A Mother’s Sacrifice. Kitty Neale
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‘Nah, nah, I won’t hurt him, Bill. What makes you think that?’ Harry asked sarcastically. ‘I just want a quiet word in his ear, so come on, are you gonna tell me where he is or am I gonna have to knock it out of you?’
These were the words that Billy wanted to hear. Harry had threatened him, which left him with no choice but to tell the man what he wanted to know. ‘He’ll be at work. He’s a porter at the Free Hospital.’
Harry spun on his heel and with head and shoulders bent against the beating rain steamed off down the street towards the hospital.
Billy smiled with satisfaction. After what Frank had coming, he doubted his brother would be seeing Glenda Jenkins ever again.
Harry’s mind was racing as he approached the hospital. All sorts of sordid images flashed through his mind of his wife with Frank Myers. The dirty tart had left her knickers behind! Had they only been at it in Frank’s house or were they together in his bed?
It all makes sense now, he thought, remembering how Glenda had acted so nervously when he had collected her from the hospital. Frank Myers must be the bloke who had been hanging around when he went to pick Glenda up, and yes, come to think of it, he remembered her calling him Frank. He scowled. This meant she’d seen him at least once since then, and maybe even before.
His jaw clenched as he thought about his wife. The bitch. He’d fucking kill her! And of all the people to find out from, it had to be that tosser Billy Myers! He was sure that Billy had enjoyed telling him. Well, he hadn’t heard the last of this yet. He’d kick Billy’s fucking head in too once he’d finished with his brother.
Harry yanked hard at the wooden entrance door and walked in, shaking the rain from his dripping black hair. He looked up the corridors, left and right, wondering where he would find the man who had been screwing his wife behind his back. A nurse walked towards him and somehow Harry managed to plaster a big fake smile on his face. If he wanted to find Frank, he knew he would have to turn on the charm.
‘Excuse me, Miss, but would you be so kind as to tell me where I might find Frank Myers? He’s a porter here, a good mate of mine.’
The nurse thought for a moment then replied, ‘Frank’s gone home for the day, I believe. I’m quite sure I saw him leaving about an hour ago. He must have been on an early shift.’
Without bothering to thank the nurse, Harry rushed back out of the door, then stopped in his tracks halfway down the path. He suddenly realised he had no idea where Frank lived, so he began to retrace the route he had just taken and headed back to the pub to find Billy.
Helen was so grateful to Glenda for ‘babysitting’ her parents. It was always a worry to her when she popped to the shops, never quite sure what she would come home to. The larder at home was looking like Mother Hubbard’s so Helen had jumped at the offer when Glenda said she would stay there for a while so that Helen could go shopping. She didn’t plan on being out for long, especially in this horrendous rain.
Glenda had called around that morning, eager to tell her all about the wonderful hours she had spent with Frank the previous day. It was so lovely to see her best friend happy again, and though Helen was worried about the consequences of Harry finding out, she felt confident that Glenda wouldn’t do anything silly to give the game away. Frank sounds like such a nice man, thought Helen, as she recalled the tales Glenda had told her. Who would have thought that anyone related to Billy Myers would be nice!
Helen was soon outside the greengrocer’s but hesitated to go in, knowing that Betty Howard would be ready to pounce, keen to get any gossip she could. Prepare yourself, she thought, and just at that moment she heard a man’s voice shouting her name.
Helen turned to look and was taken aback to see Harry storming towards her. Her heart rate quickened and her mouth went dry. She could see from the look on his face that he wasn’t happy.
‘Have you seen Glenda lately?’ Harry barked.
‘Er, no, I haven’t,’ Helen lied. She was panicking inside, thinking it was strange for Harry to stop to talk to her. Normally, if she saw him in the street, he would just about manage to acknowledge her with a bit of a grunt.
‘I bet you’re fucking lying. All of you, you’re all as bad as each other! Glenda’s a lying bitch and a two-timing slag. I ain’t no fool!’ he yelled. ‘I know what she’s been up to and she’s gonna fucking well regret it! And so will that Frank Myers when I get my hands on him. You will too if I find out you knew anything about it.’
Betty Howard was standing in the shop doorway with wide eyes, listening to the threatening exchange. Helen wanted to run and hide behind Betty, but somehow she gathered the strength to stand there and answer Harry back. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, and quite frankly I don’t want to know. This has nothing do with me, so please don’t try to involve me in anything to do with your marriage,’ she said, pretending to be affronted. ‘Now if you’ll excuse me …’
Helen walked around Harry in the most dignified manner she could muster and headed back towards home. Her chest was hammering and tears welled up in her eyes. She could hear Harry shouting from behind her, his words terrifying her.
‘I’m telling you, Helen, I’ll find the pair of them, and I’ll knock down every fucking door in Battersea until I do. If you see her, tell her I’m coming for her and don’t think she can hide out at Ted’s house either!’
A feeling of foreboding came over her. Obviously Harry had somehow found out about Glenda and Frank.
After a few minutes, Helen looked back over her shoulder to see that Harry was nowhere in sight. With the view clear, she ran as fast as her chubby little legs would carry her, adrenalin speeding her along. Breathless and close to vomiting, she fumbled with the key in the door, desperate to warn her friend about Harry’s discovery.
‘GLENDA, GLENDA!’ Helen ran through to the kitchen to find Glenda gently rocking Johnnie on her lap. ‘I’ve just seen Harry and he’s on the warpath. He knows about you and Frank!’
Glenda turned as white as a sheet and her bottom lip started to quiver as she placed Johnnie back in his pram. ‘How does he know? Oh, God, he’s gonna kill us! What can I do? Helen, I … I …’
‘You’ve got to get away. It’s the only thing you can do. Harry’s out for blood, Glenda.’
‘Oh, God, Frank! I’ve got to warn him. I’ve got to get to him before Harry does! Where was Harry going when you saw him?’ Glenda was shaking and pulling at her hair.
‘I don’t know, but how are you going to warn Frank? Do you know where he lives? And even if you do, it ain’t safe for you, Glenda. Think about it. What if you find out Frank’s address and go there, only for Harry to turn up too? It’ll make things worse.’
‘It can’t get any worse than this,’ wailed Glenda, ‘and I have to let Frank know. I love him, Hel, and I can’t let Harry