The Flaw In Raffaele's Revenge. Annie West
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‘You’re joking. Who wouldn’t want to work for Raffaele Petri?’
Lily threaded her fingers through her long hair, pushing it from her face. ‘I already work for him, off and on.’ Her contract work for his company had been so lucrative it had made her enormous mortgage possible. The prestige of his name on those regular contracts had convinced even the cautious loans officer. ‘But I’m my own boss. Why would I want to change that?’
Her independence, her ability to control her life, meant everything. Perhaps because her world had been impacted irrevocably by a single, senseless event that had robbed her of so much.
A moment’s silence told her how bizarre her attitude seemed.
‘Let’s see. The kudos for a start. Work for him and you can walk into any job you like. He only employs the best. Then there’s the salary. Read the contract before you reject it, Lily. Chances like this don’t just come along.’
His tone was urgent. But Lily knew what was right for her.
‘Thanks for your interest, Pete. I appreciate it, really I do. But it’s not possible.’ She forked her hand through her hair again, for a millisecond wondering what opportunities she might have pursued if her life had been different. If she were different.
She dropped her hand, disgusted with herself. She couldn’t change the past. Everything she wanted, everything she aspired to, was within her grasp. All she had to do was work towards her goals. Success, security, self-sufficiency. That was what she wanted. Not jostling with commuters or being a drone in a corporation. Or hankering after places she’d never visit.
‘Lily, you can’t have considered. At least think about it.’
‘I have, Pete, but the answer is no. I’m happy here.’
* * *
At first she thought the chirruping noise was the dawn chorus. Each morning magpies and cockatoos greeted the first light. But this was too monotone, too persistent. Groaning, Lily opened her eyes. It was still night.
Pulse thundering, she groped for the phone. No one rang at this time unless it was an emergency.
‘Hello?’ She struggled to sit up, shoving her pillow behind her back.
‘Ms Lily Nolan?’
The pulse that an instant ago had sprinted in her arteries gave a single mighty thump. The deep male voice was foreign, rich and dark like a shot of espresso.
She groped for the bedside light and squinted at her watch. Minutes to midnight. No wonder she felt groggy. She’d only slept half an hour.
‘Who’s speaking?’
‘Raffaele Petri.’
Raffaele Petri!
To her sleep-addled senses that voice sounded like liquid seduction. She frowned and pulled the neck of her sleep shirt closed. Male voices didn’t affect her that way. But then how many sounded like this?
‘Are you still there?’
‘Of course I’m here. I’ve just woken up.’
‘Mi dispiace.’ I’m sorry.
He didn’t sound sorry. He sounded...
Lily shook her head. If it was Raffaele Petri this was business. She couldn’t afford to think about how potently male he sounded. Even if her hormones were dancing at the sound of that deliciously accented voice.
‘Signor Petri—’ She raked her hair from her face, shuffling higher in the bed. ‘What can I do for you?’
‘Sign the contract and get here subito.’
Lily choked down her instinctive response. The only place she was going subito, immediately, was back to sleep.
‘That’s impossible.’
‘Nonsense. It’s the only sensible course of action.’
Lily breathed deep, letting the chilly night air fill her lungs as she sought calm. He wasn’t only her client, he was her most important client.
‘Did you hear me?’
‘Good. When you’ve arranged your flight give my assistant the details. He’ll organise for you to be met at the airport.’
This must be how Renaissance Italian princes had sounded. As if every word they spoke was law. Imagine having such confidence you’d always get what you desired.
‘Thank you, but I won’t be contacting Pete.’ She cleared her throat, her voice still husky from sleep. ‘I was very flattered by your offer, Signor Petri, but I prefer working for myself.’
‘You’re turning me down?’ His soft voice raised the hairs on the back of her neck.
Had anyone ever denied Raffaele Petri what he wanted?
Lily’s heart thudded. She was on dangerous ground.
Widely touted as the most beautiful man in the world, he’d become famous as the golden-haired, outrageously handsome face, and body, that had turned designer casual into a style men around the globe aspired to emulate. No doubt he’d had women saying yes all his life.
But he had far more than looks. After leaving modelling he’d defied the critics and proven himself über-successful in business. Wealthy and powerful, Raffaele Petri was clearly used to instant compliance.
‘I’m very flattered by the offer—’
‘But?’ That purr of enquiry barely concealed a razor-sharp edge.
Lily drew in a slow breath. ‘Unfortunately I’m not in a position to accept.’
Silence. Long enough for her to wonder if she’d burned her bridges. Fear skated through her. She needed the work his company sent.
‘What would have to change so you’d be in a position to accept?’
Damn the man. Why couldn’t he just accept no?
‘May I ask instead why you want me?’ For a nanosecond heat surged at the unintentional double meaning of her words. But the idea of Raffaele Petri wanting her for anything other than work was so utterly unbelievable it rapidly faded. ‘I was told you were happy with my research and our current arrangement.’
‘If I were unhappy with your work I wouldn’t offer you a job, Ms Nolan.’ His clipped tones twisted her tension higher. ‘I want you here on my team because you’re the best at what you do. Simple as that.’