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adj sunny, sunlit; serene

      arawd nf speech, oration

      arbed vb to spare, to save

      arbediad (-au) nm save, salvage

      arbedol adj sparing, saving

      arbedwr (-wyr) nm: arbedwr sgrin screen saver

      arbenigaeth nf expertise; specialisation

      arbenigo vb to specialise

      arbenigrwydd nm speciality, prominence

      arbenigwr (-wyr) nm specialist

      arbennig adj special

      arbrawf (arbrofion) nm experiment

      arbrofi vb to experiment

      arbrofol adj experimental

      Arctig nf: yr Arctig the Arctic

      arch1 (eirchion) nf request, petition; bidding

      arch2 (eirch) nf ark, coffin; trunk, waist

      archaeoleg nf archaeology

      archangel (-ylion) nm archangel

      archddiacon (-iaid) nm archdeacon

      archeb (-ion) nf order

      archebu vb to order

      archen nf shoe; clothing

      archenad nm shoe; clothing

      Archentaidd adj Argentinian

      archesgob (-ion) nm archbishop

      archesgobaeth (-au) nf archbishopric

      archfarchnad (-oedd) nf supermarket

      archiad nm bidding

      archif (-au) nfm archive

      archifdy (-dai) nm record office

      archifydd (-ion) nm archivist

      archoffeiriad (-iaid) nm high priest

      archoll (-ion) nf wound

      archolli vb to wound

      archwaeth nm taste, appetite

      archwaethu vb to taste, to savour

      archwiliad (-au) nm audit; checkup; inspection, examination; exploration

      archwilio vb to examine, to audit; to explore

      archwiliwr (-wyr) nm examiner, auditor; explorer

      ardal (-oedd) nf region, district

      ardalydd (-ion) nm marquis

      ardreth (-i) nf rent

      ardrethu vb to rent

      ardystiad (-au) nm pledge, attestation

      ardystio vb to pledge, to attest

      arddangos vb to show, to exhibit, to indicate

      arddangosfa (-feydd) nf show, exhibition

      arddegau npl teens

      arddegol adj teenage

      arddel vb to avow, to own

      arddeliad nm claim, avowal; unction

      ardderchog adj excellent, noble, splendid

      ardderchowgrwydd nm excellency

      arddodi vb to prefix; to impose

      arddodiad (-iaid) nm preposition

      arddu vb to plough

      arddull (-iau) nf style

      arddulleg nf stylistics

      ardduniant nm sublimity

      arddunol adj sublime

      arddwr (-wyr) nm ploughman

      arddwrn (-ddyrnau) nm wrist

      arddywediad (-au) nm dictation

      aredig vb to plough

      areitheg nf rhetoric

      areithio vb to speak, to make a speech

      areithiwr (-wyr) nm speaker, orator

      areithyddiaeth nf oratory; elocution

      arel nm laurel

      aren (-nau) nf kidney; (pl) reins

      arestio vb to arrest

      arf (-au) nmf weapon; (pl) arms; tool

      arfaeth (-au) nf purpose; decree


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