Ill Will. Michael Stewart

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Ill Will - Michael  Stewart

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used to it. Shit should stink of shit, it shouldn’t ever stop stinking of shit just ’cause you get used to it. It stinks of shit for a reason. You’re meant to stay away from it.’

      ‘Put a peg over your nose.’

      ‘I haven’t got a peg. Why would I have a peg? You don’t half talk bollocks sometimes.’

      Fences, walls, hedges. We climbed over a stile and across another mud-clad field.

      ‘My knee’s giving me gyp,’ Emily said.

      ‘What do you mean, your knee’s giving you gyp? How old are you – ten, or ten and sixty?’

      ‘It keeps locking.’

      ‘It will be fine.’

      ‘Then why does it keep fucking clicking?’

      I shrugged.

      ‘Why don’t we stick to the roads? It will be easier on our feet. This isn’t even a proper path. I don’t know what you’d call it, but not a path in any case.’

      ‘The roads aren’t safe. They’ll be on horseback. This is the only way we can be sure they won’t find us.’

      ‘Horses can travel across country, you know. We used to do it all the time, me and my dad.’

      ‘But not by choice,’ I said. ‘They won’t want to risk laming them.’

      ‘They could take it steady. They won’t lame them if they take it steady, not even on this route. I’m telling you, me and my dad travelled loads of miles over worse than this without laming the horses. You’ve just got to be careful how you go.’

      Past birch, beech, bracken and bog, black mounds of molehills. We saw a long wire between two posts and hanging from the wire were the moldwarp corpses, their velvet grey fur wet with mizzle. Their huge white teeth and claws, glittering. Waiting to be skinned.

      ‘My dad had a jerkin made from fifty moleskins. He got it off a nobleman. Lord so-and-so. Though he didn’t look noble standing in a ditch.’

      We walked through more fields until the moor opened out again and below us the river snaked and frothed.

      ‘You a gypsy?’ Emily said.


      ‘You look like a fucking gypsy to me.’

      ‘Well, I’m not.’

      ‘My dad said that gypsies were thieves.’

      ‘Did he?’

      ‘And that they kidnap girls and eat babies.’

      ‘You’d better watch your step then.’

      ‘Thought you weren’t a gypsy?’

      ‘Look, just keep your mouth shut, right?’

      A white linnet settled on a prominent stoop about ten yards ahead of us. As we walked on, it took flight again, flitting down the path where it settled, bobbed its tail and watched us approach. As soon as we got within ten yards it flew onwards, and so on for half a mile or more.

      ‘What’s that bird doing?’ she said.

      ‘Showing us the way.’

      ‘No, it’s not. You don’t half talk some tiff.’

      We passed a post that a goshawk must have used as a plucking place. Beneath a scattering of feathers was the flesh and elastic of the meat membrane.

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