Tainted Love: A gripping thriller with a shocking twist from the No 1 bestseller. Kimberley Chambers

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Tainted Love: A gripping thriller with a shocking twist from the No 1 bestseller - Kimberley  Chambers

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I’ll have a word. When did our wonderful Whitechapel go so downhill, Queen?’

      Telling Stan to pour them both a large brandy, Queenie settled herself in her armchair and waited for him to take a seat on the sofa. ‘I’ll tell you exactly when things went from bad to bloody worse, shall I? Now cast your mind back to the spring of 1986 …’

       PART ONE

      Love me or hate me,

      Both are in my favour.

      If you love me,

      I’ll always be in your heart.

      If you hate me,

      I’ll always be in your mind …



      Spring 1986

      ‘Sit yourselves down, boys,’ Queenie Butler ordered. Vinny was forty now, Michael thirty-six, but both obeyed their mother as though they were still small children. Respect went a long way in their world.

      ‘I’ll make us a cuppa. I don’t know what this bleedin’ world’s coming to, I really don’t,’ Vivian mumbled miserably.

      Vinny and Michael glanced at one another. Their mother rarely summoned them to her house at such short notice these days, and it was obvious that both she and Aunt Viv had their serious heads on.

      ‘What’s up?’ Vinny asked.

      ‘Mr Arthur, that’s what. Poor old sod had his medals stolen. Inconsolable, he is. Wasn’t that long ago he was mugged, was it? That old bag Sylvie Stanley’s son was involved, by all accounts.’

      ‘Delhi Duncan or Ginger Kevin?’ Michael asked. All Sylvie Stanley’s kids looked very different.

      ‘Duncan. It was him and that loudmouth with the shaved head. The one who wears the gold chains and walks about with them two Alsatians.’

      ‘What loudmouth?’ Vinny asked.

      ‘I know who Mum means. He’s only appeared round ’ere in the last few months. I’m sure someone told me Duncan is knocking out drugs for him. The pair of ’em are hanging around the betting shop most days.’

      ‘And the Grave Maurice. That’s where they nicked the medals. Both were drunk and taking the piss out of Mr Arthur, asking him questions about the war. He didn’t realize they were taking the mick. Knocking on now, ain’t he? Bless him. And he’s gone deaf in one ear. Anyway, they sits with him and asks to see his medals, so he took them off his jacket to show ’em. They gave him back four and pocketed the other two, the no-good bastards. Big Stan was stood at the bar, saw what was going on and confronted them. Obviously, they denied taking ’em, said Mr Arthur was senile and he’d only shown ’em four. When Stan demanded they empty their pockets, the big thug threatened him. Said he knew where Stan and his wife lived and unless he wanted a petrol-bomb through his window, he was to mind his own business.’

      ‘He said fucking what!’ Vinny exclaimed.

      Vivian put the tray of teas on the table. ‘Getting worse round ’ere by the day, it is. Something needs to be done about it.’

      ‘And this family owes Mr Arthur big time. If it wasn’t for him getting on that bus and following Jamie Preston home, we might never have got justice for Molly. Well, we haven’t exactly got our justice yet, but you know what I mean.’

      ‘Don’t worry, Mum. We’ll sort it,’ Vinny promised.

      ‘I want it sorted immediately. I think because neither of you live round ’ere any more, people have forgotten how to behave. They need reminding, and Mr Arthur needs those medals back, so yous two better get cracking.’

      Michael took a gulp of his tea, then stood up. ‘Come on, bruv. Let’s go and teach some manners.’

      Mr Arthur froze as he heard the hammering on his front door. Helen, his kind neighbour who often cooked him dinners and popped in for a chat would always phone him first, and he rarely had any other visitors these days.

      Creeping into the hallway, Mr Arthur yelled, ‘Who is it?’ Since the mugging, he never answered the door without first knowing who it was.

      ‘It’s Vinny and Michael Butler. We heard what happened yesterday and wanna help ya get your medals back,’ Vinny shouted.

      Vinny’s deep, gruff voice was unmistakable, so Mr Arthur twisted the key. ‘Sorry, lads. I don’t answer the door any more unless I know who it is. Been asking the council for ages to put one of them spyholes in my door, but they haven’t got round to it yet.’

      ‘Forget the council, they’re useless. I’ll sort the spyhole for you, Mr Arthur. You’ll have it fitted by tomorrow at the latest,’ promised Vinny. ‘Now, in your own time, tell me and Michael exactly what happened yesterday in the Grave Maurice …’

      When Vinny and Michael were growing up, a man would dress to impress of a Sunday. While the wives stayed at home to knock up the only decent meal most could afford all week, the men would gather in their local, all suited and booted.

      Vinny and Michael were never seen in public in anything but a suave suit and expensive shoes. ‘If you want to be taken seriously in life, you need to dress like you mean business. First impressions really do count,’ their mother had drummed into them from a young age. So Vinny was unimpressed by the sight that greeted them as they stepped out of Queenie’s front door.

      ‘State of those shitbags over the road. No self-respect whatsoever. Gotta be in their thirties. Don’t they realize how ridiculous they look in those shell-suits?’

      ‘Obviously not, bruv. And what is it with all that gobbing over the pavement with the other mob? Is it part of their religion or something?’

      ‘Scum, Michael. I wish Mum and Auntie Viv would move. Worries me sick, them living round ’ere now – and I certainly want better for Ava. I’ve offered to buy ’em gaffs wherever they want, but neither will budge. See if you can talk some sense into ’em, will ya?’

      ‘Hello, lads. Where you off to?’ Nosy Hilda asked.

      ‘Church.’ Vinny grinned.

      ‘I take it you heard what happened to Mr Arthur yesterday? Is that where you’re going, the Maurice? They’re in there, you know. Just popped in for my Guinness and saw ’em. Terrible state of affairs, isn’t it?’

      ‘You toddle off home, Hilda. There’s a good girl,’ Michael said, checking out his reflection in a shop window.

      ‘Nosy old bat. No wonder Mum hates her,’ Vinny remarked, when Hilda did a U-turn and walked back in the direction of the pub.

      Michael handed his brother a cigarette. ‘Right, how we gonna play this?’


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