Game Of Scones: a feel-good summer romance for 2018!. Samantha Tonge
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‘No way! That would be wrong.’
Henrik grinned. ‘The English are so uptight about things like that. So what if your parents have shagged in that bed?’
My shudder only fuelled his laugh.
‘We’re in the spare room, on the left, which has a lovely big bed.’ I led the way in, walked past the huge mosquito net, draped down from the ceiling, and headed for the round window. Like a small child, trying to spot Santa’s sleigh, I peered out. Henrik came up behind me and as he let out a whistle, his breath brushed my skin.
‘I’d forgotten this view of the sea. Talk about peacock blue.’ Gently he ran a hand up and down my bare left arm. ‘Sure I can’t tempt you to stay a bit longer? I’ve been dying to get you out of those shorts ever since we got off the plane. Why don’t I turn down the bedcovers?’
He kissed my neck, pulled away and within minutes uttered an expletive. I turned to see him fighting the mosquito net. Eventually he burst out laughing.
‘Jeez! This stuff makes the best form of contraception! Just look at my cool moves.’ He karate- chopped his long arms and became even more tangled.
I couldn’t help giggling. Suddenly his phone belted out the Dutch national anthem – a nod to his roots, him being a mad fan of that country’s football team. Then, as had become his way of late, he mouthed “sorry” and after a moment’s more struggle, left the room to answer. Hooray! This gave me the perfect opportunity to head off into Taxos.
What with my doubts, I’d found it nigh on impossible recently to… well, ahem, just “go through the motions” in bed, so it really was just as well we hadn’t signed any kind of Christian Grey contract. Call me old school, but I truly believed sex went hand-in-hand with love – unless there had been partaking of Prosecco. Fizzy alcohol had a lot to answer for in my life, including a Brazilian wax, one tiny tattoo (don’t ask where) and a snog with a university professor.
My chest squeezed. Henrik being Henrik, he never complained. He’d simply ask, in his straightforward way, if it was that time of the month or bought Paracetamol when I’d pleaded stress headaches. On a relaxing holiday, sweetened by sun and cocktails, it might prove harder to avoid his flirtatious touch. Tip-toeing, I picked up my floppy hat and big bug-eye sunglasses from the lounge. Henrik didn’t look up as he sat next to a large folder, having brought work papers with him – or at least I’d assumed that’s what it contained. He’d kept the folder well sealed, muttering something about confidential documents.
Suited me. I’d come away for a break from that office stuff and left my mobile phone on the kitchen worktop, before heading out of the front door. I admired terracotta pots bursting with bubblegum-pink flowers, and strolled past our gleaming white car – ThinkBig had left it at the airport for us, having apparently signed a good deal with Range Rover for their company’s transport. I made my way down the dusty road to my left, having glanced at the fire station opposite. A skinny tabby cat scooted past. It would be fifteen minutes’ walk before the village appeared. I suppressed a yawn. Although I’d slept on the four-hour flight, it had been a ridiculously early start. It was only just half past twelve now – and the hottest time of the day. Yet after all these years, curiosity reenergised me. Would Taxos live up to my memories?
Mum and Dad’s villa had been built on the outskirts, for privacy, part of a cluster of four. Over the years, the others had always been full during the summer but now I noticed that two looked quite derelict, with worn “for sale” signs out the front. Smiling at an old woman, wearing a black dress and headscarf, I took in the wooded pine forests, either side. As perspiration glistened on my skin, I inhaled. Mmm. What a fabulous combination of cedar wood and salt.
Some things hadn’t changed one iota – like the gentle island breeze and chirp of cicadas. Memories once again came back: Niko pointing out a glimmering shoal of sardines, as we sneakily snorkelled, instead of helping out with the melon harvest; the two of us munching on honey pastries in his parents’ taverna, sipping crafty sips of the grown-ups’ ouzo, whilst guests circle-danced. A grin spread over my face, as I realised just how much I was looking forward to seeing my former partner in crime.
‘Pippa!’ called a voice from the distance.
Uh oh, Henrik must have expected me to stay longer. Despite the early afternoon heat, I sped up, wishing I’d worn sun cream as well as my shades and hat. Eventually the wooded area thinned, and the dusty road forked into three smaller, paved-over pedestrianised avenues, which I knew all led to the small port and postcard-perfect sea. Behind me a bus pulled up, at the last stop. No vehicles ran up and down the streets of Taxos. The only transport from hereon was cyclists and donkeys. The latter’s dung gave the village a distinct odour when the weather became really scorching.
I gazed down the left fork, trying to remember the exact lay-out of the village. Let’s see… Down there would be the supermarket, post office and school, with great views of mountains in the distance, towards the south of the island. Then I turned my head to the right and far away spotted the blue dome of the church. That road led to a pottery workshop and gift store, run by Demetrios who now, ooh, had to be in his late thirties. He’d given up a bank job in the city to follow his artistic dreams, and with his last generous bonus had bought the premises and the equipment he needed. He’d let me and Niko make small pots and paint them. I narrowed my eyes at a maze of further avenues, lined with small whitewashed houses with blue painted doors and window shutters.
Even quicker now, I made my way down the central walkway ahead, past houses and a cake shop run by Pandora – a friendly, fashionable woman. It still had the gilt painted window sills, and colourful potted plants outside, plus the sign swinging in the breeze, bearing a delicious looking drawing of chocolate cake. Then I past the Fish House and Olive Tree restaurants… Moving on, I glanced into the cycle shop owned by middle-aged Cosmo, whose back faced me. I remembered his skinny build and penchant for his mouth harmonica. I could just see him, through the dusty window and frames of bicycles leant up outside. The walls of his shop looked grubby and chipped.
Right at the end, nearest to the boats and the water’s edge, stood Taxos Taverna, belonging to Niko’s family. My heart lurched at the cracked windowsills and door frame and decidedly weatherbeaten blue and white paintwork. The place looked empty inside, despite it being lunch time – in fact, the far half of it, the other side of its kitchens, looked completely closed down. I swallowed. The Olive Tree and Fish House had been the same – not buzzing with catchy Greek string music, nor pre-dinner smells of garlic and oregano. How tranquil it was for a Saturday.
Just before reaching its front door, I stopped and stood in the shade of a nearby palm tree, a must thanks to my pale skin, smattering of freckles and red-tinted hair. I picked up one of the large, fallen leaves and fanned my face. It had been so long since I’d enjoyed a foreign summer break. I’d forgotten how sensitive I was to the Mediterranean rays. Niko used to tease me for living in a cap and long-sleeved blouse. Our complexions couldn’t have been more different, with his caramel skin and curly black hair.
Feeling slightly queasy, despite my hat, I decided to visit Georgios and Sophia when I felt on better form. So I headed straight to the port and as soon as I could, left the concrete path and jumped down onto the beach. I approached the breaking waves, stepping across spiky sand lilies. Impatiently, I slipped off my ridiculously impractical high heels. Phew. I felt so much better, once I’d sat down and cool water lapped over my toes. Fishing boats bobbed gently nearby, now all tied up due to the heat sending everyone indoors. The local fisherman always used to head out first thing. The beach was empty, as was Caretta Cove, an inward curve of sand down to the left, named after the endangered species of turtle that used to nest there – the loggerhead turtle,