Regency Disguise: No Occupation for a Lady / No Role for a Gentleman. Gail Whitiker
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Yes, all in all it had been a very good morning, Alistair decided. The only hiccup had been his discussion over breakfast with his father concerning the subject of marriage to Lady Sarah Millingham. That was something Alistair had not been happy about and he had made it very clear to his father that such a marriage was not going to happen. For one thing, they had absolutely nothing in common. For another, she was too damn young. Alistair didn’t want a schoolroom miss for a bride. He wanted a woman who knew her own mind; one who could match wits with him and meet him on his own terms.
Lady Sarah’s mind was as vacuous as a butterfly’s.
As to being a steadying influence in her life, Alistair couldn’t imagine anything worse. The last thing he needed was a wife upon whom he constantly had to keep a watchful eye. One who was prone to doing silly, immature things. One who giggled.
That would drive him to distraction.
Besides, his feelings were already engaged. No one knew that, of course, including the lady in whom they were invested. How could she know when the awareness of his feelings had come so recently to him? But because of what he felt for Victoria Bretton, Alistair could entertain no thoughts of any other woman in his life.
At first, it was just her loveliness that had appealed to him, though he had quickly discovered that there was far more to her than mere physical beauty. Victoria’s ability to hold her head high and to ignore what people said about her was a quality he could admire, as was her desire to do what was right. She was funny, forthright, loving and honest.
Unfortunately, right from the start, she had been determined to keep him at arm’s length. She believed they would not suit and that his position in society and her fondness for the theatre would always keep them apart. Added to that was her belief that he was a man who wasted his time in shallow pursuits and therefore not worthy of her time.
For that reason alone, he was determined to show her that there was more to him than she thought—and the best way of doing that was by introducing her to Mrs Hutchins and the children.
For reasons of confidentiality, Alistair had not discussed the details of his project with very many people. He’d had to tell his father about the house due to the financial ramifications, but he hadn’t told him what it was for because he knew his father wouldn’t have approved.
Pay others to do that, Lord Kempton would have said. A gentleman does not dirty his hands with poverty.
It was not an isolated opinion. Alistair knew that many affluent men had no wish to spend any part of their personal wealth on the welfare of the sick and the downtrodden, not even when those who suffered were children. But Alistair worked to a higher ideal. He had long been impressed by the example set by Thomas Coram, the gentleman who had founded a hospital for the care and education of young children cast aside by society, and he was convinced that the need for that type of housing was greater than ever. If those who had the wherewithal to help didn’t make the attempt, countless innocents would die. He had the money and the time to invest in such a cause and he was happy to do it.
Besides, his reasons for establishing the orphanage went far deeper than any one knew. The day he had seen an eight-year-old girl purposely walk into the path of an oncoming carriage was the day his life had changed for ever.
There hadn’t been time to react, either on his part or the coachman’s. The carriage had thundered down on that poor child and she had been knocked aside by the lead horse, killing her on the spot. The carriage hadn’t stopped. Alistair doubted the occupants were even aware of what happened. But he had made a vow, then and there, that whatever he could do to better the lives of children like that, would be done.
He wondered what Victoria Bretton would say about his inclinations. Would she look at him differently if she knew? Would she think better of him and perhaps be more willing to entertain his suit?
And then, as if conjured by thought alone, she appeared on the street ahead of him. She was strolling with her brother, the sound of her laughter drifting along the street towards him. She was dressed all in green and looked as beguiling as spring.
Alistair knew the moment she saw him. Her laughter stopped, but he saw the telltale rush of colour to her cheeks. And though that too receded, the fact it had been there at all gave him hope.
Unfortunately, there was still a feeling of unease between them as a result of the unfortunate conversation they’d had the day he had driven her home from the Gryphon Theatre. It had lessened slightly after their conversation at Lady Hincham’s garden party, and he had hoped their evening together at the Gryphon would have resolved it entirely. It was the reason he had been so insistent that she join him and Isabelle for the seventh performance of Valentine Lawe’s play.
But it had become clear to him right after the meeting with Victoria and her uncle at the foot of the grand staircase that she had still been very much on edge. She looked as though she had received news of a most disturbing nature, and it wasn’t long after that she and her brother had left.
Alistair just wanted the distance between them to be at an end. He was desperate for a sign that she wasn’t as unaware of him as he feared.
‘Well, this is an unexpected pleasure,’ he said, drawing his phaeton to a halt. ‘Good morning to you both.’
‘Good morning, Mr Devlin,’ Laurence said. Victoria only smiled, but while her hand stayed in the crook of her brother’s arm, Alistair noticed that her fingers tightened on his sleeve. ‘You look very satisfied with yourself.’
‘In fact, I have had a very productive morning and am on my way to share some good news with someone who will be very pleased to hear it.’
‘May we enquire as to the nature of the business?’ Victoria asked.
He looked down at her and knew the moment was at hand. ‘You may enquire, Miss Bretton, but rather than tell you, I wonder if you would allow me to show you what I am so pleased about.’
‘I’m not sure how one shows another person good news, Mr Devlin.’
‘That depends on the nature of the news. But if you would allow me, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.’
An expression of interest flashed across her face, as well as a flicker of curiosity—something Alistair knew very few women were capable of resisting. ‘Very well, you have piqued my interest, sir.’
‘Mr Bretton, you are most welcome to join us,’ Alistair said, knowing it would be impossible not to extend the invitation to her brother as well.
Thankfully, Laurence declined. ‘It is good of you to ask, but I have an appointment elsewhere. Victoria can tell me about it when she gets home. I trust you to take good care of her.’
Alistair smiled. ‘I will do my best.’
Minutes later, he and Victoria were clipping along in the direction of the orphanage. Alistair knew it was too late to change his mind. They were set on a course and he was anxious to see what Victoria’s response to his undertaking would be.
She was quiet as they drove through the narrowing