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| You are holy |
Gibran, Kahlil | Man’s purpose is to be happy |
| The nature of love |
| Speak to us of prayer |
Gregory of Nyssa | Seeing God |
Grellet, Stephen | Doing good today |
Hale, Matthew | Observing the Lord’s Day |
Henry, Matthew | Man’s equal |
| Seeing more of God |
Henson, Herbert Hensley | Christ’s ladder to heaven |
Herbert, George | Love bade me welcome |
| Trinity Sunday |
Hillyer, William Hurd | My Master’s face |
Hopkins, Gerard Manley | God’s grandeur |
Ignatius of Loyola, St | Putting love into practice |
| Serving God |
John XXIII, Pope | Dying well |
Jonson, Ben | Hymn to God the Father |
Julian of Norwich | All manner of thing shall be well |
| The Lord’s meaning |
| Pray anyway |
| Praying and trusting |
Kempis, Thomas à | Imitating Christ |
| Not reading, but doing |
| Rich in grace |
| Strengthen me, O God |
| We cannot avoid temptation |
Ken, Thomas | Glory to God the Trinity |
| Praise God, from whom all |
| blessings flow |
Kennedy, G A Studdert | When Jesus came to Birmingham |
Kierkegaard, Søren | Reading God’s word |
Kipling, Rudyard | If |
Kolbe, Maximilian | Be prepared for trials |
Latimer, Hugh | Latimer’s last words |
Lawrence, Brother | The presence of God |
Lewis, C S | The apologist’s evening prayer |
| Courage |
| The importance of Christianity |
| Listening to that other voice |
| Love is as hard as nails |
Lewis, H Elvet | Freedom from fear |
Lincoln, Abraham | God’s best gift |
Longfellow, Samuel | Keep us through winter |
Luther, Martin | Bless our meal |
| Comfort for bereaved parents |
| Conversion |
| God’s word |
| Wise men |
Manser, Martin | Easter Day |
| When you feel depressed |
Marshall, Peter | Slow us down |
Mason, John | The pearl of great price |
McCheyne, Robert Murray | Be of good cheer |
| The gift of the sun |
Merton, Thomas | Into the desert |
| A stolen book |
Meyer, F B | Confessing our helplessness |
Milner-White, Eric | Teach us to pray |
Moltmann, Jürgen | Friendship |
Moody, Dwight L | Three ways to look |
Morrison, Charles C | The church |
Mother Teresa | Love begins at home |
| Serving |
| Smile at someone |
Murray, Andrew | God’s glory revealed |
| Magnify God’s glory |
Nee, Watchman | God’s means of deliverance |
Newbigin, Lesslie | Understanding the gospel |
Newton, John | Amazing grace |
Niebuhr, Reinhold | Bound in this bundle of life |
Nightingale, Florence | Life is a hard fight |
Nolte, Dorothy Law | How children learn |
Nouwen, Henri | Caring friendship |
| A Christmas prayer |
Origen | Beyond our understanding |
| Necessary for understanding |
Owen, John | The work of the Spirit |
Packer, J I | God knows me |
Pascal, Blaise | Enlightenment faith |
| The God of Christians |
| Man is but a reed |
Paton, Alan | Prayer for peace |
| Stand up and be counted |
Patrick, St | For guidance |
| I arise today |
Penn, William | A Quaker prayer |
Pink, A W | Circumstances |
Polycarp | Polycarp’s prayer |
Quoist, Michel | Forgetting myself |
| I want to love |
| The telephone |
Raleigh, Walter | The service of God |
Romero, Oscar | God’s church will never perish |
Rossetti, Christina | Being fruitful again |
| Journeying in faith |
| Lord, seek us |
Ryle, J C | Humility |
| Thirst relieved |
Schweitzer, Albert | The soul |
Scotus, John Duns | Happy and peaceful |
Shaw, Gilbert | The Holy Spirit |
Shnorhali, Nerses | A morning prayer |
Smith, Hannah Whitall | God cannot fail |
Smith, Wilbur M | The resurrection of Christ |
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon | Beware anxiety |
| The Bible is a vein of pure gold |
| Live on the Lord Jesus |
Stevenson, Robert Louis | The best things |
Stott, John | Opening the door to Christ |
| The Word of God |
Stringfellow, William | No mere religion |
Sundar, Singh | Conversion to Christ |
Taylor, Jeremy | Christian humility |
| Different gifts |
| Following Jesus Christ |
Taylor, John Vernon | Love’s self-opening |
Temple, William | Resting-places |
Teresa of Avila | Friendship with God |
| Let nothing disturb thee |
Thompson, Francis | The hound of heaven |
Thurman, Howard | Peace of mind |
| What makes you come alive? |
| The work of Christmas |
Tournier, Paul | Conviction of sin |
Tozer, A W | Christ’s second coming |
| God speaks |
Trapp, John | Worldly foolishness |
Tucker, Alice | Church music |
Tutu, Desmond | Easter |
Tyndale, William | Trust in the favour of God |
| Tyndale’s last words |
Very, Jones | The prayer |
von Hügel, Friedrich | Persistence |
Washington, George | Observe good faith |
Watson, Thomas | Warm your hearts |
| The world in the heart |
Watts, Isaac | Christ has the keys |
| Joy to the world |
Weatherhead, Leslie | God of truth, deliver us |
Wesley, Charles | Christ, the Lord, is risen today |
| Vain repentance |
Wesley, John | Covenant with God |
| I felt my heart strangely warmed |
| Only sinners need forgiveness |
Wesley, Susanna | Loving God above all things |
Willis, Love Maria | Father, hear the prayer we offer |
Winslow, Octavius | The religion of joy |
Zwingli, Ulrich | Confidence in Christ |
Index of Bible References
Genesis 17:7–9 | A people for God |
Exodus 33:18–23 | Moses and the glory of the Lord |
Numbers 6:24–26 | A blessing |
1 Samuel 16:7 | God sees the heart |
1 Kings 19:9–12 | God speaks out of silence |
2 Chronicles 7:14 | The Lord’s promise to Solomon |
Psalm 1 | Delight in the Lord |
Psalm 8 | The majesty of the creator God |
Psalm 23 | The Lord is my shepherd |
Psalm 95:1–7 | Let us make a joyful noise |
Psalm 100 | Make a joyful noise |
Psalm 121 | Lord, you never sleep |
Psalm 127 | The blessings of home and children |
Psalm 139 | All-knowing God |
Proverbs 17:17 | At your side |
Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 | A time for everything |
Isaiah 41:10 | Do not fear |
Isaiah 53 | The suffering servant |
Matthew 5:3–12 | Blessed are they ... |
Matthew 6:25–34 | Do not worry |
Matthew 7:1–5 | Look to your own faults |
Matthew 7:7–8; 21:22 | Ask and you will receive |
Matthew 11:28–30 | My yoke is easy |
Mark 10:14–16 | Jesus blesses children |
Luke 1:46–55 | Mary’s song |
Luke 10:25–37 | The Good Samaritan |
John 3:1–8 | Being born again |
John 14:1–3 | The father’s dwelling-places |
Acts 9:1–19 | On the
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