Blown Away. Elle James

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Blown Away - Elle James

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The guard gave Sean a wary look. “Everything okay here?”

      TJ pushed a hand through her shoulder-length hair and gave a shaky laugh. “Oh, hi, Joe. Yes, yes, of course.” When the guard turned away from her, TJ glared at Sean.

      “If you’re sure…” Joe didn’t act as if he wanted to leave.

      “No, really, Joe,” TJ said. “We were just discussing work, weren’t we?”

      Sean nodded, gauging TJ’s words and anticipating her next with some trepidation. “Yes, sir.”

      “You new around here?” Joe asked.

      “Started today in Congresswoman Malone’s office.” Sean stuck out his hand. “John Newman.”

      A soft snort sounded beside him.

      As the guard took his extended hand, Sean could feel the heat of TJ’s glare burning into his back. She could blow his cover if she wanted and she was mad enough to do it. He hoped she wouldn’t.

      “John Newman,” the guard repeated. “Nice to meet you.” He glanced again at TJ. “If you’re sure you’re okay, I’ll be on my way. Still have my rounds to complete.”

      “I’m perfectly fine.” Her brows rose. “And so is Se—John. He’s perfectly fine.” Her lips thinned for a moment before she graced the guard with a dazzling, albeit fake, smile. “Thanks for your concern. It’s nice to know some people still care.”

      Joe walked away, glancing back once before he rounded the corner.

      TJ clamped her mouth shut and crossed her arms over her chest, watching Sean until the guard’s footsteps receded.

      Sean didn’t like pretending with TJ, but he had to maintain his cover. He’d practiced the lies he’d tell her half a dozen times, knowing it was only a matter of time before she discovered he was there.

      After the policeman moved on, TJ grabbed Sean’s arm and ushered him, none too gently, down the long hallway back to her empty office.

      Sean assumed a casual, natural look in case someone was watching. Surely legislative assistants dragged the new guys down the halls at some point during the day. He didn’t want to cause a scene or draw attention. His job was to blend in.

      When she shoved him into her office and slammed the door behind him, her cheeks blazed with twin flags of color. She paced across the room and turned to face him. “I want answers and I want them now.”

      He took a deep breath, wondering how much to tell her. “I’m sorry I didn’t acknowledge you in the hallway. I didn’t want to draw a lot of attention.”

      “From whom? The place is practically deserted.” She raised her eyebrows, her toe tapping on the floor. “Who are you really? Sean McNeal or John Newman?”

      The story he’d concocted froze on his lips. He’d never had trouble lying to maintain his cover, until he’d met TJ. He swallowed hard and forced the lie out. “John Newman.”

      “And who is Sean McNeal? Just a name you made up to get me in bed in Dindi?”

      He hated doing it, but he’d rather look the bastard than blow his cover and place himself, and possibly her, in danger. “That’s right. I didn’t want any complications after I left Dindi.”

      “Complications.” For a moment her face paled again, then darkened into a ruddy red. A muscle ticked in her jaw for several long seconds. Then she shook her head. “I’m not buying it. Tell me what you’re really up to or I’ll call Joe back here and have you arrested.”

      Not sure whether or not she was bluffing, Sean’s eyes narrowed. “On what charges?”

      “Spying.” Her own eyes widened and a gasp escaped her lips. “For all I know, you could have been the one to bomb the embassy.”

      Sean had known she wouldn’t take his reappearance well, but this encounter wasn’t going the way he’d rehearsed. If he didn’t level with her, she could blow his cover. Question was: could he trust her? He stared long and hard at her. Hell, he’d have to. “TJ, I’m working undercover.”

      Her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean? Are you with the CIA or something?”

      “Something like that. I can’t tell you everything, but I need everyone to think I’m just staff assistant John Newman.”

      “Are you working the Dindi case?”

      “Yeah.” He closed the distance between them and lifted her hands in his. “Look, I know this is hard to understand—”

      “You have no idea.” She jerked her hands free and crossed her arms over her chest. “One minute I’m making love to a man I thought I knew. The next, I’m told he died in an explosion.”

      “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

      “Why should I believe you, now? How do I know you didn’t orchestrate that explosion? Give me one good reason I shouldn’t turn you into the police or FBI?”

      Sean’s arms crossed over his chest. “If that’s what you think you need to do, go ahead.”

      Her wide eyes narrowed, but she didn’t move for the phone. “Damn you! I don’t know what to believe.”

      “I can’t tell you any more than I’m undercover and need you to keep quiet.”

      When he reached out again, she backed away. “Don’t touch me.”

      What did he expect? He’d left her alone in a foreign country thinking he was dead. After being away from her for a month, did he think she’d be happy to see him?

      The spark in her eyes faded and the starch went out of her stance. “Tell me this. Were you working a case in Dindi?”

      “Yes.” His response revealed none of the emotion he felt, none of the regret, none of the memories. He couldn’t afford to let them show.

      Her eyes swam with tears and she whispered, “Was that all it was to you?”

      Here’s the part where he could say she meant more to him than just the case. The part where he could say he’d fallen for her and had begun to think of a more permanent relationship. The tears welling in her eyes almost had him spilling his feelings like a rookie.

      Remember Marty. The silence stretched one, two, three seconds before he responded. “Yes, I was working a case.” Better let her think he was a bastard. It made things easier.

      She sucked in a breath and held it before she let it out slowly. “Thank you. At least I know exactly where we stand.”

      Where did they stand? Sean had a good idea, and it didn’t involve happily-ever-after.

      “You say you weren’t responsible for the bombing in Dindi.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, then her hand dropped to her side, her gaze leveling on him. “Why should I trust you? You’ve lied to me from the start, even faked your own death. You still haven’t given me a good reason not to turn you in.”

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