Den of Shadows Collection: Lose yourself in the fantasy, mystery, and intrigue of this stand out trilogy. Christopher Byford

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Den of Shadows Collection: Lose yourself in the fantasy, mystery, and intrigue of this stand out trilogy - Christopher  Byford

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so harsh. You were a compass to one another, pointing to personal serenity.’

      Katerina spread two cards apart, calculating their meaning. Her voice lowered a shade. ‘You loved him.’

      Wyld blinked momentarily as the words cut through her.

      ‘But, I’m sorry to say, he loved you as one would have loved their sibling. That is a shame. But it is still love and that is a blessing in itself. It is still a bond.’

      Wyld tried not consider this as an insult. Despite wrestling with her own conscience for months now, she still came to the same conclusion that Katerina had voiced. Was she not attentive enough? Had she not tried to ease his restless mind when he spoke of troubles and burdens of duty?

      Had she not provided him with enough reasons to stay?

      ‘You’re angry at him too.’

      ‘You need the cards to see that?’ Wyld tossed down a mouthful, hissing through her teeth to relieve the liquor’s sting.

      ‘Of course not, but what you harbour is not rage. It would be quite easy to confuse it as such given the nature of this situation. It’s the pursuit of answers. A desperation I suppose it could be called.’

      ‘Is there anything in all this that at least gives me direction?’

      The crossed arrangement of cards slowly revealed themselves with every question.

      ‘You’re on the right track according to this. He was venturing north, far north in fact, very much alone and with regret. Leaving you wasn’t a decision taken lightly.’

      Another flick of the wrist. Another three cards turned over to reveal themselves.

      ‘You’re missed. Very much so. Despite what you may think, your time together was something that fulfilled you both. It’s rare that two people stumble upon one another and find what they need. Compassion. Direction. Things that make us whole.’

      ‘Will I find him?’ Wyld’s hand trembled around her drink as she tried to steady her voice. ‘Is all this for nothing?’

      Cards turned and sighs were offered. Wyld dissected each facet of the cards as she saw them in the hope of gaining hint as to their meaning.

      Katerina delivered a slew of disappointment. ‘If I tell you that you will, it’ll incite you not to drive yourself onward as hard as you have done up until now. If I tell you that you won’t, you’ll be inclined to give up. So on that front, I cannot say.’

      ‘Can’t or won’t?’ Wyld wrinkled her nose, finding her temper to be shortening. It would be cruel to yank away this hope now, even if it was false.

      ‘Pick one. But know that what I’m saying is for the best and not to be difficult. A line has to be drawn somewhere and I’m afraid it has been decided that this is yours.’

      Katerina took the last card between her fingers, spinning it around for Wyld to see. A new moon surrounded by seven stars with three sporting grand depictions in yellow. It meant nothing to the observer though was impressed with its ominousness.

      ‘What’s that one?’

      ‘The Mithany, more commonly known as The Flower. This card and ones like it mean the end to what we discuss. Past this point things are unsettled, but it also infers something else. This card right here offers hope. Maybe hope for the future in general. Maybe hope in your endeavours that you will catch this man. Hope, maybe, that you will be at peace with your past.’

      It was offered over and claimed by Wyld who examined its face.

      ‘You can keep that.’

      ‘Won’t it mess up your deck?’

      Scooping the cards back together and sliding the pack into its decorated sleeve, Katarina scoffed. ‘No. I’ve got like a hundred of them. Makes things personal for the reader. People love that little touch of a souvenir.’

      Letting the atmosphere defuse, Katerina allowed Wyld to wipe her eyes and process what had been said. The glass was refilled but this time only to its equator. The bottle finally had run dry.

      ‘How was that? Are you okay?’ Katerina enquired, watching Wyld delicately nurse her spent bottle.

      ‘Accurate. Scarily so. You’re very good.’ Wyld was rattled.

      ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to … you know. This.

      ‘He was a bastard to leave me,’ Wyld confessed, blowing out air. It had been the first time she had spoken with anyone about all of this and frankly it had been a relief to share. ‘But bastard or no, I’ll find him. And I’ll get him to explain why he did so.’

      Katerina cheered boisterously and a little too loudly. ‘Now that I will happily drink to. To fleeing men!’ She struck the bottle with her wine glass in a toast. ‘Doesn’t sound like any man I’ve ever known. All mine have been focused on settling down, fathering many babies. Nobody wants an adventure nowadays. The world is too dangerous they say. It’s a trial to keep safe, to keep ends met. Why anyone would want to complicate that by wandering is hard to understand.’ Katerina raised her glass. ‘But I get it. And it’s not beyond you. I hope you find him soon. May your journey reach a fortunate conclusion, Miss Wyld.’

      And in thanks, Wyld toasted back with her empty vessel.

      * * *

      Windberg’s evenings were opposite to its days. Streets remained mostly empty as the effects of toil were sedated with drink and revelry performed behind closed doors. Even the docks that were usually a frantic stream of wholesale traders and cargo pullers were deserted, waiting for the chaos to begin all over again at the dawn of the morning sun.

      Of all the districts, it was unsurprising that Redside – with more taverns and inns than people at points – was more active. Situated a good fifteen-minute walk downhill from Windberg Central Station, business was always good from the constant turnover of travellers passing through, so meeting someone here would raise no suspicion.

      Or, at least, that’s what Misu hoped.

      For the unawares, the hangouts were all the same. The district was dilapidated in parts, well kept and spacious in others, a patchwork of enterprises no less. If you were informed enough on the city’s criminality, those who wished to remain hidden, or protected, could be found.

      Misu wasn’t oblivious to her followers during the daylight. A woman in her profession was familiar with some of the more unwanted attention garnered over her service, so when her travel through the markets during her day-to-day routine was observed, Misu always ensured she was never alone. She had company and, at some times, welcome protection in the form of Jacques.

      But this time, just for tonight, she lacked any such luxuries. She headed to places she’d sworn never to return to. Ghostly footsteps from long ago caused a shudder to run down her spine.

      And there, in the gloom, she found what – or more accurately whom – she was looking for.

      * * *

      Flenn counted his blessings. For him, it was by pure chance that they saw one another, especially after their

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