The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift. Nic Tatano
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“Don’t worry, this one’s pretty cut and dried. We might not even have to go to court if I can get a decent settlement offer. Would that interest you?”
“Depends on the offer, but I’ll listen to anything. And of course, defer to your advice.”
“Well, remember, I work for you. I can offer advice but any final decision will be yours. If something doesn’t feel right, tell me. Anyway, I’ll get things filed shortly and then we’ll see who we’re up against.”
“I know who we’re up against, and he has deep pockets.”
“I meant the lawyer. But I’m gonna pick the defendant’s pockets.”
Spencer’s eyes narrowed as tossed his pen on the stack of papers. “I can’t wait to get this guy on the stand and rip his throat out.”
Ariel reached across the desk and patted his hand. “Someone’s inner shark gets cranky when he doesn’t eat.”
“Sorry, I will not lose this case. But you’re right, I’m starving. You wanna go get some dinner or order in?”
Ariel pulled out her cell phone. “I’ll order some Chinese. If we go out to a restaurant we’ll get too relaxed and then we won’t get home till midnight. It’ll set us back two hours.”
“Then again if you get Chinese I’ll want a nap. Get something from the Italian place.” He reached under his desk, grabbed a bag, got up and moved to the bookcase, then pulled a bag of cat treats from the bag and shook it.
“What have you got there, cat food? What are you doing?”
“Playing Pavlov and the cat. Seeing if our furry friend wants to come visit.”
Ariel laughed. “You are too funny. Six hundred dollar an hour attorney trying to lure someone else’s cat through an air vent. I should take a picture of this and write it up for the law review.”
“The cat’s owner might sue us if you make it public.”
“As you said, catnapping.” He shook the bag again, then stopped to listen. “I think I hear something.”
“Yeah, but it might be a rat.”
“If it is a rat, the cat will get it.”
Ariel looked up and sure enough, the tuxedo cat emerged from behind the bookcase. “No one would believe this.”
Spencer shook some treats into his hand and held it out. The cat quickly gobbled them up, then nuzzled his arm. “Hey there kitty, how was your day? You want a few more?”
“Y’know, that cat is going to get fat enjoying the smorgasbord between you and her owner, who has no idea someone else is feeding her.”
“I’m just giving her a few treats, that’s all.”
“Right, that’s how it starts.” She noted the pure joy in his face as he fed the cat. “And I cannot believe you’re actually sacrificing part of a billable hour to spend time with a cat.”
“It’s just a little while.”
Ariel looked at the clock and leaned back in her chair. “Spence, speaking of time, what the hell are we doing here still working after nine o’clock?”
“We’ve got a lot to do.”
“Not what I meant. We don’t need to kill ourselves anymore. And frankly, I’m sick of eating dinner out of a Styrofoam container or a pizza box at my desk. Listen to me for a minute. Look, you left the District Attorney’s office and I quit the pro bono world of Legal Aid to start this firm so you could make enough to take care of your father. But you got him the expensive medical care, he’s cured, you even bought him a house, he’s retired and happy… I mean, we make a ton of money working normal hours. Why are you still in that mindset that we have to take every client who walks in the door and need every dollar we can possibly make?”
“Because it could happen again.”
“Your dad is fine and you got him the best health insurance money could buy. And the doctor told you his illness was a one-in-ten-million thing.”
“One of us could get sick.”
“And we’re both covered by the same insurance. Besides, I’d always take care of you and you’d do the same for me.” She sat back and looked at him. “Have you forgotten why you wanted to be a lawyer and why we took the first jobs that we did?”
He slowly nodded but didn’t respond as he kept petting the cat.
“Y’know, Spence, that cat makes you look like your old self.”
“Relaxed and happy. You’ve got that same look you used to have when you helped the good guys win at the DA’s office. Can you honestly say the people we’re representing in this case are the good guys? Would you even want to be in the same room with them if they weren’t clients?”
“Not really. To be honest, I can’t stand them personally.”
“Hell, I feel like I need a shower every time they come by. Spence, this kind of work is making us a lot of money, but we’re not really making the world a better place. And I know that’s why you became a lawyer.”
He looked back at the cat. “I guess I’ve kinda gotten away from what I used to believe.”
“You still believe it. Money, and the people you help with it, is just clouding your memory.” She pointed at the cat. “While your furry friend there is a perfect example of what makes you happy. Yesterday you said you’ve been meaning to get a pet. That means taking the time to be with it. Time away from this office. You can’t just get a cat and leave it alone in your apartment all day. When you adopt a pet you make a commitment to be part of its life. It’s not an accessory. It’s a living creature that needs love and attention. And if we don’t slow down you won’t have the time. But if we do then you’ll be able to enjoy the unconditional love of a cat.”
He turned to look at her. “I’m sorry, Ariel, but once you go through something like my dad’s situation—”
“I know and I understand. You’re terrified it could happen again. But you can’t go through life worried about what might lie ahead. Take some time to smell the roses. Or play with a cat. You make a lot of money, so it’s time you started enjoying it. Even your dad says you work too hard. Hell, you haven’t taken a vacation in three years.”
He exhaled and nodded a bit as he scratched the cat’s head. “I guess we could…scale things back.”
“Good. Let’s start by not taking any more clients and that will take things off our plate by attrition.”
“Sure. No new clients.”
“And even better…let’s send a few clients to some other firms and add a few pro bono cases to replace