What on Earth is Going On?: A Crash Course in Current Affairs. Arthur House

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What on Earth is Going On?: A Crash Course in Current Affairs - Arthur House

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2001 and deployed under the approval of the UN Security Council. Led by NATO since 2003, this now consists of over 58,000 troops from 42 different countries, of which 26,000 are American and 8,000 British. The coalition also began training a new Afghan National Army to help fight the insurgents, which by mid-2009 numbered 86,000.

      How successful have the coalition forces been?

      Although eight years have passed since the US/ISAF invasion, bin Laden is still alive and al-Qaeda are functioning to some extent in the tribal areas beyond the Pakistan border, where multiple Islamist groups have made their bases and training camps. Despite being ousted from power in 2001, the Taleban regrouped and fought back with a new insurgency from 2003-5 which was particularly prevalent in their heartland, namely the southern provinces of Helmand and Kandahar as well as central Oruzgan. Having emerged as a distinctly Afghan movement, the Taleban’s ranks have swelled in the last few years due to Pakistani recruits joining the cause in the name of jihad (see Islam). Although the Taleban forces are estimated at only 10,000, their guerrilla tactics (and terrorist methods including suicide bombing) are extremely hard for conventional armies to counter, and the coalition forces face similar difficulties to those experienced by the Soviet army in the 1980s. Their success will depend not on military victories but on winning the ‘hearts and minds’ of the people, stamping out heroin production (the Taleban briefly banned poppy cultivation in 2000 but since the 2001 invasion it has been their main source of funding), and co-operating with Pakistan to rid its tribal areas of Taleban, al-Qaeda and other Islamist militant groups.

      In March 2009 Barack Obama laid out his plans for a ‘comprehensive strategy’ for Afghanistan and Pakistan. This involved establishing a ‘trilateral dialogue’ between the US and these two countries, sending in more troops in the short term to root out ‘high-level terrorist targets’, and channelling financial and infrastructural resources to the area that had previously been going to Iraq. Obama’s policy is a hybrid of focused counter-terrorism and broader counter-insurgency, and some commentators doubt its ability to achieve both aims.

      What other problems face Afghanistan?

      A ruined economy and infrastructure, a weak government, an unpopular president, a corrupt police force, widespread human rights abuses (particularly against women and girls) and a poor education system.

      ‘We’ll smoke ‘em out of their holes.’

      GEORGE W. BUSH, 15 September 2001

      ‘We are not in Afghanistan to control that country or to dictate its future. We are in Afghanistan to confront a common enemy that threatens the United States, our friends and allies, and the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan who have suffered the most at the hands of violent extremists.’

      BARACK OBAMA, 27 March 2009


      What is aid?

      Aid (also called international aid or foreign aid) is the voluntary transfer of resources from one country to another. Aid may be bilateral, given directly from one country to another, or multilateral, dispensed via international organisations such as the World Bank, IMF (see World Bank/IMF) and European Development Fund, or via charities or NGOs (non-governmental organisations) such as Oxfam, ActionAid or Médecins Sans Frontières. Most types of aid fall into two categories: humanitarian aid and development aid.

      What is humanitarian aid?

      This is emergency aid supplied to alleviate suffering in the immediate aftermath of a war or a natural disaster. It often involves the provision of food, medicine, transport, temporary housing (e.g. refugee camps) and logistical support (management of the flow of supplies and information).

      What is development aid?

      Development aid (or development assistance) is a much bigger sector than humanitarian aid, requiring far more money, as it focuses on helping extremely poor countries develop economically and socially in the long term. This can involve improving infrastructure, building schools and medical centres, providing clean water supplies, tackling the effects of climate change in vulnerable countries (see Climate Change), enabling access to anti-retroviral drugs, setting up microfinance initiatives (see Microfinance), providing financial grants, loans, or debt forgiveness grants, and donating skills and expertise in many different areas. In the long run, development schemes aim to help poor countries become self-sufficient, well governed, safe and economically prosperous.

      Which countries supply the most aid?

      The world’s principal aid donors are the 22 rich DAC (Development Assistance Committee) states of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Of these, the USA, Germany, France and UK give the most aid in real terms, but as a percentage of Gross National Product (GNP) they give less than the 0.7% demanded by the UN in order to meet the Millennium Development Goals. In fact, most DAC countries are lagging behind on an average of 0.47% of GNP—the only countries doing better than the 0.7% target, and therefore the most generous donors in relative terms, are Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands. In 2005, wealthy countries pledged to step up their aid donations at the G8 summit at Gleneagles, and also agreed to write off US$40 billion worth of debt owed by 18 HIPC (Highly Indebted Poor Countries) to the World Bank, IMF and African Development Fund. Since then the UK has made good on its commitments to increase aid, and this looks set to continue despite the economic crisis, with Alistair Darling’s 2009 Budget pledging to deliver 0.6% of GNP by 2010-11 and reach the UN target of 0.7% in 2013.

      What are the Millennium Development Goals?

      These are a set of eight international development goals to be met by 2015 which grew out of the United Nations Millennium Declaration signed in September 2000. All 192 UN member countries and over 23 international organisations agreed to meet these ambitious goals, which were: eradicating extreme poverty and hunger (halving the number of people that live on less than a dollar a day); ensuring all children receive primary education; eliminating gender disparity at all educational levels; reducing by two-thirds the mortality rate of children under five; improving maternal health; halting and reversing the spread of AIDS, malaria and other diseases (and ensuring universal access to AIDS treatment by 2010); ensuring environmental sustainability and establishing a global partnership for development. Progress towards meeting these goals has been steady in Asia and South America, but sub-Saharan Africa is falling well short and some of its countries are unlikely to meet any of them. Despite a falling number of armed conflicts, Africa is still rife with disease, poverty and weak governance and remains the biggest focus and challenge for development programmes today.

      How does the UK government spend its aid budget?

      This is handled by DFID (the Department for International Development), a branch of the government with its own Secretary of State (currently Douglas Alexander MP). In 2007/8, 57% of DFID’s programme was spent on bilateral aid, both development and humanitarian—the largest recipients of bilateral development assistance were India, Ethiopia and Tanzania, whereas the largest humanitarian aid channels were to the Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq (see Darfur, Congo and Iraq); roughly 10% of bilateral assistance went to UK Civil Society Organisations such as the British Red Cross, VSO

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