Best Loved Prayers and Words of Wisdom. Martin Manser

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Best Loved Prayers and Words of Wisdom - Martin  Manser

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Martyrdom is a grace of God

       Mary said, my soul magnifies the Lord

      Mary’s song

       May God by whose will the world and all creation have their being

      May God shield us

       May the strength of God pilot us

       The meaning of the resurrection is a theological matter

       Meanwhile Saul, still breathing threats

       Meditate for as long as it takes

      Meek and lowly

      The miracle of the radish

      A morning prayer

      Moses and the glory of the Lord

       Moses said, ‘Show me your glory, I pray.’

       Most high, all-powerful, all good, Lord

      Motorist’s prayer

       My child, thou shalt remember him

      My colours

      My Master’s face

      My yoke is easy

      Nature acknowledges God

      The nature of love

      Necessary for understanding

      New heaven and new earth

      The new year

      No man is an island

      No mere religion

       No one is completely free of temptations

       No pictured likeness of my Lord

       Not in the royal city of Jerusalem

      Not reading, but doing

      Not to criticise

       Now, as the sun sets in the west

       Now there was a Pharisee

       O Almighty God, from whom every good prayer comes

       O come, let us sing to the L ORD

       O Father, give us the humility which

       O God, early in the morning I cry to you

       O God our Father, in the name of him who gave bread

       O God, who hast bound us together in this bundle of life

       O God, who hast prepared for them that love thee

       O Jesus, be the canoe that holds me in the sea of life

       O light, Creator of Light

      O little Bethlehem

       O Lord, how hard it is to accept your way

       O Lord, open my eyes

       O Lord, our heavenly Father,

       Almighty and everlasting God

       O Lord, our Sovereign

       O Lord, seek us, O Lord, find us

       O Lord, we beseech thee to maintain thy church

       O Lord, you have searched me and known me

       O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble servants

       O Lord our God and God of our fathers!

       O the depth of the riches and wisdom


      Observe good faith

       Observe the humble request Moses makes

      Observing the Lord’s Day

       Of all the marvellous and splendid things

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