Den of Shadows Collection: Lose yourself in the fantasy, mystery, and intrigue of this stand out trilogy. Christopher Byford

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Den of Shadows Collection: Lose yourself in the fantasy, mystery, and intrigue of this stand out trilogy - Christopher  Byford

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back. From behind Jacques, Donovan tilted his chair back on two legs and winked playfully, threateningly.

      ‘Everything will be all right,’ she uttered.

      * * *

      With the Gambler’s Den being the focus for the residents, and the considerable police presence that was on the streets, Wyld found it easier to move undetected in the city. Strange, she mused, that so many constables would be sent to observe the evening’s entertainment. Did they expect a riot to break out, or for the patrons to form some unruly mob? Bizarre.

      Still, with the streets empty, it made moving through the city, out into the shantytowns, all the easier. The directions that Muddick provided were, sadly, somewhat sketchy. They reeked of generality. Entire roads were missing from the crude drawings, scrawled down with aged hands. Thankfully they were not so bad that she totally missed the intended location.

      It was detailed with a large cross in the middle of a plot of land. She found it in the darkness, a chain-link fence running around a circumference of scrubland – a space undisturbed by the increase in makeshift housing. Nothing hinted at its presence but the Vault was here, hidden inside an inconspicuous two-storey structure, waiting to be plundered.

       Chapter Seven

      Slow Decisions

      Franco sifted through invites that had been delivered that morning over a cup of strong black coffee. Most of the envelopes were slit open, scanned, and placed in catalogued piles, though almost all were likely to be rejected. A good number were invitations to social events, sudden parties by popular folk keen to get someone so elusive and debonair at their function. Celebration this, party that. All of them were superficial nonsense for the wealthy.

      A handful of requests were for Franco to be a potential suitor for daughters – the girls to be introduced with utmost urgency. Each approach was charming, formal of course, and besieged with compliments that were ultimately meaningless. None of these merited consideration in the slightest, even when skimming through the occasionally accompanying photo. Each piece of mail was devoid of value, with exception of the one he tucked into his jacket pocket.

      * * *

      Misu yawned, sitting herself in the lounge car, leaning her legs lengthways across a red velvet sofa. Immediately she yanked a drawstring on the curtains, letting them fall to a close, relieving the onset of a headache. She picked through each letter in turn as Franco sipped slowly on his morning poison. She mimicked his verdicts. The re-sorted letters made newly designated piles with the same dismissal – though unlike Franco, Misu carried the baggage of the evening’s events, baggage that dictated her hand movements.

      ‘How did we do last night? From all accounts, everyone was kept busy and the bar had good takings. I didn’t see the books by the close. Were the games on par?’

      Franco nodded jubilantly. ‘It seems like Windberg is a haven of bad gamblers – not that I’m complaining, mind you. Lessens our money troubles somewhat and everybody enjoyed themselves. Yes, we did well.’

      ‘Well enough for a bonus?’

      ‘I said we did well; I didn’t say we did great. By well, I refer to the fact that we can now cover repairs and pay off a few debts. Should all that go belly-up I can at least resort to my back-up plan.’

      ‘Which is?’

      ‘Fancy being married off? Plenty of lonely rich men would turn a blind eye to you fleecing them,’ Franco offered.

      ‘You know I’m susceptible to flattery. Please, I may not be able to control myself,’ Misu replied, deadpan, looking over the table’s contents, and deciding what it lacked was a drink of her own. She called for one of the girls to bring her a water with ice. The girl promptly did so.

      ‘There’s a number there for you. Some by name. Most even got it right this time.’ Franco gestured to the separate assortment of paper placed delicately aside.

      ‘I don’t know if I should be relived or disappointed,’ Misu whined. She withdrew the first envelope addressed to her and took a letter opener to its seal.

      ‘Catching eyes, breaking hearts. See anything you like?’

      One of the letters was waved between them. ‘Hah! This here is asking the permission of my father to arrange a marriage. I assume he means you, old man. Oh now, that is funny.

      Franco almost spluttered on his coffee. ‘Old?’ he repeated, placing the bone china cup onto its matching saucer. ‘I said I’d marry you off, but now I’m thinking I could just straight up sell you to some dapper gentleman.’

      ‘And how much would you get for me?’ Misu leant on her hands, blinking her deep hazel eyes.

      ‘Not enough for the trouble, that’s for sure.’

      The pair laughed in unison, flicking between the reams of envelopes and opening them in turn.

      Misu slid one of the letters from the middle of the rejection pile. It was plain, with no gilding, no fine handwriting or extravagant print. It had a name, an accompanying address, and a simple request inside. It was also addressed to Franco directly. Its seal remained unbroken.

      ‘Here. You missed one.’ She slid it over. ‘Looks like it could be interesting.’

      * * *

      Strange, he pondered, that was quite unlike him.

      Franco rectified the oversight by finishing his morning drink and reading the letter’s contents aloud.

       Mister Monaire,

       Naturally I assume your time here in Windberg will be short and taken up with your events and other dealings, but I hope you will find the time for this.

       I have a proposal for yourself that will, given time, be a fruitful endeavour for all parties. I am aware of your reputation as a businessman and your unique venture could increase both our fortunes.

       I invite you to meet me at Pilgrims Smoking House, in Six Trees, for a discussion on this most important topic. Just send word of your interest and I will make arrangements to meet.

       Kindest regards,

       Donovan Kane

      Franco was half inclined to crumple the paper in his palm.

      ‘Why is it that people want to approach me with crackpot business ideas? I am not a bank. If I had anything to invest, I would invest it here.’ He sighed, tossing the paper aside. Misu recovered it, slapping it on the table once more.

      ‘And why is approaching you such a bad idea? You clearly have a mind for such things and you’re encouraging others with your reputation. I fail to see any downside.’

      ‘The last time I met one of these charlatans, they wanted me to add a couple more carriages to the Den. Do you know what they wanted me to fill them with?’


      ‘Dangerous animals.’

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