The Complete Rob Bell: His Seven Bestselling Books, All in One Place. Rob Bell

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The Complete Rob Bell: His Seven Bestselling Books, All in One Place - Rob  Bell

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It would be a sin to abuse creation and distort it and rape it and exploit it, but it would also be a sin to do nothing with it. Because doing nothing with it would essentially be saying to God, “You have made nothing of interest to me.”7

      So the issue of eating the fruit then is far bigger than Adam and Eve simply disobeying God. They are throwing off the whole deal. God made this magnificent world with endless possibilities of creativity and beauty and meaning, and they miss it. They decide to steer the thing in a different direction. A direction of their choosing.

      God has given us power and potential and ability. God has given this power to us so we will use it well. We have choices about how we are going to use our power. The choices of the first people were so toxic because they were placed in the middle of a complex web of interaction and relationships with the world God had made. When they sinned, their actions threw off the balance of everything.




      This is how the Bible starts.

      Unlimited potential.

      Unbelievable promise and possibility.

      And then fracturing, splintering, chaos.

      Moving Forward

      Jesus uses an important word here: renewal.

      Jesus describes his return as a rebirth, a regeneration, a renewal.

      Remember, when God made the world, he called it good. Why would God destroy something he thinks is good?

      In Jesus, God is putting it all back together.

      To make the cross of Jesus just about human salvation is to miss that God is interested in the saving of everything. Every star and rock and bird. All things.

      And God isn’t just interested in reclaiming his original dream for creation; he wants to take it further. Imagine if you took all the sin and death out of the Bible. You would be left with a short book. It would have four chapters to be exact: Genesis 1 and 2; Revelation 21 and 22. In Genesis 1 and 2, we are told of a garden, but in Revelation 21 and 22, we are told of a city. A city is more advanced, more complicated than a garden. If a garden is developed and managed and cared for, it is eventually going to turn into a city. If there was no sin or death, creation would still move forward because God doesn’t just want to reclaim things; God wants to see them move forward.

      A New Culture

      Being a citizen of the Roman Empire was significant. It was membership in the most powerful kingdom ever. All of society, for that matter, was ranked and ordered. Roman citizens were higher status than non-Roman citizens. Men were ranked higher than women. Slave owners and those who were free were ranked above slaves, who were seen as property to be owned. And then there were the masses—the majority of the population who weren’t the elite, ruling class. Everybody had their place in society.

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