Second Chance At The Ranch. Maxine Morrey

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Second Chance At The Ranch - Maxine  Morrey

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‘God, no!’

      ‘Then what’s the problem?’

      ‘I just – you deserve a better proposal than in the middle of a paddock on a lumpy old rug.’

      Juliet smiled and raised her eyebrows. ‘Actually, I think it’s pretty much perfect.’

      Pete recognised the smile and pulled her closer still.

      ‘Is that so?’

      ‘Very much so.’

      Pete dipped his head, brushing the warm, soft lips of his fiancée as her fingers began working quickly at the buttons on his shirt.


      ‘Here we are,’ Pete announced as they pulled into the long driveway. A sign told them that they had reached ‘Hill Station’.

      Hero peered through the dusty windows of the vehicle and looked around. ‘Where’s the hill?’


      ‘The sign said “Hill Station”, but there’s no … hill.’ She tailed off, suddenly feeling stupid for voicing the question.

      Pete smiled at her in the mirror. ‘You’d be amazed at how many people don’t even notice that.’

      ‘Really?’ Hero asked.

      Pete’s eyes flicked back up to the mirror and in that second, he saw everything he needed to. Under that apparently confident exterior was the girl his fiancée adored. For a split second, he saw through the mask, heard the hint of real pleasure in her voice at his compliment. Pete glanced back again but the childlike glint of delight had gone.

      ‘The name’s kind of a joke. My parents are Jack and Gillian. When they took over the station, it didn’t have a great reputation so they wanted to change the name, do away with the stigma. One night in the pub, some bright spark said something about Jack and Jill going up the hill, and it kind of stuck.’

      Hero was peering out through the dusty glass of the window as the evening sun lowered itself behind the horizon, making way for dusk to wind its way over the land.

      ‘Jack and Gill went up the hill,’ she said softly, smiling.

      Juliet cast a glance at her sister and then at Pete. He met her eyes and smiled, with an almost imperceptible nod. She smiled back and released the breath she didn’t even know she’d been holding. The two people she adored most in this world were right here and she hadn’t realised how anxious she had been for their meeting to go well until that moment. But her fiancé’s gesture told her all she needed to know.

      Nick Webster watched the visitor exit the 4x4, her movements fluid. She stood for a moment and looked about her as his brother moved to the rear of the vehicle to deal with the luggage. Nick’s grooming of the mare’s coat slowed as he studied their guest. She was certainly taller than her sister and undeniably beautiful. Pete had mentioned something about her being some hotshot in the modelling world. Nick had let the comment roll off. Fame didn’t impress Nick. People impressed him – what they did, not who they were. The brush came to a stop and Nick felt a nudge on his shoulder from the mare.

      ‘Yeah, yeah. All right,’ he soothed, taking up the motion again, his eyes never leaving the new arrival.

      Juliet was showing Hero the land, pointing in various directions. Nick watched the weak remnants of the evening sun catch subtle highlights in the sleek, swinging sheet of hair. They were looking towards the west now, gazing at the low fire of the setting sun. Long, elegant fingers reached up and dropped sunglasses down in front of her eyes, freeing the hair they had secured. As he watched, she reached into the bag swinging off her lower arm and pulled out a mobile phone. Nick’s mouth twitched in a smile.

      ‘Good luck with getting a signal on that,’ he said under his breath.

       Chapter 3

      The two women walked towards the house. Juliet’s words carried gently on the same breeze that ruffled Nick’s shirt and hair and he smiled at the excitement in her voice. From the corner of his eye, he saw his parents emerge from the coolness of the house and step out on the verandah to meet their new guest. His mother hurried towards the two, followed at a more leisurely pace by his father. Pete had now re-joined them after retrieving the luggage from the car. Nick watched as Juliet’s sister pushed her sunglasses back up onto her head and held out her hand. His mother took it, and then swept her into a huge hug. The visitor had her back to Nick, so her reaction to his mother’s normal, effusive display of emotion couldn’t be seen by him but he saw Juliet subtly take her sister’s hand and squeeze it.

      Jack was now introduced. He was a man not given to overt shows of emotion, but he shook the young woman’s hand and smiled as she said something. Nick blinked in surprise, watching as his father placed his other hand on top of their linked ones for a moment and, smiling, spoke some more to the new arrival. For Jack, that action was the equivalent of a massive hug.

      ‘Guess she has a way of making people think she’s something pretty special, eh girl?’

      The mare bumped Nick’s shoulder and rubbed her nose up and down, causing him to stagger a little.

      ‘Oi. I’m not your scratching post,’ he laughed, moving away.

      ‘Well, that’s all of us, except Joe and Nick. Joe’s still out with his dad at the moment but Nick should be around …’ Gill’s words drifted off as she scanned the surroundings for her youngest son.

      ‘There he is.’ Gill spotted him. ‘Nick!’ She hollered across the yard.

      Nick poked his head around the mare’s neck and saw his mum waving him in energetically. He raised a hand in acknowledgement and gave the mare a final check before leading her back towards the stable block.

      Gill was just pouring out the tea as he entered the kitchen. The others were all seated at the worn pine table that made up the heart of the kitchen. Nick walked straight to the sink and began washing his hands.

      ‘Tea, love?’


      Gill topped off the final mug as she announced Nick’s arrival. ‘And this is Nick, our youngest.’

      Nick turned around to find himself looking into vibrant green cat-like eyes. They were the same as Juliet’s but different. Under the blonde bobbing curls, Juliet’s sparkled with mischief, whilst her sister’s, framed by the sheet of dark glossy hair, had an intensity that made him catch his breath.

      ‘Nick, this is Hero, Juliet’s sister.’

      ‘Pleased to meet you.’ Her voice was soft, and the accent crisp.

      Nick shook her hand and smiled. ‘G’day.’

      Hero held his gaze for a moment. There was a flicker of a smile before she dropped her eyes. Nick cast a private glance at Pete whose brief nod in return told him everything was good.

      Nick wished he could be as sure as his brother. Something about Hero Scott already

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