The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams. Theresa Cheung
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A shadow can be a sign of coming events or a shadow cast from the future, because you often see a person’s shadow before you see them. Bear in mind that the shadow or hidden part of your personality can express itself in many different guises in your dreams, although there is usually an air of disrepute, danger or negativity about the image.
urge or instinct that the attack is an attempt to have recognized.
If a dream attack leaves you feeling battered and bruised from the array of blow and kicks that rained down upon you, it is possible that your unconscious is trying to kick-start you into action. Is there something you need to do or have you been lazy recently? If your injuries are serious, however, this suggests deep emotional hurt. Try to identify who attacked you or stabbed you in the back, as this could help you with your interpretation. Try to recall also if any weapons were used, as weapons often have phallic or sexual associations. If blood is pouring out of your wounds, perhaps you are feeling drained of energy and vitality, or someone is sapping your strength.
Bad luck superstitions have been around for centuries and vary from culture to culture. Here are some of the most common in Western culture and their appearance in your dream may, depending on the context and mood of the dream, be a sign of misfortune or of the need to be cautious and consider all your options before moving ahead
Friday the thirteenth: The Scandinavians believed that the number thirteen was unlucky due to the twelve mythological demigods being joined by a thirteenth, an evil one, who brought misfortune upon humans. It was also said that Christ was crucified on Friday and the number of guests at the party of the Last Supper was thirteen, with the thirteenth guest being Judas, the traitor.
Walking under a ladder: A leaning ladder forms a triangle with the wall and ground. Triangles represent the Holy Trinity, and violating the Trinity by breaking it (walking through it) would put you in league with the Devil himself.
Black cats: Although sometimes thought to be a symbol of good luck (in ancient Egypt, the Goddess Bast was a black, female cat), during the Middle ages cats were thought to be demons in disguise and should thus be destroyed.
Spilling salt: Salt used to be an expensive commodity used mainly for medicinal purposes. For this reason, spillage was to be avoided at all costs. The idea that it is unlucky to do so probably stems from the belief that Judas spilt salt during the Last Supper.
Other superstitions associated with bad luck and misfortune include: A bat flying into the house. An owl hooting 3 times. 3 butterflies together. Looking at the new moon over your left shoulder. A 5-leaved clover. Breaking a glass whilst proposing a toast. Putting a shirt on inside out. Red and white flowers together. Hearing a rooster crow at night. Cutting your nails on a Friday. Putting a hat on a bed. Getting out of bed left foot first. Violets blooming out of season. A picture falling. Breaking a mirror. Singing before breakfast. Opening an umbrella indoors. Giving away a wedding present. Stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. An itch inside your nose. Crossed knives. Seeing an owl during daylight. Spilling pepper. Killing a sparrow. Black birds. Dropping a wedding ring. Breaking a plate, especially if it has not already been cracked. Mending a garment whilst wearing it. Signing contracts in the months of April, July or November. Spilling ink. Breaking a bottle. Fastening a button into the wrong buttonhole. A candle falling over. Stepping on board a ship with your left foot. Tripping over when you leave your house.
Dream symbols can have both positive and negative associations, but some dream symbols do tend to have more negative associations than positive and these include:
Acid: This suggests a corrosive, negative influence in your life. Adder: There may be a situation in which another person cannot be trusted. Atom bomb: Fear that someone else might destroy your happiness. Avalanche: A destructive force in your life. Bad: If you feel bad in your dream, this suggests that something is off balance in your waking life and that your environment is not positive for you. Barbed wire: Hurtful remarks are preventing you moving forward. Bed wetting: Anxieties over lack of control in your life. Behind: To be behind someone in your dream suggests that you feel inferior to them. Bite: Being bitten or biting someone is a symbol of aggression or hostility. Boar: Lust and gluttony. Brutality: The darker, more animalistic side of your nature. Burglar: Violation of personal space. Chain: Restriction. Choke: Inability to express yourself. Crooked line: Insincerity. Devil: Personification of the evil side of yourself. Dirty: Not at ease with your body, or lack of trust in someone or something. Drowning: Feeling overwhelmed. Earthquake: Emotional upheaval. Empty and failure: Lack of energy and enthusiasm. Falling: Lack of confidence. Gall: Feelings of bitterness. Hole: A difficult or tricky situation; can also suggest emptiness. Hood: Deceit. Ice: Frozen emotions. Immobility: Feeling stuck. Leak: Losing energy. Leper: Feeling inferior or unworthy. Maggots: Impurities that can eat away at you; fears of death and illness. Mantis: Something devious within your life. Marsh: Feeling held back or bogged down. Mist: Emotional confusion. Noose: Fear of being trapped. Obscenity: lower aspects of the self. Parasites: Someone is attempting to live off your energy. Poverty: Feelin g deprived of the ability to satisfy your basic needs. Pus: Something which is festering and has gone bad in your life. Sadism: Desire to cause harm to yourself or others. Scar: Old hurts that have not been dealt with. Sick: Bad feelings you need to get rid of. Tar: Emotions have become contaminated. Torture: Trying to come to terms with a great hurt. Traitor: An aspect of yourself that is letting you down. Trespassing: Intruding on someone else’s personal space; lack of healthy boundaries. Unemployment: Not making the best use of your talents. Vampire: Fear of the unknown and negative energy. War: Conflict. Winter: Time in your life which is unfruitful. Wound: Hurt feelings or emotions. X: An error or something of which you need to take notice. Yawn: Boredom, but also a warning against aggression or abuse.
What sets birds apart is their ability to fly and escape the boundaries and limitations of earth.
For this reason, they are a universal symbol of transformation and the progress towards wholeness and harmony. Their association with the element of air—itself associated with aspirations and ideals—means they have also become a symbol of high-flying ambition and the quest for enlightenment. In Greek mythology, birds are often messengers of the gods, so in psychological terms they show that the unconscious is offering you wisdom and insight. Birds can take a bird’s-eye view of the world and are therefore