A Man of His Word. Sarah M. Anderson

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A Man of His Word - Sarah M. Anderson

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“Can you have a copy made for me?”

      Another unpleasant reality smacked Rosebud upside the head. Of course this Dan Armstrong was used to a world where copiers worked. That world had shiny new computers that connected to the internet, real office space and chairs that didn’t try to eat a person alive.

      That wasn’t her world.

      She held her head high. “Your predecessor in negotiating, Mr. Lon Johnson, had a copy of all my files.” Or at least, that was what he thought.

      “Actually, I looked into that last night.” Armstrong’s mouth bowed up into an appreciative smile. “It appears that all those files up and disappeared out of his car one day, about a week ago. In addition to his laptop, iPod and three candy bars.”

      Hmm. That sounded like Matt, who was trying to fashion himself as the ideological heir to Tanner but thus far had just succeeded in being a low-level criminal. She would have loved to have gotten her hands on Johnson’s laptop, but there was no question that it had already been pawned off or sold outright. Dang it, she thought. Another missed opportunity. She tried to look surprised, but given how Dan’s grin got bigger, she didn’t think she’d made it. “That’s unfortunate.” Armstrong cleared his throat. Time to go to the lame-excuse file. “Our copier recently had an… incident, shall we say. We are awaiting the parts.” Which was only a small lie. The copier had had an incident, all right. Two years ago.

      Armstrong seemed to buy it. “I guess that leaves only one other option. I’d like your permission,” he said, directing his statement to all three of them, “to come back and review the files myself and take notes. That way, they don’t leave the building, and I still get what I need.”

      Rosebud deferred to Aunt Emily, who was weighing the offer. Finally, she nodded. “Of course, Mr. Armstrong, you understand that there’ll be conditions.”

      “Of course,” he agreed, leaning back in the chair. He seemed to be getting used to the wobble. He looked to Rosebud, and again she saw the arrogant smile. A man used to getting his way. “I imagine you won’t want me to have un-supervised access to original documents.”

      The implication was clear. He had her cornered, and they both knew it. Nobody else on the rez grasped the full import of all the details Rosebud had meticulously collected over the last three years, not even Aunt Emily. Rosebud was the only one who could possibly make sure nothing original “walked off.” She was going to have to sit in this small room for hours—days—on end with a handsome, charming man while he copied her life’s work by hand. He was going to leverage all that compassionate charm against her under the auspices of a fact-finding mission.

      Whoever the hell Dan Armstrong was, she had to give him credit. He was a worthy opponent.

      Aunt Emily took up her cue again. She began to go on about how the tribe just wanted to be left in peace and get a little respect from the outside world. Rosebud tuned her out. Instead, she found herself studying Armstrong’s hands. He had calluses that told her he’d earned them the hard way. As he leaned back, she saw an impressive buckle that didn’t look store-bought. Actually, upon closer inspection, she didn’t think that his shirt was store-bought, either. She glanced down at his boots. Top-of-the-line alligator. They probably cost more than she took home before taxes last year. He wasn’t some office gopher, but a man who worked and made more than a nice living. Somehow, she knew he didn’t send anyone out to do his bidding. If this Dan Armstrong needed something done, he either asked the right person or he went and did it himself.

      If she wasn’t careful, she was going to be caught staring. She wondered what he’d been doing in the valley, and immediately, the guilt began to build. God, what a mess. She’d assumed he was one of Cecil Armstrong’s mercenary “security” guards. That had been her second mistake. She couldn’t be sure it had been her last one.

      Finally, as Aunt Emily began to wind up, she noticed that Armstrong was starting to fidget in his chair. All that coffee was finally getting to him. Normally, she’d take advantage of his discomfort to really rake him over the coals, but not today. She needed to get out of this room, far away from this unusual man, and figure out her next move.

      On Dan’s way out the door, Joe still didn’t shake Armstrong’s hand, but Aunt Emily did. Then Dan shook Rosebud’s hand. “I look forward to working with you,” he said as he put the slightest pressure on her fingers. The warmth was still there, but this time it moved up her arm with a greater urgency until she was afraid her face was going to flush.

      Damn. Damn, damn, damn. She was afraid she was looking forward to it, too.


      Rosebud was sure she’d thrown the files in her office and locked the door, but that part was a little hazy. The next thing she was really conscious of was the soft breeze and the warm sun on her face as she stood in the parking lot, facing south. The breeze still had a touch of cold spring in it, which was just enough to let her mind clear a little.

      The situation was far from out of control, she quickly decided. Dan Armstrong might be a different kind of danger to her, but he was still just a man, and a woman didn’t make it through law school without figuring out how to handle a man. She just needed to remember who he represented, not what he looked like or how he addressed her with all that “respect” and “compassion.”

      “You okay, Rosie?” Joe’s hand rested on her shoulder.

      “Oh, fine.” Not true, but she was a lawyer, after all. Never admit weakness, because weakness is defeat. She opened her eyes to see Aunt Emily standing before her, a serious look on her face. “What?”

      Aunt Emily looked to Joe and then sighed. “That man…”

      “I can handle him.”

      Aunt Emily regarded her for a painful second. Then she leaned forward and grasped the sticks holding Rosebud’s braided bun into place. The whole thing unfurled like a sail. “He is different. He is a handsome man, dear. And you are a handsome woman.”

      Something about the way she said it hit Rosebud funny. “What are you saying?”

      “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” Joe said, sounding surprisingly serious about it. The weight of his hand suddenly felt like a vise, pinning her in place.

      “You want me to—what? Sleep with him?” When Aunt Emily didn’t say anything, Rosebud tried to take a step back, but Joe held her in place. The breeze—colder now, so cold it chilled her to the bone—caught the straggling remains of her braid and unwound it for her. “You want me to sleep with him?” Shame ripped through her.

      Of all the things asked of her—leaving home for so many years to get that damned law degree when she really wanted to study art; giving up any semblance of a normal life to eat, drink and breathe legal proceedings against Armstrong Holdings; having dead animals show up around her house; losing her brother—sleeping with the enemy was the worst. Even if the enemy was as attractive as Dan Armstrong. That was irrelevant. It didn’t matter that she’d given her life to the tribe. Now it wanted her body, too.

      “No, no,” Joe finally protested, too late. “But a beautiful woman can muddle a man’s thinking.”

      “This may be the chance we’ve been waiting for, dear,” Emily added. Rosebud could hear how little her aunt really believed it, but she kept going. “He could let something… useful slip about his uncle. He might know something about Tanner.”

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