Heather Graham Bundle: The Island / Ghost Walk / Killing Kelly / The Vision. Heather Graham

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Heather Graham Bundle: The Island / Ghost Walk / Killing Kelly / The Vision - Heather  Graham

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in dive gear. They thought the divers were in trouble at first, lost…whatever. Anyway, turned out they were armed. While Betty and Sal were being welcoming, the divers pulled knives, forced them overboard and stole the boat.”

      “How horrible! But they survived?” Beth said.

      “They’re both strong swimmers, and they were able to reach another boat in the area. They called in the Coast Guard, but the thieves got away.”

      “When did it happen?” Beth asked.

      “About a year ago now. The boat has never been found. But then, you can disguise a boat just like you can disguise a car.”

      A year ago. Before the Monocos disappeared.

      “Could they describe the…pirates?” Beth asked, finding she still couldn’t quite wrap her mind around such a crazy concept.

      “One was male, one was female,” Tania said. “And that’s about it. They both had on wet suits and head covers. I talked to Betty about it. She says when she looks back now, it all happened so fast that she can’t really remember much about the incident. Frankly, she’s just glad to be alive. Where they were…well, even though they’re strong swimmers, they could easily have drowned.”

      “The thieves probably meant for them to drown,” Beth murmured.

      Ben moved uncomfortably, obviously disturbed. She wondered if it was because of the story Tania had told or because he thought it would fuel her desire to find out the truth about the Monocos.

      “Ben is always armed,” Beth said.

      “Ben has good reason to be armed—he put away a few unsavory characters when he was with the D.A.,” Tania reminded them. “You’re a crack shot, right?” she asked him.

      He nodded grimly. Then he said, “Let’s drop this, please? Amber is coming back with our burgers. I don’t want to scare her.”

      Despite the fact that he laughed and teased his daughter as the evening wore on, Beth could see that he remained uneasy.

      Finally she realized it was getting late. “I’ve got to go back to my office before I go home. I left my stuff up there. See you tomorrow sometime?”

      “Probably. Are you working?”

      “For a bit. I usually come in just to see how things are going on the weekends. You know that.”

      “Want me to walk you out to the parking lot?”

      “You guys have to change, and I’m tired. I just want to go home, and we have a security guard in the parking lot, remember? But thanks. And, Ben, I’m okay—I haven’t gone off the deep end.”

      Beth said good-night to Amber, then left, hurried up to her office for her handbag and jacket. After scooping up her things, she turned out the light, and headed downstairs and out the front door.

      The club hadn’t completely shut down for the night. The dining room would still be serving until around ten or ten-thirty, and then it would take another hour to an hour and a half to close down completely. And that night, out by the pool, the snack bar was serving late, as well.

      There were still plenty of people around, talking and laughing. Even so, Beth heard her heels click on the concrete.

      As she walked, she could hear the breeze as it rustled through the trees and bushes that grew around the borders of the club and the reflecting pool by the front steps.

      Suddenly she thought she heard footsteps coming up behind her.

      She told herself there was no reason for the sound of footsteps to frighten her. The club was still full of people, one of whom might have chosen to leave at the same time.

      Was it in her own mind though, or were these footsteps echoing her own almost perfectly?

      She paused, turning back.

      The breeze lifted her hair and felt cool against her neck.

      No, it felt chilling.

      “Hello?” she called. “Anyone there?”

      There was no reply.

      The bushes, which seemed so benign by day, suddenly seemed thick and dark, able to hide a million dangers.

      She straightened her shoulders and gave herself a mental shake. “Hello?” she called again. Once more there was no reply.

      She started walking again, looking toward the front of the lot, where the security guard should have been in his little glass-windowed booth.

      She couldn’t see him. He might have been sitting, with his head in a book, perhaps.

      Or someone might have taken him out.

      “Oh, right,” she murmured aloud, disgusted that she was letting her mind go off in such a paranoid direction. He was there somewhere. Or maybe he had gone off to help someone who was having car trouble.

      Her car was only another fifty feet or so away.

      She stared at it, hugging her purse against her side, reaching inside until she found the comforting shape of the pepper-spray canister.

      The parking lot was well lit, but bright lights always allowed for shadows.

      And those bushes, so big and lush, admired by everyone who came.

      She didn’t like them anymore. Not one bit.

      Aim for the car, she told herself. She had to get over this feeling.

      The sounds from the club had faded completely. Click, click. She could hear her heels against the asphalt again, and then…

      Footsteps, following.

      She turned back once more.

      This time she was almost certain she saw a shadow go flying behind a tree.

      “Hello?” she called.

      No one answered.

      The car was nearly in front of her, and she made a hasty decision.

      Screw rationality.


      She did, and she was ready, keys in her hand, to click open the lock and jerk open the door as she reached the car.

      Quickly she slid into the driver’s seat and slammed the door shut. She started to exhale, then remembered to hit the automatic lock.

      She let out a sigh and leaned back, allowing herself to feel a little ridiculous. When she looked to the side, she could see the guard in his little booth.

      She closed her eyes again, took a deep breath and opened them. She frowned. The guard was gone again. She leaned to look out the passenger window to see where he had gone.

      That was when someone loomed up in the driver’s window.


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