A Home In Sunset Bay. Rebecca Pugh
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Laurie flicked through the leaflet quickly. The idea of taking a sabbatical hadn’t even crossed her mind until now, but it was comforting to know it was there as an option. ‘How long would I be able to take off?’ she asked.
‘How long do you think you’ll need?’
Laurie thought quickly. ‘Six months?’
Brian nodded slowly, thoughtfully. ‘I think that’s certainly do-able.’ He took a sip of coffee from the mug on his desk, then returned it to the coaster. ‘Given the circumstances, I’d like to offer you this option, Laurie. You’re a fantastic member of our team here at Howard & Bowe, I’d rather have you take the time off and return to us, rather than disappear completely.’
Laurie nodded. She smiled gratefully. ‘Thank you, Brian. I think this is a good idea. I think I have enough saved up to get me by while I’m away. You’re sure six months is okay?’
‘I’m positive. Like I said, though, I’ll be unable to pay you during this six months, but if you’re sure that you can get by it shouldn’t be a problem. Six months from now would see you back here mid-January, in the New Year. Do you need time to consider, or are you happy for me to pass you the forms over now and arrange the meeting with HR?’
‘I’d be happy to have them now.’ Brian rifled through his drawers again, then handed over a wad of paper. ‘Thank you.’ Laurie sat back in the seat and studied them. ‘How soon can I go?’
‘Give me a day or two to get everything sorted HR wise? I’m aware you have a cluster of holidays built up and waiting to be used. If it takes any longer then I’m sure we can use a couple of those to hurry you along.’
Laurie nodded. ‘That sounds great to me.’
‘Do you have somewhere to stay in the meantime?’
The answer to that question was no. She didn’t want to remain in the apartment with Neil still there. It would be strange and upsetting. No, there was no way she could stay there. She’d have to pack up her stuff and find somewhere else until things work-wise were ready, then she’d head off. Away from London, away from Neil, away from work. A hotel, perhaps? Just for two nights? That was do-able.
‘I’ll find somewhere,’ she said in reply to Brian’s question. ‘Don’t worry about me. To be honest Brian, as odd as it sounds, I think this thing with Neil was exactly what I needed. I’ve been feeling out of sorts for a while now. A friend of mine passed away recently, a good friend. And do you know what? Ever since, I’ve been feeling like I’ve just allowed my life to pass by. A break is exactly what I need. Thank you so much.’ She rose from the chair and nodded at Brian who smiled up at her.
‘Not a problem, Laurie.’
‘Laurie, come on. This is ridiculous! Where are you going to go? You have nowhere to stay other than here!’
Laurie rolled her eyes as she continued packing up her things, Neil trailing around after her like the pathetic fool he was.
‘That’s where you’re wrong. I’ll find somewhere to go, don’t you worry about that. I refuse to stay here with you for a single day longer. I can’t even look at you, never mind sleep beneath the same roof.’
‘Laurie, please!’ Neil attempted to take her hands but she pulled away and turned her back to him instead. ‘Don’t you think you’re taking this completely out of proportion?’ he continued in a softer voice. He stepped up behind her so that his chest was mere inches from her back.
Laurie stilled at the closeness. ‘Excuse me?’ Her voice was quiet, silently seething as she delivered each word with sharp-as-a-blade precision. ‘Out of proportion?’ she asked incredulously. ‘Is that what you think? That, even though I found you in our bed with another woman, I’m making too much of a scene?’ She shook her head, pinned him with a disgusted narrowing of the eyes. ‘You’re vile, Neil. Absolutely vile.’ She shoved the last item of clothing from her wardrobe into the bag and zipped it up with a fierce finality. ‘Me and you? We were never going to work out anyway, were we? I thought I was happy with you, but beneath all of your charm and faux sincerity, you’re just a pathetic man who has no idea how a relationship works. I guess you just managed to pull the wool over my eyes pretty spectacularly. More fool me. Presents and gifts are nice, Neil, but it doesn’t all boil down to that. There’s trust and commitment and honesty. I couldn’t trust you ever again even if I wanted to, which I don’t by the way. And anyway, you can call your new girlfriend over. She can keep you company, right? Seeing as you have such a fabulous time together.’ Laurie grabbed her things, hoisted a bag onto each shoulder and hurried towards the door, hobbling slightly beneath the weight. Not exactly the determined stride she’d been hoping for but oh well. Just as she was about to step through the doorway, she glanced over her shoulder and fixed a panic-stricken Neil with a cold, hard stare. ‘Rather her than me.’ And with that, she left.
With her things in the boot, Laurie reversed out of the parking bay and edged out of the private car park, glancing left and right to ensure she didn’t cause any accidents. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She probably shouldn’t have even been at the wheel feeling the way she did, but with a few deep breaths, a couple of seconds of closed eyes and a moment of grounding herself in the here and now rather than suddenly panicking about the future, she eased out into the lane and set off. A cheap hotel room for two nights was what she needed, and it didn’t take her long at all to turn into a nearby hotel and switch off the engine. She paid for two nights, breakfast included, then stepped into the elevator with her belongings. The doors slid shut as the first tear rolled down her cheek. Not a tear for Neil nor for their broken relationship, but a tear for herself and the life she’d ended up living. Still, there was no time like the present to make a change. If Rosa’s death had taught her anything, it was that time was of the essence.
With Dolly’s Diner’s sixty-third anniversary coming up, Mia was busy trying to figure out how best to celebrate it. She couldn’t believe that the diner was nearly sixty-three years old for starters; it was crazy to think that it had been standing in place for such a long time. It had undergone a couple of refurbishments but Mia had ensured it hadn’t changed too much from its original layout and design. That was what people loved most about the place. Being in the diner felt like she and the customers had stepped back in time thanks to Grandma Dolly’s vision and keen eye for detail. Everywhere you looked there was something there to remind you that you were in a place like no other. The music that the jukebox played only added to the atmosphere and Mia couldn’t imagine herself working anywhere else.
Her protectiveness of the place had been cemented in her from a young age, and still firmly remained now. It stemmed from Grandma Dolly’s love for it, as well as her own. The diner was also the only thing which Mia had managed to succeed with in her life. She’d