Cowboy to the Rescue. Trish Milburn
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“You do know this isn’t fair, Mom,” Simon said. “You never had Trudy cook on family night.”
“Trudy would have told me to go jump in the lake. I figure I have a narrow window of opportunity here.”
Everyone laughed, and Brooke felt she was the one person not in on the joke. Did Merline mean she was leaning toward giving her the job and she figured Brooke would soon set limits on her work? She resisted the urge to tell Merline that she’d cook every meal every day if the agony of not knowing could just end.
As the laughter died down, Merline caught Brooke’s eye. “Now, let’s quit the silliness and let Brooke tell us about what she’s made.”
Brooke took a breath and dived in. “I’ve prepared two types of menus—one simple and comforting, the other a bit fancier. You could use the latter for special occasions, like if you were hosting an anniversary party or wedding.” She proceeded to tell them about each of the dishes, drawing nods and sounds of appreciation. She hoped they liked everything as much after they tasted it.
“Let’s eat. I’m starving.” This came from the elder Mr. Teague.
As everyone filed through, filling their plates, Merline stationed herself next to Brooke and introduced her to everyone as they passed by.
“Simon’s already introduced himself,” she said when the flirty cowboy paused in front of them to nab a piping-hot yeast roll.
“What, you’re not going to tell her how wonderful I am?” He smiled as he wrapped his free arm around his mom’s shoulders.
Merline looked at Brooke. “This one doesn’t have a problem with self-confidence.”
“Hmm. I think I’ve just been insulted,” he said.
Merline patted his cheek. “Not at all, dear. Now quit holding up the line.”
Simon shot Brooke another smile and winked a blue-gray eye at her before heading for the table.
Next, she met Nathan and Grace, Evan’s parents, who were newlyweds despite Evan’s age.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Grace said. “It’ll be good to have another woman around here. We’re a bit overrun with testosterone.”
“And you love it,” Nathan said as he bumped the side of her hip with his own, causing Grace to smile up at him.
A pang hit Brooke at how in love these two obviously were. Once upon a time, she’d dreamed of that kind of love for herself.
“And this here is our youngest, Ryan,” Merline said as Nathan followed Grace to the dining room and Ryan took their place in front of Brooke.
She had trouble maintaining eye contact with him. Again, she wondered how a man could calm her and make her nervous at the same time.
“We’ve met,” she said.
She noticed the slight widening of Merline’s eyes. “You have?”
Ryan glanced from Brooke to his mother. “Yeah. I ran out of drinks, came up here to get one.”
Merline shifted her attention to Brooke. There was something seeking in her expression, making it difficult to not squirm. With a slight nod to Brooke, Ryan made his way toward the dining room, as well, to be replaced by his father.
“This is my husband, Hank.”
Brooke looked up into the face that was an older version of his three sons. He extended his hand, which Brooke accepted and shook.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “Merline has been working too hard lately.”
Everyone was acting as if she already had the job. Did they know something she didn’t?
Merline waved away her husband’s worry and shoved him gently toward the dining room before filling her own plate.
Brooke eyed the people sitting around the table, noticed that two empty seats remained.
“Are you expecting someone else?” she asked Merline.
“No, everyone’s here.”
“Oh, I could have sworn Ryan said there’d be seven adults.”
Merline glanced at the table. “He was counting you too, honey.”
A jolt hit Brooke. Honey. She could still hear her mother calling her the same thing, and missed it terribly.
The idea that the Teagues expected her to eat with them hadn’t even entered her mind. She was the potential help and had planned to nibble on leftovers after they were finished.
“I don’t want to intrude on your family night.”
“It’s not an intrusion if we invite you.” Merline caught Brooke’s gaze again. “Seems you and Ryan talked about several things.”
Something about the way Merline spoke had Brooke’s instinct for caution firing. “Just about the number for dinner since I forgot to ask you.”
“He should have also made clear that we don’t expect you to cook and not eat.”
Now that Merline had put the idea of eating in her head, Brooke realized how hungry she was. As if to put an exclamation point on that thought, her stomach growled.
Merline laughed. “Go on and fill a plate.”
As Brooke did exactly that, she wondered if the now-retired Trudy had ever eaten with the family. And if not, why was Merline suddenly changing things? Or maybe Trudy had just had a family of her own to get home to, something very much absent from Brooke’s life.
When she finished filling her plate, she turned toward the dining room. Awkwardness cut through her like a chilly wind off the Potomac River.
Merline waved her toward a chair between Evan and his uncle Simon. “Come on. Don’t be shy.”
“Yeah. Shy doesn’t work around here,” Simon said.
When she took her seat, she looked up and realized Ryan was sitting directly across from her. He averted his eyes, as if she’d caught him watching her.
Or maybe she was just letting paranoia get the better of her, something she’d sworn not to let happen. Whether or not she got this job, she was starting a new life. And she refused to let the old one have control over her anymore.
Despite her determination, however, she still froze when Simon grabbed her hand.
“Oh my God, marry me.”
The comment and look of ecstasy on his face hit her as so ridiculous that she laughed—a short burst that escaped before she could stop it.
“What?” Simon asked. “This is the best thing I’ve tasted in … ever.”
“Hey!” Merline