Brief Encounters. Various

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Brief Encounters - Various

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and public place. There could be CCTV cameras watching them right now for all she knew.

      Jake wedged his knee between her legs, forcing her to spread them. She obeyed instantly, holding her breath as she waited for the touch she’d been begging for all morning. But he was in no hurry.

      He slowly drew his fingers up her legs, making her shudder. Gooseflesh stood out across every inch of exposed flesh and she felt her sex moisten even more as he came nearer to the place that was desperate for his touch.

      At last Jake’s fingers reached her sex. She gasped as he stroked her pussy lips, carefully circling her clit. Kelly arched her back more, thrusting her bottom towards him. But he wasn’t about to let her be so demanding. He brought his hand down sharply across her bottom, eliciting a yelp. The sudden bright pain faded quickly into pleasure and she moaned, wishing he would do it again.

      Her desire must have been obvious. He laughed softly and steadied her with one hand in the small of her back before delivering a series of short sharp smacks to her cheeks. Kelly forgot herself completely and she cried out with each stroke, rattling the wire mesh like the bars of a cage.

      When her cheeks were burning with pleasant warmth Jake returned his attention to her sex.

      ‘My, my,’ he said, ‘someone’s very wet.’

      His words made her blush and soon her face was as crimson as she knew her bottom must be. She squirmed, not daring to ask him to fuck her, knowing that was impossible. The rest of their tourist group would be along any minute. But he could make her come. He had to. Not even he could be so cruel as to leave her hungry after the hours of foreplay he’d put her through.

      And he wasn’t. He reached up underneath her and pressed his palm right against her sex, moving it in excruciatingly slow circles. He pinched her clit between his fingers and increased the friction, forcing her legs wider apart as he pressed harder and harder against her slippery crease. It didn’t take long.

      Kelly bit her lip to keep from screaming as a powerful climax ripped through her and for a moment she thought she might collapse. But Jake held her up with his hand firmly anchored against her sex. The pressure only intensified the spasms of pleasure that surged through her.

      As the twinges began to grow fainter, Jake slipped his hand away and stroked her bare bottom. It tingled nicely where he had smacked her. She savoured the barrage of sensations as she stared out across the impossibly beautiful panorama of Paris, at the Seine winding its way towards the Eiffel Tower in the distance, at the thousands of people down there who would never guess what a naughty thing she had just done. Or rather – had done to her.

      Just then they heard voices exclaiming brightly in Japanese. Kelly was about to jump up and cover herself but Jake held her firmly in place as she was, bending over, her bare bottom on display.

      Kelly whimpered, blushing to the roots of her hair. The voices were silent now and she pictured the group behind her, staring wide-eyed at her rosy red cheeks. But the stunned silence was temporary. Moments later she heard the enthusiastic clicking of camera phones and accompanying giggles. She had never known shame could be so exquisite and she couldn’t help squirming as Jake patted her bottom for their audience. She was almost disappointed when he finally smoothed her skirt down and let her stand up.

      ‘May I have my knickers back, please, sir?’ she asked meekly.

      He held them up and pretended to consider for a moment before shaking his head with a smile. He tied them to the mesh where they fluttered like a little scarlet flag. ‘I don’t think you’ll be needing them again.’

      Kelly blushed and lowered her head, her sex already pulsing again at the thought of going bare beneath her flimsy dress for the rest of the day.

      Once they were outside again she cast a final look up at the bell tower. Something caught her eye and she watched as a tiny flash of red detached itself from the gallery and drifted away like a bird into the Paris sky.

      In It for the Long Haul

      Izzy French

      Watching the aircraft leave as she sat in the airport lounge usually lulled Suzanna into a slumber. But not today. Today her response was unusually meditative. Yesterday’s encounter had touched more than a nerve. And seeing the aircraft arrive, leave, not touching or connecting, was stirring something. She thought she saw his plane taxi along the runway, taking him off into the distance, away from her. The comfort and anonymity business travel gave her had been disturbed. Some emotion was rising to the surface – an emotion she’d prefer to leave dormant. It messed around with her idea of freedom.

      It was his parting shot that had really troubled her.

      ‘See you again?’ he’d asked as they left the hotel.

      She’d heard that line often enough before. Even with that same, common twinge of hope. Post-coital hope. She was used to it. Men who thought with their dicks. Who’d just enjoyed mind-fuckingly good sex and wanted to repeat it.

      ‘Yes, of course,’ she’d usually say. She was polite, brought up to respect good manners. She’d hand them a card with a false name and number printed on it. She’d smile as they tucked it carefully into their wallets, between the photos of their wife and kids. Easy enough to explain away possession of a medical sales rep’s card if you’re a doctor.

      And, sometimes, she had seen them again. Just by chance. She’d shrug off the false name and address, make up some excuse.

      ‘Busy, these conferences, eh?’ she’d ask. ‘Mistakes are easily made.’

      It would be in another time, another country, another conference. And she’d fucked them again too. But that had been it. No attachment. No romance. No strings. Nothing. Just fucking for pleasure, and moving on. That was her life.

      And that’s what was bothering her now. She’d managed life so far without touching the sides. The only child of a tough, remote army family, she’d lost count of the times they’d moved. The friends she’d almost made, then left behind. It toughened you up. Made you remote from emotion. Enabled you to develop a patina of steeliness. She was able to project a ‘who gives a shit what people think?’ persona. But it made you remote from love too.

      Not that your sexual needs didn’t need fulfilling. Quite the opposite. Suzanna had a constant desire for sexual adventures.

      She’d first indulged this desire at university, when studying medicine. That first day, week, month, she had felt afraid. For the first time in her life she was out of her depth. It had been an academic stretch to get there, and it didn’t feel right. Not least that she’d now be expected to stay in one place for a number of years. Put down roots. She didn’t fancy that – making connections. She didn’t know how to do it. It was so much easier to just keep moving on. Be an explorer.

      Her sexuality confused her too. She was drawn to both men and women, watching them cross campus, wondering, in more than a merely anatomical way, what their bodies were capable of. Examining their curves, their sharp edges, wanting to feel their touch, their warmth, their hardness.

      She started with her roommate, Melanie. Or, at least, Melanie started with her. Melanie was rooted, certain, living 50 miles from the town she had been born and brought up in. Bolting the door one evening after a drinking and flirting session with a gang in the student union, Melanie demanded that she strip.


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