The Snow Tiger / Night of Error. Desmond Bagley
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‘That is a misreading of the situation,’ said Crowell sullenly.
‘Let us turn from my appointment to my suspension,’ said Ballard. ‘Did the instruction to suspend me also come from London?’
‘It may have done.’
‘Surely you know. You are the chairman of the board.’
‘But not concerned with the day to day running of the company.’
‘No,’ agreed Ballard. ‘That was the function of the managing director. You said so yourself in your evidence. Surely you are not suggesting that I suspended myself?’
Dan Edwards could not contain himself. There was a loud snigger from the Press gallery and Harrison looked up, frowning.
‘You are being ridiculous,’ said Crowell.
Ballard said drily, ‘Any ridiculousness inherent in this situation certainly does not emanate from me. There remains one alternative. Are you suggesting that the suspension of the managing director was a minor bit of day to day business that was beneath your notice as chairman?’
‘Of course not.’
‘Then you will know where the idea of my suspension originated, won’t you?’
‘Now I come to think of it, the instruction for your suspension did come from London.’
‘I see. But that again is not an exact answer to the question. Is it not a fact that you communicated with London because the board is a puppet dancing to strings held in the City of London? Is it not a fact that a suggestion was made – by you – that the company was in danger of being in bad odour because of evidence to be given at this inquiry? And is it not a fact that you intimated that I, as a Johnny-come-lately, was an ideal person to shuffle the responsibility on to, and that it was then that the instruction was given – from London – that I be suspended?’
‘Objection!’ cried Rickman. ‘Mr Ballard cannot lead the witness in this way.’
‘I tend to agree,’ said Harrison. ‘Such a compendium cannot be permitted, Mr Ballard.’
‘I withdraw the question.’ Ballard knew, from the rustle in the Press gallery, that he had made his point where it mattered. ‘I shall return to the telephone conversation between Mr Crowell and myself. When you were cut off, what did you do? Oh yes; you talked it over with your wife, didn’t you? What was the substance of that conversation?’
‘I don’t remember.’ Crowell added irritably, ‘It was late at night and we were both very tired.’
‘When you were cut off, did you attempt to replace the call?’
‘No? Why not?’
‘You heard my evidence. I thought you were drunk.’
‘How long did you think I’d been drunk, Mr Crowell?’ asked Ballard softly.
Crowell looked startled and uncomprehending. ‘I don’t understand the question.’
‘It’s quite a simple question. Please answer it.’
‘I didn’t give it a thought.’
Ballard picked up a sheet of paper. ‘You said in evidence that your secretary had left a number of messages from me. You also said that you judged, from the number and tenor of those messages, that the matter was urgent. Did you think I’d been drunk all day? The first call I had was at eleven-thirty that morning.’
‘I told you. I didn’t give it a thought.’
‘Evidently not. So you did not try to call me back?’
‘And you did not try to communicate with the Ministry of Civil Defence?’
‘As a matter of interest, Mr Crowell, what did you do? After you had discussed it with your wife, I mean.’
‘I went to bed.’
‘You went to bed,’ repeated Ballard slowly. ‘Thank you, Mr Crowell. That will be all.’ He waited until Crowell was rising from the chair and was in a half crouch. ‘Oh, there is just one further thing. Did you come forward voluntarily to give evidence here, or were you subpoena’d?’
‘I object,’ said Rickman. ‘That has nothing to do with anything.’
‘I agree, Mr Rickman,’ said Harrison smoothly. ‘This Commission need not be instructed that Mr Crowell was subpoena’d – it already knows.’ He ignored the indescribable sound that came from Rickman, and continued blandly, ‘And now I think we shall adjourn for lunch.’
Over lunch in the restaurant near the Provincial Buildings, McGill said, ‘You’re doing all right, Ian. You got in some good stuff this morning.’
Ballard poured a glass of water. ‘I didn’t think Harrison would let me get away with it.’
‘Get away with it! God, he compounded with you. He ticked you off when he had to, but he didn’t stop you. I thought I’d split a gusset when he brought out the bit that Crowell had been subpoena’d. He agreed with Rickman and harpooned him in the same breath.’ McGill paused. ‘I don’t think Harrison likes Crowell.’
‘I don’t like him much myself.’
‘You’re not doing yourself much good with your family. That histrionic speech about the company dancing to strings pulled in the City of London won’t go down well with your uncles back home. Where did you learn to pull a trick like that?’
Ballard grinned. ‘Watching the Perry Mason Show.’ He shrugged. ‘It won’t make much difference. I’ve already decided to leave the Ballard Group.’
‘After a speech like that you’ll have to. I can’t see any Ballard company hiring you now. What will you do?’
‘Haven’t made up my mind yet. Something will turn up.’ He frowned. ‘I keep wondering what Stenning wants.’
‘Do you know him at all?’
‘Not well. The old man relied on him a lot, and I know why. He’s a tough old bird, about as ruthless as old Ben was himself. Ben told him what he wanted to do, and Stenning figured out a legal way of doing it. He’s as sharp as a tack.’
‘You say he’s old – how old?’
Ballard reflected. ‘He’ll be pushing seventy now, I suppose. He was much younger than Ben. One of the bright young men that Ben surrounded himself with in the early years.’