A Regency Gentleman's Passion: Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy / A Not So Respectable Gentleman?. Diane Gaston

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A Regency Gentleman's Passion: Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy / A Not So Respectable Gentleman? - Diane  Gaston

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the yard to her little house and climbing the steps to her bed chamber.

      Instead, he led her to the door of a townhouse, the residence of this Miss Pallant who was Edwin Tranville’s cousine. The town house was built of dark-grey brick with a red-brick fan design above windows with white sashes. What would an English house look like inside? What would the mistress of such a house think of a Frenchwoman whose son planned to kill her cousin?

      She shuddered.

      Gabriel sounded the knocker and after a few minutes it was opened by a large man who looked more like a soldier than a servant.

      Before the man could speak Gabriel cried, “Good God. Reilly?”

      A wide smile lit the man’s face. “Captain Deane!”

      The two men shook hands like long-lost brothers.

      “Come in. Come in.” Reilly stepped aside. “It is a pleasure to see you, sir.”

      “What the devil are you doing here?” Gabriel ushered her inside.

      Reilly laughed. “I’m the butler here, if you can believe that.”

      “The butler?” Gabriel shook his head.

      “My lady found me when I was as low as a man can get. No job. No food. Thinking of turning to thievery, I was.” He paused. “But never mind that. I expect you are here to see—”

      At that moment another man, more finely dressed, entered the hall. “Who’s come, Reilly? I heard voices.”

      “Allan?” Gabriel sounded shocked.

      “Gabe!” This man rushed forwards and embraced Gabriel. “Thought I’d lost track of you. But you found me. I’m so pleased.”


      This appeared to be a joyful reunion, so Emmaline was happy for Gabriel. She just hoped it would also mean they would find the cousin who could lead them to Edwin Tranville.

      Gabriel’s friend glanced at her with a curious expression and Gabriel seemed to belatedly remember her presence.

      He took her arm and presented her. “Allan, this is Madame Mableau.”

      Allan looked even more curious. “Madame.” He bowed.

      “Do you not recognise her?” Gabriel asked.

      Emmaline’s brows rose. Was she supposed to know this man?

      Allan shook his head.

      Gabriel darted a glance towards the butler before turning back to his friend and speaking in a low voice. “She is the woman from Badajoz.” He turned to her. “Emmaline, this is Captain Allan Landon. He was there.”

      She gasped. In Badajoz. He must have been the one who carried Edwin Tranville away. “Captain Landon.”

      The Captain’s eyes widened. “Madame! My God. I hope you are well—” He examined her again. “But you must be well. You look so lovely. Why are you here?”

      “I fear we are in the wrong house.” She wanted to find Edwin Tranville’s cousin, but Gabriel was so happy to see his friend. If she knew the correct house, she would call upon the cousin alone.

      Gabriel explained. “We thought this the residence of Miss Marian Pallant.”

      Landon looked even more puzzled. “It is, but—” He tapped his forehead. “Forgive me. Let us sit. Have refreshment.”

      “I’ll tend to it, Captain,” Reilly said.

      Landon offered Emmaline his arm and led them to a drawing room, a comfortable room, with upholstered sofas and chairs of the best brocade. Porcelain figurines, a matched set of a shepherd and shepherdess, decorated the mantelpiece. They might have come from the finest china shop in Brussels.

      “Please sit,” Landon said, leading her to a sofa. Gabriel remained standing.

      She did not want to sit or have refreshment. “Please. Is Miss Pallant here? It is urgent that we speak to her.”

      “Urgent?” Landon frowned. “What is this about?”

      She turned to Gabriel. “How much may we tell him?”

      Landon stiffened. “By God, you will tell me all of it if it involves my wife.”

      “Your wife?” Gabriel blinked.

      Landon fixed his gaze on him. “I am married to Marian Pallant.”

      “The heiress.” Gabriel nodded. “Yes. They said at the Home Office you had married an heiress.”

      Landon folded his arms across his chest. “Why were you at the Home Office and why was my wife being discussed there?”

      “Do not tell him.” Emmaline rose. “Perhaps we cannot trust him.”

      Gabriel put his hand on her arm. “Allan, we are looking for Edwin. His valet sent us here.”

      Landon’s eyes narrowed, his expression angry. “Edwin.” He looked at Emmaline. “Why do you wish to see Edwin? After what he did—”

      Gabriel answered, “We are attempting to prevent a wrong. Emmaline’s son has vowed to revenge himself on Edwin and we are trying to intervene.”

      Emmaline held her breath, carefully examining Landon’s expression to see if he would act as friend or foe.

      “God knows Edwin deserves it.” Allan expelled a breath. “I presume you spoke to his valet at the Albany. Edwin was not there?”

      “Out of town, apparently,” Gabriel responded. “We were hoping his cousin—” he smiled “—your wife would know where he had gone.”

      “Is she here?” Emmaline broke in. “May we speak to her?”

      Landon looked at her with kindness. “She is not here.”

      Emmaline averted her gaze, disappointed tears stinging her eyes.

      “Madame.” Landon’s voice was soothing. “She will return later this day.”

      There was a knock on the parlour door and the butler entered with a tray with a carafe, glasses and tea things. “Brought both, Captain,” Reilly said. He bowed out.

      “Sit, now,” Landon said. “Gabe, I suspect you would rather have the brandy.”


      Landon told them about meeting his wife during the battle of Waterloo and again when the war was over. They’d been married only a few weeks. “I cannot say if Marian knows Edwin’s whereabouts or not.”

      They all fell into silence; Emmaline sipped her tea while the men drank brandy.

      Alan drained his glass

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