Echoes in the Dark. Gayle Wilson

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Echoes in the Dark - Gayle  Wilson

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thinking. Talk to me. Who is she?”

      “I don’t know who she is, but I damn well know who she’s not,” he said harshly, bitterly, and then deliberately modified his voice to hide the anger. “I promise you, that’s all I know. What Paul told us. Nothing else.”

      “And in spite of that, you’re still...”

      But she watched as his eyes moved away from her face to the sound of the surf that pounded against the volcanic rocks below the deck on which he was sitting. When he shook his head against her questions, she knew he had told her all he intended. She moved her hand down the back of his head, touching his neck again, and then silently, on bare feet, she left him to contemplate alone whatever it was he was planning.

      She had never been able to change his mind, not once he’d decided on a course of action, and obviously he’d decided what to do about the woman who had just arrived.

      “Expiation,” she whispered, and went to look up the word, to verify that it meant what she thought. In spite of her accusation, he would never use the wrong word. He was far too careful. When she found it, it meant exactly what she had thought, so she was left to wonder still what he planned.

      * * *

      CAROLINE WAS ASLEEP when the maid tapped lightly on the door. She awoke instantly in the tropical darkness, disoriented for a few seconds.

      “Mademoiselle,” the maid spoke from beyond the doorway, “Madame asks that you join the family for dinner if you’ve rested enough.”

      “Of course. I overslept. Please tell them I won’t be long, and then, if you would, come back for me?”

      “Of course, mademoiselle.

      She felt drugged, too deeply asleep, but she knew that she had to rise and dress. She ran her fingers tiredly through the tangled strands of her hair, realizing with dismay that she hadn’t even unpacked.

      She pulled one of the suitcases onto the bed, rummaging until she found a pair of white slacks and their matching top. They were slightly wrinkled, but surely everyone would expect that. She slipped them on with a pair of white sandals and pulled out her makeup bag to repair the ravages.

      She wished she had time to remove her old makeup and start over, but she hated making everyone wait. She brushed her hair to untangle it and could feel the effects of the salt air. She left it loose, worrying that it might be too casual, but at least it was quick.

      She was ready when the maid returned. She followed her down the long hall and the wide, freestanding central stairs into the room she had entered today, a room whose long windows looked out now only on dark sky and sea and moon.

      Suzanne rose gracefully and took her hand. “You look rested. Did you manage to sleep?”

      “I probably have sleep creases. I was still asleep when the maid knocked. I’m so sorry I made you wait.”

      “It doesn’t matter,” Suzanne reassured. “That’s one art you learn in this climate. It’s fatal to hurry. No one does. We’re one drink ahead of you. What would you like?”

      “Juice, soda, whatever you have. Nothing alcoholic,” Caroline requested, following the small figure to the bar.

      Suzanne had changed into a turquoise silk jumpsuit that fit every curve of her perfectly shaped body. She made Caroline feel as tall and gawky as she had always felt as a teenager.

      “A teetotaler,” Andre said, laughing. “We make our living here making rum, and you’ve invited a teetotaler.”

      “Andre,” his sister chided, handing her a glass full of ice and some sort of mixed juices. It was very refreshing, its cold tartness chasing away the last of the grogginess.

      She knew they were wondering if she had a problem with alcohol. Most people who didn’t drink at all were either alcoholics or had strong feelings about the use of spirits. She fell into neither category, but she couldn’t think how to phrase any explanation of her situation that would fit into this casual atmosphere.

      She simply sipped her drink, watching Andre fix two Scotch-and-waters. He carried one to the fourth occupant of the room who had been sitting so quietly that she hadn’t noticed him in the low lighting. He had chosen the most shadowed corner, and she wondered suddenly if that might have been deliberate. It had certainly afforded him the opportunity to study her without her being aware of his scrutiny.

      Suzanne spoke at her elbow, “You haven’t met my older brother. He’s the patriarch, the one who keeps us all in line. Come and meet Julien.”

      Their footsteps sounded unnaturally loud against the stone tiles of the floor. She wondered suddenly if that’s why Suzanne had been barefoot this afternoon, to avoid this echoing parade across the room.

      “Caroline, I’d like you to meet my favorite brother.”

      They both heard Andre’s soft laugh behind them, but Suzanne ignored his response to her provocation and continued her introduction. “Julien, this is Caroline Evans. I’ve invited her to be my secretary and companion while I’m here.”

      Caroline’s thoughts that night after she had gone to bed all concerned her stupidity in not putting it together sooner. The dark, aviator-style sunglasses in the dimness of the room. Andre’s solicitude with the drink. She hadn’t yet realized the reason those things were necessary. She had simply extended her hand and waited.

      Suzanne reached out and took her hand quite naturally and, holding it gently in her own, lowered their joined hands between them as if they were such close friends they couldn’t bear to be apart. She smiled into Caroline’s eyes to banish the embarrassment, but they both knew that somehow the man who sat so quietly in that shadowed corner was perfectly aware of what had just happened.

      He was very like his brother, as deeply tanned, with the same strong, squared chin and darkly curling hair. He was, perhaps, even better looking, his features more classically shaped. It was difficult to tell behind the dark glasses.

      His tone was completely neutral when he spoke, his voice deep and rich, his English only slightly accented. Since she had expected him to address her in French, as the others had naturally done, his decision to greet her in her native language seemed a nice gesture.

      “Ms. Evans, I’m delighted you’ve consented to join us here. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay. I doubt that even Suzanne’s social correspondence will totally occupy your time. Please feel free to enjoy the islands. If you need anything, I hope you’ll ask. Andre will make an excellent guide, and if I know my brother, he’ll be more than willing.”

      “Thank you,” she said quietly, still embarrassed by her faux pas, “but I’m here to work, to help your sister. I don’t think I’ll have time to play tourist.”

      “Andre will probably insist you find time. He’s already been extolling your beauty,” he said. Realizing that comment demanded some explanation, he continued softly, “I hope you’ll forgive my curiosity which, I admit, prompted his comments. We don’t usually discuss our guests, but a brief description helps me to visualize someone I’m meeting for the first time.” The dark glasses were focused somewhere beyond her left shoulder.

      “I don’t mind. Especially since your brother chose to be very flattering. I’m looking forward

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