The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft. Kate West

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The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft - Kate  West

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beliefs. But it is more than just a place to work. Its creation actually contributes directly to the actions which take place within it, as well as having specific purposes connected to the working of magic. It provides a protected area for all magical workings, where other, possibly negative energies, or just distractions, cannot enter. It contains the magical energy we raise to make the magic work, until the time when we release it to send it to its destination. Above all, it actually brings together the five Elements in such a way that we can add their energies from around us to those that we bring from within ourselves.


       Whether you are one person working alone, or a group, it is worth learning how to create the Sacred Space in a fairly formal way first, in order to understand how it works. First, an area, whether indoors or out, needs to be cleared, so that you can easily move around in it. It need not be large, but should have enough space to comfortably fit the person or people working within it, as well as any tools and equipment they may want or need to use. The traditional Circle is nine feet in diameter, but you may not have the luxury of that much room. The space will usually contain an Altar, which may be simply a table or surface onto which you put the things you will be using. If you are working indoors, this will include items to represent each of the Elements; incense for Air, a candle for Fire, a dish of water for Water and salt for Earth. The Goddess and the God may be represented by images, candles or other items. Visual links of this kind are more important in group working than they are when you work on your own, as everyone has to be focused on the same thing at the same time. If you are working magic which is going to centre around candles, a talisman or other physical objects, then these too should be on the Altar so that you do not later need to leave the Sacred Space to fetch anything. First, stand in the East of your area, facing the East, and holding firmly in your mind the image of Air that you developed earlier, call on the Element saying:

      ‘I call upon the Element of Air, to join with me here in the Circle.’ When you can actually feel the presence of Air, say: ‘Blessed Be.’

       Now move to the South of the area and repeat the process and words for the Element of Fire. In the West call upon Water, and in the North call upon Earth. In many groups the words will be accompanied by drawing the invoking pentagram, the five-pointed star, of each Element in the Air. Remain facing the North and call upon the Goddess and the God saying:

       ‘I do call upon the Goddess and the God to join with me in these my Rites.’

       Visualize them coming from the North to be with you and when you feel their presence say:

       ‘Blessed Be.’

       If you have preferred deity forms then you can name and visualize these; there is more on this later in the book. Lastly, move to the North-East of the Circle and with the forefinger of your strong hand draw a circle in the air around the outer boundary of the Circle. As you do so, visualize an electric blue light creating a circle which becomes a sphere containing the whole circle, and say:

       ‘I do cast this Circle as a place of containment and protection. A place between the worlds and a time outside of time.’

       Make sure that you overlap the start and finish points of the circle and then say:

       ‘Blessed Be.’

       Note that you should always move Deosil; that is clockwise, when creating and working in the Circle.

      Your Sacred Space is now complete and ready for you to perform whichever magical action you need. Usually, this will include raising energy, the spell or magic, and celebrating the Rite of Wine and Cakes, all of which are covered later in this book. At the end of magical working you then need to dismiss the Elements and thank the Goddess and the God.

       Again, start in the East of your area, facing the East, and holding firmly in your mind the image of Air that you developed earlier, call on the Element saying:

       ‘I give thanks to the Element of Air, for joining with me here in the Circle. Hale and farewell.’

       Let the image fade in the way you practised earlier, and when you feel it has departed, say:

       ‘Blessed Be.’

       Now move to the South of the area and repeat the process and words for the Element of Fire. In the West dismiss Water, and in the North, Earth. In many groups the words will be accompanied by drawing the banishing pentagram of each Element. Remain facing the North and call upon the Goddess and the God, saying:

       ‘I give thanks to the Goddess and the God for being present here with me in these my Rites. Hale and farewell.’

       Visualize them returning to the North and say:

       ‘Blessed Be.’

       Lastly, move to the North-East of the Circle and with the forefinger of your strong hand draw a circle in the air around the outer boundary of the Circle. This time visualize the electric blue sphere fading and dissipating, and say:

       ‘I remove this Circle and return this place as it was before.’

       Make sure that you overlap the start and finish points of the circle and then say:

       ‘Blessed Be.’

       You can also return the area, perhaps replacing furniture and so on, to its original state. Lastly, have something to eat and drink to ground yourself, and write up your journal, leaving space for any outcomes to be added later.

      Learning and practising this way of creating, and later removing, the Sacred Space is a good way of finding out how it feels, even though you may choose to use a less formal way for most of your magical working. Obviously, not all spells can wait until you have the time and space for a formal circle. Sometimes you may have an urgent need to work magic when you are not at home, or alone, and you can hardly start clearing an area and reciting invocations in a busy public place! On these occasions you can work completely within your head, summoning each Element, inviting the Goddess and the God, and drawing the Circle, all without moving or speaking aloud. There is more on this later.


       Practise formal invocations of the Elements. Remember to banish each, every time you call upon it, even if you do not think you were successful. You do not want even traces of Elemental energies hanging around. I have heard of cases when an Element has not been banished, resulting in burst pipes or an overflowing bath (Water), or electrical faults (Fire), and so on. Alongside this, practise bringing forward only your internal images of them, so that you can compare the way both forms of invocation

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