The Midwife's Christmas Miracle. Jennifer Taylor
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He caught up with her outside the office. ‘Can I have a word with you, Lucy?’
‘Of course.’
She turned to face him and Max was aware of a definite coolness about the look she gave him. Bearing in mind how well they had got on in the clinic, it seemed very strange, and he didn’t waste time beating about the bush.
‘Have I done something to upset you?’
‘Of course not,’ she replied quickly, but he saw the colour that touched her cheeks and knew that she was fibbing.
‘Are you sure?’ He smiled, hoping she would confide in him if he kept things low key. ‘Because I get the distinct impression that I’m in your bad books for some reason.’
‘You’re imagining it. Now, if that’s all, I really do need to get on.’
‘Of course. But if I have upset you, Lucy, I apologise. The last thing I want is for us to be falling out.’
‘There’s nothing to apologise for,’ she said tersely, turning away.
Max sighed as he watched her hurry along the corridor. Despite her protestations, he knew there was something wrong and it was frustrating not to be able to do anything about it. Exasperated with himself for letting it bother him, he went into the office and phoned the purchasing manager, not pulling his punches as he told him what he thought about the new system. It was rare he ever spoke so sharply but it paid dividends that day. The man immediately agreed to increase their stock limits and even promised to have extra supplies delivered by lunchtime.
Max hung up, knowing that he should be pleased that the matter had been resolved so speedily. However, it was hard to feel any pleasure when there seemed to be a cloud hanging over him. Maybe it was silly, but he hated to think that Lucy was annoyed with him. For some reason her opinion mattered to him more than anyone else’s had done in a very long time.
Lucy went straight to the ward after she left Max. Sophie and baby Alfie were being discharged that morning and she wanted to say goodbye to them. Alfie had developed a mild case of jaundice after his birth and that was why he had been kept in. Extra fluids and phototherapy had soon cleared it up and he was now well enough to go home.
She pushed open the door, doing her best to calm herself down, but she could feel her nerves humming with tension. She hadn’t known what to say when Max had asked if he’d upset her. She had never considered herself to be an overly demonstrative sort of person, so the fact that he had picked up on her mood had stunned her. Richard certainly hadn’t noticed if she’d been upset. He’d been oblivious to anything that hadn’t directly affected him, in fact. She definitely couldn’t imagine Richard worrying in case he’d offended her, let alone apologising for it!
Lucy frowned. It wasn’t the first time she had found Richard lacking, yet in the beginning he had appeared so perfect. He’d been handsome, charming, witty, attentive—everything she could have wished for. It was only after they had started living together that she’d discovered he could be incredibly selfish at times too, but she’d been so sure that he was the man she’d wanted to spend her life with that she had made excuses for him.
Was she doing the same thing again? she wondered suddenly. All week long she had struggled to reconcile the impression she had formed of Max as a caring, dedicated doctor with the playboy bachelor Joanna had described. The only explanation she had come up with was that something must have happened in his past to make him behave so differently in his private life. It would be even easier to see that as the explanation after what had happened just now, too. Max had sounded genuinely concerned in case he had upset her, but Lucy realised it would be foolish to take it at face value. It was probably all part of his act, a way to project the right image!
Pain lanced her heart as she made her way to Sophie’s bed. Even though she knew how silly it was, she couldn’t help feeling disappointed. It was an effort to smile at the girl but the last thing Lucy wanted was anyone guessing how she felt. ‘I’ve just popped in to say goodbye. I bet you’re looking forward to going home, aren’t you?’
‘I suppose so,’ Sophie muttered.
Lucy frowned when she heard the despondent note in Sophie’s voice. ‘What’s the matter?’
‘I’m just worried in case I can’t cope,’ Sophie admitted. ‘I don’t know anything about babies and there’s so much to learn.’
‘You’ll be fine,’ Lucy said encouragingly. ‘All the staff have said how brilliant you are with Alfie. And they don’t say that about all our mums, believe me!’
‘I hope they’re right,’ Sophie said miserably, lifting her son out of the crib.
‘They are,’ Lucy said firmly, hating to hear the girl sounding so downhearted. ‘I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine, but if you do have any concerns then ask your health visitor. She’ll be visiting you every day for the next two weeks so you can discuss any problems with her. She’ll also be able to tell you when the baby clinic is open. Don’t forget that there are people there who can give you advice if you need it.’
‘I suppose so.’ Sophie still sounded very unsure. She cuddled Alfie for a moment and Lucy could see real fear in her eyes when she looked up. ‘It’s just a bit…well, scary knowing that I’m responsible for looking after him. I’m worried in case I do something wrong.’
‘Most new mums feel like that,’ Lucy assured her. ‘Is there anyone at home who can help you?’
‘No, there’s nobody.’
‘What about your family?’ she persisted gently.
‘My mum left home when I was a child and I haven’t seen her since. My dad brought me up but he died last year.’ Sophie’s eyes filled with tears. ‘I named Alfie after him.’
‘I’m sure he would have been thrilled,’ Lucy said kindly, passing her a tissue. ‘What about Alfie’s father? Will he help out?’
‘I doubt it. He’s left Dalverston and I’ve no idea where he’s living now.’ Sophie blew her nose. ‘He never wanted me to have Alfie in the first place. He was furious when I refused to have a termination. I’m glad he’s gone because I don’t want him anywhere near Alfie.’
‘I understand,’ Lucy said, feeling very sorry for the girl. She only wished there was something she could do to help her, but once Sophie left the maternity unit she was no longer their concern.
It wasn’t an ideal situation by any means and Lucy couldn’t help feeling concerned. ‘I’ll have to get back to work but don’t forget that there’s help available if you need it, Sophie. You only have to ask.’
‘Thank you.’
Sophie dredged up a smile but Lucy could tell that she was still worried. She sighed as she made her way to the desk to see what Amanda wanted her to