Oliver said, drily. ‘In fact, he’s probably still sitting on the front steps of our house.’
Bella deflated at her father’s words, and Daisy glared at him.
‘It’s a brilliant idea,’ she said, patting her daughter’s hand.
Bella perked up again. ‘Great! Then I can have my phone back? To start Find Claude?’ Her phone. Of course. That explained everything.
‘First things first.’ Daisy picked up the vouchers and handed two to Bella. ‘Get me a Diet Coke, and an apple juice for Jay, please?’