Wanted: Bodyguard. Carla Cassidy
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“Yes, Lana, let’s go into the kitchen. It appears we have a lot to catch up on.” Rachel linked her arm with Lana’s and pulled her toward the kitchen while Riley stepped out to grab the suitcase and then disappeared down the hallway.
It wasn’t until Lana had poured her sister a glass of iced tea and they both sat at the table that Rachel began with her questions.
“New husband? When did this happen? Where did you meet him? Why hadn’t you mentioned him before, and where is my niece?”
“Haley is down for a nap,” Lana replied, deciding to answer the easiest question first. She knew that this would be the first big test for her.
As much as she hated doing it, she had to convince her sister that her marriage to Riley was real. She’d figure out later how to smooth out all the lies she was about to tell.
In two days’ time she would be introducing Riley to her neighbors at a backyard soiree she and Riley were throwing to announce her big news, but at the moment she had to get over this more personal hurdle.
As she told Rachel their official story she tried not to worry about how this was all going to work. Having Rachel in the house over the next couple of days was definitely going to be a challenge.
When she was finished telling Rachel how she and Riley had met, where they’d gotten married and how happy she was, Rachel leaned back in the chair and eyed her curiously.
“There’s no question he’s one hot hunk of man, but this is so unlike you. It seems so impulsive. Internet dating? A Vegas wedding? That’s so not your style.”
“It was crazy and impulsive,” Riley said from the doorway. “But getting married was also the right thing for us to do. We just couldn’t wait any longer to start our lives together.”
He deserved an Academy Award. The look he gave to Lana was so filled with love and with a simmering passion that if she didn’t know any better she would have bought into it herself.
“Sit down, Riley, and let me get to know you better,” Rachel said. “I need to assure myself that you’re a good fit for my sister and my niece.”
“He’s a perfect fit,” Lana replied, and smiled at Riley. He walked behind her chair and gave her shoulder a little squeeze, then sat down next to her.
For the next hour Rachel grilled Riley, asking what he did for a living, where his family was located and what his thoughts were on child rearing. She questioned him about his finances, his life goals, and Lana sat back and let him take the heat.
Riley handled the inquisition like a pro, and it didn’t take long before Lana saw her sister’s reservations melting away beneath Riley’s charms.
He told Rachel that he was an investment broker, that he’d grown up in Arizona and that he was an only child. He smiled and indicated that he feared he would be a soft touch as a parent, that already Haley had him wrapped around her little finger.
Lana had no idea how much of what he said was true, but if she didn’t know the real story she definitely would have believed everything he said. He was not only a sexy charmer but an amazing liar as well, she thought.
With each lie he told, Lana felt worse and wished she could just tell her sister the truth about the situation. It just felt so wrong to lie to Rachel.
By that time Haley was awake from her nap, and as Rachel played with her on the living room floor, Riley and Lana caught a minute alone in the kitchen.
“I moved all my things into your bedroom,” he said in a hushed whisper. “And I also stored the camera equipment in the closet.”
“What about your surveillance?” she asked worriedly.
“I’ve already contacted agents McDonald and Morrel, and we’re going to just have to improvise until your sister leaves. They’ll keep Greg’s house covered until things settle back down here.”
At that moment Rachel walked into the kitchen trailed by Haley. “Daddy!” Haley grinned at Riley and held her arms out for him to pick her up.
Although Rachel didn’t seem to notice Riley’s hesitation, Lana did. He took the little girl and immediately deposited her on his shoulders as she laughed in delight.
He might be a charmer, he might be hot as hell to look at, but he definitely didn’t have the makings of a family man, Lana thought. Not that she wanted him to be her family man.
“Why don’t I run out and grab a couple of pizzas for dinner?” Riley suggested as Lana motioned for him to put Haley back down.
“Please, don’t go to any trouble on my account,” Rachel protested.
“It’s no trouble. I’ve got to pick up a few things anyway,” Riley replied.
“And I’ll make a big salad to go with the pizza,” Lana said.
“I love pizza,” Haley exclaimed.
“I think I’ll go get settled in,” Rachel said. “I’ll be back in a few minutes to help you with that salad.”
As Rachel left the room Lana felt some of the tension ease from her. Since the minute she’d opened the front door and seen Rachel on the stoop, nervous tension had stiffened her shoulders and twisted her stomach.
Lana placed Haley in her booster chair and gave her a couple of crackers to hold her until the pizza arrived. With both Rachel and Riley gone, she sank down in the chair next to Haley and smiled at her daughter. “What a tangled web we weave,” she said softly.
“What?” Haley asked.
Lana smiled. “Never mind.”
And this was just the beginning. On Friday night she would be deceiving all her neighbors and, more important, hopefully Greg Cary.
She got up from the chair and pulled from the refrigerator all the items she needed to make a salad. She was in the process of cutting up a green pepper when Rachel flew back into the kitchen.
Rachel walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, her eyes wide. “There’s all kinds of camera equipment in the closet. Please tell me that Riley isn’t making tapes of, you know, the two of you together … like sex tapes.”
Lana stared at her sister and then dissolved into laughter. “No!” she exclaimed. “Oh, no, it’s nothing like that. Oh my God, Rachel, what are you thinking?”
“The worst.” Rachel slumped into a chair. “I saw that stuff and suddenly had a vision of you and your new beau splashed across the Internet in all your naked glory.”
Lana giggled again and then realized she needed to come up with a reasonable explanation for the camera equipment. “Actually, Riley is kind of an amateur videographer. He occasionally works weddings and things like that.”
Rachel released a sigh of relief as Lana returned to chopping the pepper. “You hear about this stuff all the time, men talking women into making a sex tape and suddenly the tape is on one of those Internet sites for people to download.”