Beauty and the Billionaire. Barbara Dunlop

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Beauty and the Billionaire - Barbara Dunlop

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world pitched sideways.

      With a groan of surrender, he dropped to one knee, clamping a hand behind her neck, firmly pulling her forward for a real kiss.

      There was no hesitation this time. Their tongues met in a clash. She shifted in the chair to mold against him, her breasts plastered against his chest while desire raced like wildfire along his limbs.

      Her hair was soft, her breath softer, and her body was pure heaven in his arms.

      “I want you,” he’d muttered.

      “No kidding,” she came back.

      His chuckle rumbled against her lips. “Sassy.”

      “You know it,” she whispered in the instant before he kissed her all over again.

      The kiss went harder and deeper, until he finally had to gasp for air. “Can I take that as a yes?”

      “Can I take that as an offer?” she countered.

      “You can take it as a promise,” he said, and scooped her into his arms.

      She placed her hands on his shoulders and burrowed into the crook at his neck. Then her teeth came down gently on his earlobe. Lust shot through him, and he cursed the fact that his bedroom was in a far corner on the third floor.

      A knock on his office door snapped him back to reality.

      “Yeah?” he barked.

      The door cracked open.

      It was Sinclair again.

      She slipped inside, still stunningly beautiful in that sleek ivory skirt and the matching blazer. Her pale-pink tank top molded to her breasts, and her shapely legs made him long to trail his fingertips up past her hemline.

      “Since it’s business as usual,” she began, perkily, crossing the room, oblivious to his state of discomfort.

      “Right,” he agreed from between clenched teeth.

      “I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”

      At the moment, he had something he wished he could discuss with her, too.

      “Fire way,” he said instead.

      She took up the guest chair again and crossed her legs. Her makeup was minimal, but she didn’t need it. She had a healthy peaches-and-cream glow, accented by the brightest blue eyes he’d ever seen. Sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling bay window sparkled on her hair. It reminded him of the firelight, and he curled his hands into new fists.

      “I have this idea.”

      He ordered himself to leave that opening alone.

      “Roger’s been reluctant to support it,” she continued.

      She wanted Hunter to intervene?

      Sure. Easy. No problem.

      “Let’s hear it,” he said.

      “It’s about the ball.”

      Hunter had just read about the Lush Beauty Products’ Valentine’s Ball. They were going to use it to launch the Luscious Lavender line. It was a decent idea as publicity went. Women loved Valentine’s Day, and the Luscious Lavender line was all about glamming up and looking your best.

      “Shoot,” he told her.

      “I’ve taken the lead in planning the ball,” she explained, wriggling forward, drawing his attention to the pale tank top. “And I’ve been thinking we should go with something bigger.”

      “A bigger ball?” He dragged his attention back to her face. They’d rented the ballroom at the Roosevelt Hotel. It didn’t get much bigger than that.

      Sinclair shook her head. “Not a bigger ball. A bigger product launch. Something more than a ball. The ball is fine. It’s great. But it’s not…” Her lips compressed and her eyes squinted down. “Enough.”

      “Tell me what you had in mind,” he prompted, curious about how she conducted business. He’d been struck by her intelligence in Manchester. It would be interesting to deal with her in a new forum.

      “What I was thinking…” She paused as if gathering her thoughts. “Is to launch Luscious Lavender at a luxury spa. In addition to the ball.” Her voice sped up with her enthusiasm. “We’re going after the high-end market. And where do rich women get their hair done? Where do they get their facials? Their body wraps? Their waxing?”

      “At the spa?” asked Hunter, trying very, very hard not to think about Sinclair and waxing.

      She sat back, pointed a finger in his direction, a flush of excitement on her face. “Exactly.”

      “That’s not bad,” he admitted. It was a very good idea. He liked that it was unique, and it would probably prove effective. “What’s Roger’s objection?”

      “He didn’t tell me his objection. He just said no.”

      “Really?” Hunter didn’t care for autocracy and secrecy as managerial styles. “What would you like me to do?”

      Whatever it was, he’d do it in a heartbeat. And not because of their history. He’d do it because it was a good idea, and he appreciated her intelligence and creativity. Roger better have a damn good reason for turning her down.

      “If you can clear it with Roger—”

      “Oh, I can clear it with Roger.”

      Her teeth came down on her bottom lip, and a hesitation flashed through her eyes. “You agreed awfully fast.”

      “I’m agile and decisive. Got a problem with that?”

      “As long as…” Guilt flashed in her eyes.

      “I’m reacting to your idea, Sinclair. Not to your body.”

      “You sure?”

      “Of course, I’m sure.” He was. Definitely.

      “I was going to approach New York Millennium.” She named a popular spa in the heart of Manhattan.

      “That sounds like a good bet. You need anything else?”

      She shook her head, rising to her feet. “Roger was my only roadblock.”


      "Obviously,” Roger said to Sinclair, with exaggerated patience. “I can’t turn down the CEO.”

      She nodded where she sat in a guest chair in his office, squelching the lingering guilt that she might have used her relationship with Hunter as leverage. She admitted she’d been counting on Roger having to say yes to Hunter.

      But she consoled herself in being absolutely positive the spa launch was a worthwhile idea. Also,

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