The Allotment Book. Andi Clevely
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None of these methods has a monopoly on success, nor are they mutually exclusive, and the basic mechanics of sowing, planting, tending and harvesting remain broadly the same whichever you choose. In the end your own inclination and personal conviction through good results will help you decide which and how many of these methods feels right for managing your allotment.
ORGANIC GARDENING Many plot-holders first choose to grow their own because they want top-quality fresh food produced in a way they approve, which often means organically. But there is more to organic gardening than simply giving up artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Replacing these inorganic inputs involves following a different cultural routine more in harmony with natural cycles and environmental susceptibilities.
Possibly the most fundamental principle is to feed the soil rather than the plant, using organic materials, such as compost and manure (see pages 116–19), that encourage soil organisms to flourish and make nutrients available to plants. It is even possible to abandon animal manures if you prefer, and concentrate instead on garden compost, leafmould (see page 208), plant-based fertilizers and green manures (see page 119) as sources of fertility.
Controlling problems involves a range of precautions and treatments (often termed ‘integrated pest management’) rather than simply reaching for a specific spray. Efficient crop rotation (see pages 32–5) is one sound method. This can be combined with using resistant plants sown at times when pests are less prevalent, encouraging natural predators and companion plants (see page 35), and keeping the plot tidy and well maintained.
A plot that has been maintained with inorganic fertilizers and chemical treatments can often show signs of an impoverished soil structure and a dependence on supplementary feeding. Improving and feeding the soil will have long-term benefits, whether you choose to grow organically or continue to use chemical inputs. Growing fully organic crops on it immediately may, at first, lead to depressed yields, especially while it is difficult to produce or acquire enough compost and manure. Also, pest and disease problems can escalate when plants are not sufficiently vigorous to withstand attacks. If you decide to garden organically, you may prefer to adopt a gradualist approach and compromise, using chemical treatments at least for the first two to three seasons while the new routine is established.
You can respond to particular pests and diseases with treatments of low toxicity or short persistence, or try to avoid them with traps, barriers and deterrents. Instead of using herbicides, you can manage weeds by mulching, hoeing, hand-weeding, spacing the crops in such a way that denies weeds light, and minimal cultivation to avoid germinating weed seeds.
The result is produce that may taste better – but this is also affected by other cultural factors such as variety, season or the amount of watering – and that will certainly be free from any chemical residues. The soil will be nurtured rather than exploited, abused or simply taken for granted; wildlife is respected and encouraged; and you will have avoided waste by recycling compostable materials and returning them to the soil.
Some find biodynamics slightly esoteric or metaphysical, but this gardening philosophy has had a strong following ever since the 1920s, when Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian philosopher and agricultural expert, first outlined his rules for rescuing soil fertility from over-intensive cropping and chemicals.
The approach is essentially holistic as well as organic, acknowledging the effects of natural rhythms and cycles on growth and following principles that restore the vitality as well as fertility lost when ground is cultivated and crops harvested. Biodynamics embraces organic and ecologically sound gardening methods, but it goes further than that: feeding the soil is not considered sufficient because the earth itself needs healing from past abuses.
Remedies for this include treating the land with special herbal tonics, and gardening in tune with all the influences that can possibly affect plant growth – these range from street lighting and water quality to planetary aspects and phases of the moon. Followers accept that some of these beliefs defy current scientific knowledge, but suggest that proof lies in the pudding – pragmatic trials seem to work, even if the reasons for the results are unknown.
Key elements when exploring this approach include making compost the biodynamic way, with special therapeutic preparations and a planting calendar, which uses the positions of the planets to find the ideal times for sowing or harvesting. It also involves becoming aware of the unique character of your plot, so that you gradually develop a full understanding of the land and an intuitive sense of what it needs to boost the vitality and abundance of its produce.
FOREST GARDENING A natural forest or wood has a layered structure that allows all kinds of plants to grow together and share resources such as light, water and fertility. Forest gardening imitates this by arranging edible plants in a series of tiers. The highest is a canopy of fruit trees like plums and apples, which are pruned to admit plenty of light to plants below. Under this is a shrub layer of shade-tolerant soft fruit bushes, such as gooseberries or redcurrants, surrounded by perennial herbs and vegetables at ground level; climbers filter through from the ground to the top tier.
Total productivity from the plot is high because plants of different habit and height can fit around each other to make the most of available resources. And the diversity of crops shares fertility efficiently by feeding at different levels; it also discourages specific pests and diseases from taking hold. Beneficial plants such as legumes and comfrey are included to supply minerals and nutrients to their neighbours; others are planted to attract both insect predators and pollinating insects.
The majority of plants are either perennial or self-seeding annuals, which makes digging almost unnecessary, although some cultivated patches can be integrated for growing extra crops like annual roots or runner beans to climb into the tree layer. A few open areas can be left for sun-loving vegetables and herbs. The whole garden is kept heavily mulched to control water loss and most weeds, so maintenance consists chiefly of clipping or pulling up invasive species or the odd weed.
PERMACULTURE This is an ethical design system that attempts to minimize our environmental impact by planning a sustainable and ecologically sound lifestyle, including the way in which we grow our food. Permaculture gardening draws together many ideas from other philosophies, such as no-dig practices (see page 36), the edible perennials of forest gardening, most of the established organic principles, and the ornamental aims of the French potager and the North American ‘edible landscape’ movement.
Forest gardening depends heavily on perennial crops, but even under conventional methods of management there are some popular perennial vegetables that can be fitted into the allotment’s layout where they can grow undisturbed for five years or more. Asparagus is best allocated a bed to itself, although the attractive fern will blend with perennial flowers in an integrated border; globe artichokes, rhubarb and Welsh onions could be included, too. Perennial cauliflowers, good king henry and salad dandelions are less appealing and would be better in a separate corner. Clean the ground well before planting, feed or mulch annually to sustain growth, and replant the crops on fresh ground when they need renewal. Check regularly for pests and diseases that might