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nm corrosion

      cyrydu vb to corrode

      cysawd (-odau) nm system; constellation

      cysefin adj original, primordial

      cysegr (-au, -oedd) nm sanctuary

      cysegredig adj consecrated, sacred

      cysegredigrwydd nm sacredness

      cysegriad (-au) nm consecration

      cysegr-ladrad nm sacrilege

      cysegr-lân adj holy

      cysegru vb to consecrate, to dedicate, to devote

      cyseinedd nm alliteration

      cysetlyd adj fastidious

      cysgadrwydd nm sleepiness, drowsiness

      cysgadur (-iaid) nm sleeper

      cysglyd adj sleepy

      cysgod (-au, -ion) nm shade, shadow; shelter; type

      cysgodi vb to shadow, to shade; to shelter

      cysgodol adj shady, sheltered

      cysgu vb to sleep

      cysgwr (-wyr) nm sleeper

      cysidro vb to consider

      cysodi vb to set type, to compose

      cysodydd (-ion, -wyr) nm compositor

      cyson adj consistent, constant

      cysondeb nm consistency; regularity

      cysoni vb to harmonize; to reconcile

      cysonwr (-wyr), cysonydd (-ion) nm harmonist

      cystadleuaeth (-laethau) nf competition

      cystadleuol adj competitive

      cystadleuwr (-wyr), cystadleuydd nm competitor

      cystadlu vb to compete; to compare

      cystal adj as good, so good ▶ adv as well, so well

      cystrawen (-nau) nf construction, syntax

      cystudd (-iau) nm affliction; illness

      cystuddiedig adj afflicted, contrite

      cystuddio vb to afflict, to trouble

      cystuddiol adj afflicted

      cystuddiwr (-wyr) nm oppressor

      cystwyo vb to tell off, to chastise

      cysur (-on) nm comfort, consolation

      cysuro vb to comfort, to console

      cysurus adj comfortable

      cysurwr (-wyr) nm comforter

      cyswllt (-ylltiadau) nm joint, junction

      cysylltiad (-au) nm conjunction; joining, connexion; cysylltiadau cyhoeddus public relations

      cysylltiedig adj connected

      cysylltiol adj connecting; connected

      cysylltnod (-au) nm ligature, hyphen

      cysylltu vb to join, to connect

      cysylltydd (-ion) nm connector, contact

      cysyniad (-au) nm concept

      cytbell adj equidistant

      cytbwys adj of equal weight

      cytbwysedd nm balance

      cytew nm batter

      cytgan (-au) nmf chorus

      cytgord nm concord

      cytir (-oedd) nm common

      cytras adj allied, related; cognate

      cytsain (-seiniaid) nf consonant

      cytûn adj agreed, of one accord, unanimous

      cytundeb (-au) nm agreement, consent

      cytuno vb to agree, to consent

      cythlwng nm fasting, fast, hunger

      cythraul (-euliaid) nm devil, demon

      cythreuldeb nm devilment

      cythreulig adj devilish, fiendish

      cythru vb to snatch, to rush

      cythruddo vb to annoy, to provoke, to irritate

      cythrwfl nm uproar, tumult

      cythryblu vb to trouble, to agitate

      cythryblus adj troubled, agitated

      cyw (-ion) nm young bird, chick, chicken; baby


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