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arwynebedd nm surface, superficies
arwynebol adj superficial
arwyrain nmf praise, panegyric ▶ vb to rise, to extol
arwystl nm mortgage
arwystlo vb to pledge, to mortgage
arysgrif (-au), arysgrifen (-nau) nf inscription, epigraph
asb (-iaid) nf asp
asbri nm animation, vivacity, spirits
ased nm asset
aseiniad (-au) nm assignment
asen1 (-nau) nf rib
asen2 (-nod) nf she-ass
asesiad nm: asesiad parhaus continuous assessment
asesu vb to assess; asesu parhaus continuous assessment
aseth nf stake, spar, lath
asgell (esgyll) nf wing, fin; asgell fraith chaffinch
asgellog adj winged
asgellwr (-wyr) nm wing, outside-forward
asglod, asglodion npl chips
asgre nf bosom, heart
asgwrn (esgyrn) nm bone
Asia nf Asia
Asiad (Asiaid) nm Asian
asiad (-au) nm joint, weld
Asiaidd adj Asian
asiant (-au) nm agent
asiantaeth nf agency
asid nm acid
asidig adj acidic
asiedydd nm joiner
asio vb to join, to weld; to solder; to cement
astell (astyllod, estyll) nf plank, shelf
astroleg nf astrology
astrus adj abstruse, difficult
astud adj attentive
astudiaeth (-au) nf study; astudiaethau cyfrifiadurol computer studies
astudio vb to study
astudrwydd nm attentiveness
aswy adj left
asyn (-nod) nm he-ass
asynnaidd adj asinine
at prep to, towards; for; at; by
atafaeliad nm confiscation, distraint
atafaelu vb to confiscate
atal vb to stop, to hinder, to withhold ▶ nm (-ion) hindrance, impediment; atal dweud stammering
ataleb (-au) nf injunction
atalfa (-feydd) nf check; stoppage
ataliad (-au) nm stoppage
ataliol adj preventive
atalnod (-au) nf stop, point
atalnodi vb to point, to punctuate
atblygol adj reflexive
ateb vb to answer, to reply ▶ nm (-ion) answer
atebol adj answerable, responsible
ateg (-ion) nf prop, stay, support
ategiad (-au) nm affirmation
ategol adj confirming; auxiliary
ategu vb to support
atgas adj odious, hateful
atgasedd nm hatred
atgasrwydd nm odiousness, hatefulness
atgenhedliad nm regeneration
atgenhedlu vb to regenerate
atgno (-oeau, -oeon) nm remorse
atgof (-ion) nm remembrance, reminiscence
atgofio vb to recollect, to remember, to remind
atgofus adj reminiscent
atgoffa vb to recall, to remind
atgyfnerthion npl reinforcements
atgyfnerthu vb to reinforce
atgyfodi vb to rise, to raise again
atgyfodiad nm resurrection
atgynhyrchu vb to reproduce
atgyweiriad (-au) nm repair