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begin by building their kitchen FRANCE

      2 Those who sing worst, let them begin first ENGLAND

      3 Those that begin the play must continue it TURKEY

      4 When you eat a round cake, do you begin at the centre? NIGERIA

      5 When an old barn begins to burn, it is hard to put out NETHERLANDS

      6 Friday begun, never done USA

      7 Sooner begun, sooner done ENGLAND

      8 Charity begins at home ENGLAND

      9 The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names CHINA

      10 Applause is the beginning of abuse JAPAN

      11 In eating and scratching, everything is in the beginning COLOMBIA

      12 Fish begin to stink from the head ALBANIA

      13 If you know the beginning well, the end will not trouble you SENEGAL

      14 Meeting is the beginning of parting JAPAN

      15 It is the first shower that wets ITALY

      16 To read a book for the first time is to make the acquaintance of a new friend; to read it a second time is to meet an old one CHINA

      17 Those who make the first bad move always lose the game JAPAN

      18 The first blow does not hurt like the second ZANZIBAR

      19 The autumn chill is the first thing felt by a thin person CHINA

      20 If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging USA

      21 It is only the first bottle that is dear FRANCE

      22 The first stage of folly is to consider oneself wise BELGIUM

      23 Ideas start with ‘I’ USA

      24 The first thread is not part of the yarn IRELAND

      25 If you want an audience, start a fight CHINA

      26 One loose pebble can start a landslide USA

      27 When you sweep the stairs, you start at the top GERMANY

      28 It is not enough to run; one must start in time FRANCE

      29 When the fox starts preaching, look to the hens SPAIN: BASQUE

      30 When one starts the song too high it isn’t finished GERMANY

      31 Don’t start economizing when you are down to your last dollar USA

      32 New officials introduce strict measures CHINA

      33 Every cackling hen was an egg at first RWANDA AND BURUNDI

      34 Your liberty ends where my nose begins USA

      1 Never say ‘whoopee’ before you jump CANADA

      2 Before you go, think of your return BELGIUM

      3 Honour physicians before you have need of them ENGLAND

      4 The face came before the photograph USA

      5 The fruit must have a stem before it grows LIBERIA

      6 Open your mouth before you eat MAURITANIA

      7 Don’t holler before you’re hurt USA

      8 Don’t get off the merry-go-round before it stops USA

      9 Don’t get on the streetcar before it stops CANADA

      10 Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched ENGLAND

      11 A skunk smells its own hole first USA

      12 You have to learn to crawl before you can walk ENGLAND

      13 Fingers were made before forks ENGLAND

      14 Even the moon does not shine before it rises FINLAND

      15 Those who have free seats at a play hiss first CHINA

      16 The darkest hour is just before the dawn ENGLAND

      17 The one who strikes first, strikes twice BELGIUM

      18 Don’t take the antidote before the poison LATIN

      19 Don’t shout before the birch-rod falls LATVIA

      20 Look before you leap ENGLAND

      21 Before marrying live wildly for three years POLAND

      22 Before going to war say one prayer; before going to sea, two; before getting married, three POLAND

      23 All things are difficult before they are easy SPAIN

      24 Pride goes before a fall ENGLAND

      25 You have no wisdom if you go to sleep before you make your bed UGANDA

      26 First lay the egg, then cackle ESTONIA

      27 That which you would say to another, say to yourself first ESTONIA

      28 People are not trodden on unless they lie down first GERMANY

      29 The first in the boat has the choice of oars ENGLAND

      30 Warm a frozen serpent, and it will sting you first ARMENIA

      31 Sweep off your own back porch first USA

      32 Those who sing worst, let them begin first ENGLAND

      1 What’s the good of a spoon after the meal is over? LATVIA

      2 It ain’t over till the fat lady sings USA

      3 The game’s not over until the last man strikes out USA

      4 If they do not open after three knocks, do not wait POLAND

      5 The greatest love is mother-love; after that comes a dog’s love; and after that the love of a sweetheart POLAND

      6 Why feed a bullock after it is sold? INDIA

      7 It’s no good locking the stable door after the horse is stolen ENGLAND

      8 If power can be bought, then sell your mother to get it; you can always buy her back later GHANA

      9 Don’t quote your proverb until you bring your ship to port SCOTLAND

      10 Sell not your bearskin until you have the bear USA

      11 Don’t cross a bridge until you come to it ENGLAND5 PRESENT TENSEProverbs, being the expression of general truths, are usually

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