Home Cooking. Rachel Allen

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Home Cooking - Rachel  Allen

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Meanwhile, pop the slices of bread into a toaster or under a preheated grill and toast until golden brown. Remove and spread with the remaining butter, then place on plates, spoon over the cooked eggs and serve immediately.

      Scrambled eggs with smoked mackerel, chives and parsley

      SERVES 2

       1 smoked mackerel fillet (about 110g/4oz in weight)

       4 eggs

       1 tbsp milk

       Salt and freshly ground black pepper

       15g (½oz) butter

       1 tsp finely chopped chives

       1 tsp finely chopped parsley

      1 Remove the skin from the mackerel fillet, scraping off any dark residue left behind, then flake the flesh into small pieces.

      2 Crack the eggs into a bowl, add the milk, season with salt and pepper and beat together. Add the butter to a small saucepan on a low heat, pour in the eggs and cook as in the basic recipe left.

      3 Stir the flaked mackerel into the scrambled eggs, along with the chives and parsley. Check the seasoning and serve immediately.

      Scrambled eggs with sautied mushrooms and chives


       1 tbsp sunflower oil

       25g (1oz) butter

       75g (3oz) mushrooms, quartered

       Squeeze of lemon juice

       Salt and freshly ground black pepper

       4 eggs

       1 tbsp milk

       1 tbsp finely chopped chives

      1 Heat the sunflower oil with half the butter in a medium-sized frying pan on a gentle heat and sauté the mushrooms for 4–5 minutes or until softened and turning golden. Squeeze over the lemon juice and season well with salt and pepper before removing from the heat with a slotted spoon.

      2 Meanwhile, crack the eggs into a bowl, add the milk, season with salt and pepper and beat together. Add the remaining butter to a small saucepan on a low heat, pour in the eggs and cook as in the basic recipe opposite.

      3 Stir in the chives and sautéed mushrooms and check the seasoning. Divide between plates and serve immediately.

      Scrambled eggs with crispy bawn and grujire cheese

      SERVES 2

       1 tbsp olive oil

       3 rashers of streaky bacon, cut into slices

       4 eggs

       1 tbsp milk

       Salt and freshly ground black pepper

       15g (½oz) butter

       25g (1oz) Gruyère cheese, finely grated

       1 tbsp finely chopped parsley

      1 Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan and sauté the bacon for 2–3 minutes or until crisp and golden. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.

      2 Meanwhile, crack the eggs into a bowl, add the milk, season with salt and pepper and beat together. Add the butter to a small saucepan on a low heat, pour in the eggs and cook as in the basic recipe opposite.

      3 Stir in the cooked bacon, Gruyère and parsley. Check the seasoning, adding more salt and pepper if necessary, and serve immediately.

      Mexican scrambled eggs: huevos revueltos


       15g (½oz) butter

       6 cherry tomatoes, quartered

       1 tsp finely chopped red or green chilli

       4 eggs

       1 tbsp milk

       Salt and freshly ground black pepper

       1 tbsp finely chopped red onion

       1 tbsp roughly chopped coriander

      1 Melt the butter in a small saucepan on a medium heat, add the tomatoes and chilli and cook for 2–3 minutes, covered with a lid, until they are soft.

      2 Crack the eggs into a bowl, add the milk, season with a good pinch of salt and some pepper and beat together. Pour into the tomato and chilli mixture, reduce the heat and cook for 2–3 minutes, stirring continuously, until the eggs are softly scrambled.

      3 Stir in the onion and coriander and check the seasoning. Divide between plates and serve the eggs either on their own or on top of warm tortillas or buttered toast.

      Eggs Benedict

      SERVES 2–4

       The secret of poaching eggs is to use the freshest, highest-quality eggs you can find. These eggs are seriously dolled up, but you can of course serve them more simply on toast. Prepare the hollandaise sauce first and keep warm while you cook everything else.

      Salt and freshly ground black pepper

      4 eggs

      2 English muffins, sliced in half

      25g (1oz) butter

      4 slices (about 110g/4oz) of ham or grilled rashers of bacon

      150ml (5fl oz) hollandaise sauce (see page 331)

      1 tbsp finely chopped chives


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