Crown Prince's Chosen Bride. Kandy Shepherd

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Crown Prince's Chosen Bride - Kandy  Shepherd

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style="font-size:15px;">      Gemma could hear the sound of her own heart beating in the sudden silence of the room as Eliza left. Her mouth went dry as Tristan came closer to face her over the countertop.

      His gaze was very direct. ‘So, Gemma, you did not get a chance to answer me—will you show me your home town?’

      It took every bit of resolve for her not to run around to the other side of the countertop and babble, Of course. How about we start right now?

      Instead she wiped her suddenly clammy hands down the sides of her apron. Took a deep breath to steady her voice. ‘I’m sorry, Tristan. But I...I can’t.’

      He looked taken aback. She got the distinct impression he wasn’t used to anyone saying no to him.

      He frowned. ‘You are sure?’

      ‘It wouldn’t be...appropriate,’ she said.

      ‘Because I am a client?’ he asked, his gaze direct on hers.

      She shifted from foot to foot, clad in the chef’s clogs she wore in the kitchen. ‘That’s right,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry, but it’s company policy.’

      Just for a moment, did disappointment cloud those blue eyes? ‘That is a shame. As I said, I would very much enjoy your company.’

      ‘I...well, I would enjoy yours, too. But...uh...rules are rules.’

      Such rules could be broken—as Andie had proved. But Gemma was determined to stick to her resolve, even if it was already tinged with regret.

      His mouth twisted. ‘I know all about rules that have to be followed whether one likes it or not,’ he said with an edge to his voice. ‘I don’t like it, but I understand.’

      What did he mean by that? Gemma wasn’t sure if he was referring to the Party Queens rules or a different set of rules that might apply to him. She sensed there might be a lot she didn’t understand about him. And now would never get a chance to.

      ‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘I’ll email the amended dessert menu to you.’

      ‘Dessert menu?’

      ‘Using Montovian chocolate for your party,’ she prompted.

      ‘Of course,’ he said. ‘I will look forward to it. I am sorry I will not be seeing more of Sydney with you.’

      ‘I...I’m sorry, too.’ But she would not toss away all that hard work she’d done on her insecurities.

      ‘Now I must let you get back to work while I speak with Eliza,’ he said, in what sounded very much like dismissal.

      Gemma refused to admire his back view as he left the kitchen. She liked a nice butt on a man. For better or for worse, that ship had sailed. And she felt good about her decision. She really did.

      But she was on edge as she prepared the coconut frosting by melting white chocolate and beating it with coconut cream. She kept glancing up, in case Tristan came back into the room. Was so distracted she grated the edge of her finger as well as the fine slivers of lemon and lime peel that would give the frosting its bite. But a half-hour later, when his meeting with Eliza concluded, he only briefly acknowledged her as he passed by the doorway to her kitchen.

      She gripped her hands so tightly her fingernails cut into her hands. The sudden feeling of loss was totally irrational. She would not run after him to say she’d changed her mind.

      * * *

      An hour later, as Gemma was finishing her work on the cake, Eliza popped her head around the door.

      ‘Cake ready?’ she asked. ‘The smell of it has been driving me crazy.’

      ‘Nearly ready. I’ve been playing with the candied peel on top and tidying up the frosting,’ Gemma said. ‘Come and have a look. I think it will be perfect for the Sanderson wedding.’

      ‘Magnificent,’ Eliza said. She sneaked a quick taste of the leftover frosting from the bowl. ‘Mmm...coconut. Nice touch. You really are a genius when it comes to food.’

      Gemma knew her mouth had turned downwards. ‘Just not such a genius when it comes to guys.’

      Eliza patted her on the shoulder. ‘Come on—you’ve done so well with your sabbatical. Aren’t we going to celebrate your freedom to date—I mean to date wisely—with this cake?’

      Both Gemma and Andie had been totally supportive during her man break. Had proved themselves again and again to be good friends as well as business partners.

      Gemma nodded. ‘I know...’ she said, unable to stop the catch in her voice. It was the right thing to have turned down Tristan’s invitation, but that didn’t stop a lingering sense of regret, of wondering what might have been.

      ‘What’s brought on this fit of the gloomies?’ Eliza asked. ‘Oh, wait—don’t tell me. The handsome mystery man—Tristan Marco. He’s just your type, isn’t he? As soon as I saw him, I thought—’

      Gemma put up her hand to stop her. ‘In looks, yes, I can’t deny that. He’s really hot.’ She forced a smile. ‘Our guesses about him were so far off the mark, weren’t they?’

      ‘He’s about as far away from short, bald and middle-aged as he could be,’ Eliza agreed. ‘I had to stop myself staring at him for fear he’d think I was incredibly bad mannered.’

      ‘You can imagine how shocked I was when he told me he was our client for the Friday night party. But I don’t think he told me everything. There’s still a lot of the mystery man about him.’

      ‘What do you mean, still too much mystery? What did you talk about here in your kitchen?’

      Gemma filled Eliza in on her conversation with Tristan, leaving out his invitation for her to show him around Sydney. Eliza would only remind her that dating clients was a no-no. And, besides, she didn’t want to talk about it—she’d made her decision.

      Eliza nodded. ‘He told me much the same thing—although he was quite evasive about the final list of guests. But what the heck? It’s his party, and he can invite anyone he wants to it as long as he sticks with the number we quoted on. We’re ahead financially, so it’s all good to me.’

      ‘That reminds me,’ Gemma said. ‘I have to amend the desserts for Friday to include Montovian chocolate. And he needs to approve them.’

      ‘You can discuss the menu change with him on Wednesday.’

      Gemma stopped, the blunt palette knife she’d used to apply the frosting still in her hand. ‘Wednesday? Why Wednesday?’

      ‘Tristan is on vacation in Sydney. He’s asked me to book a private yacht cruise around the harbour on Wednesday. And to organise an elegant, romantic lunch for two to be taken on board.’

      A romantic lunch for two?

      Gemma let go of the palette knife so it landed with a clatter on the stainless steel benchtop, using the distraction to gather her thoughts. So she’d been right to distrust mystery man Tristan. He’d asked her

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