Blackthorne. Ruth Langan

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Blackthorne - Ruth  Langan

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a monster come and snatch them?”

      “No. They died. Now they’re with the angels.”


      “In heaven.”

      “Do they like it there?”

      She nodded. “Very much. They’re happy in their new home.”

      “Do you think my mama is there with them?”

      “I know she is. And though you can’t see her, she’s still looking out for you. Just as my parents are looking out for me.”

      “If she’s looking out for me, why did she allow me to be taken away from my island and brought to this place?”

      Olivia watched the way his lower lip quivered. How she longed to take this poor child into her arms and kiss away his fears. But, she reminded herself, she was his governess, not his mother or doting aunt. Her job was to help him cope with the situation. And perhaps toughen him up in the bargain.

      “We don’t know why things happen, Liat But we must trust that all things happen for a reason.”

      He seemed to digest that for a long moment before looking up at her. “Have you always lived here at Blackthorne?”

      She shook her head. “Like you, my home is far from here.”

      “Then why are you here?”

      “I’m here to be your teacher and your nurse, and, if you’ll let me, your friend.”

      “Do you like it here?”

      “I don’t really know yet. I’ve only just arrived. But I’m going to do my best. to like it here.”

      As soon as she had spoken, she felt a strange sort of comfort. Odd, she’d meant only to soothe his fears. But her own burden seemed suddenly lighter. It was true. She did intend to do her best to make her stay here, and that of the lad, as pleasurable as possible.

      “Here.” She broke apart a biscuit and spooned fruit conserve over it before handing half to him.

      He nibbled, gave her a faint smile of approval, then finished the rest.

      “You see?” She sipped her tea and returned the smile. “Papa used to say that talking out your fears was an important first step. Then you must face them if you are to conquer them.” She brushed her fingers across his cheek and gave him an encouraging smile. “We will face our fears together, Liat, until there are no fears left.”


      Quenton Stamford stood perfectly still, cautioning the hound at his heel to do the same. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. In fact, he’d only come to handle the introductions between the boy and his new governess. But now, watching and listening, he wondered about the fates that had sent this young woman to Blackthorne. Upon his first view of her, he’d thought that she might prove to be too young and inexperienced for the job. Too fragile. And too filled with her own arrogance and uneasiness to be of any help to a lost, frightened child. Now he was beginning to hope she might be just what the boy needed.

      It weighed heavily on his mind that the lad was so out of his element in England. But there had been few choices left. With the death of his grandfather, Quenton had been forced to return to Blackthorne in haste. Still, he had made the boy’s mother a promise on her deathbed to protect Liat from harm. The only way to keep his promise was to bring the boy here.

      He watched and listened a moment longer as Olivia’s voice washed over him.

      “Liat, my mother used to quote from the Great Book, ‘To all things there is a season. A time for planting, a time for reaping. A time for laughing, a time for weeping. A time for living, a time for dying.’ This, then, is your time to grow, to learn and to let go of your fears. And I shall do the same.”

      Quenton nodded. Very well. He would let her remain. For now.

      He turned and left as quietly as he had arrived. The hound moved soundlessly at his side.

      If only the solutions to all his problems could be as simple as this had proved to be. Now he could turn his attention to those damnable ledgers, and the mess his grandfather had left behind.


      “Come, Liat.” Olivia opened the door of his chambers and beckoned him to follow. “It’s time for us to explore Blackthorne.”

      As they made their way along the hall he whispered, “The servants told me I must never go in there.” He pointed to Bennett’s room.


      He shuddered. “Edlyn said there’s a monster living in there.”

      More monsters. Olivia was determined that such nonsense must stop at once. “He isn’t a monster. He is a young man. Come. I’ll show you.” Without waiting to think about what she was doing, she knocked, then opened the door.

      Inside, the pale young man looked up, startled, from his chair by the window. The servant, Minerva, looked equally startled.

      “What are you doing, miss?”

      “My name is Olivia St. John. And this is Liat. I thought...” She wondered what she could possibly say to excuse her impulsive behavior. “I thought we might sup with you this evening.”

      “Master Bennett always sups alone, miss.”

      “And so do we,” she said with a smile that included the silent young man. “If we were to take our meal together, it would give Liat a chance to get to know you. And you to know us.”

      “I don’t think...” Before the young servant could refuse, she caught sight of Bennett’s eyes, wide and pleading. “Well...” She considered, wondering how the housekeeper would react when she heard about this. Still, Master Bennett looked almost eager. She relented. “Aye. I’ll have Edlyn bring your trays. We eat at dusk.”

      Olivia nodded, then turned to smile at Bennett. “Until dusk, then.”

      She caught Liat’s hand and led him from the room. He didn’t volunteer a word until they reached the kitchen. Then, in a hushed voice, he said, “That was my first monster, ma’am.”

      Olivia bit back her smile. “Aye. And mine as well.”

      “Who are you and what are you doing in my kitchen?”

      At the booming voice they both turned to face a woman who was at least as tall as Pembroke, with hands big enough to handle with ease a side of beef or a whole roasted pig. These hands were now planted at either side of enormous hips encased in a shapeless gown.

      “My name is Olivia St. John.”

      “The new governess.”

      “Aye. And this is Liat.”

      “My name’s Molly. Molly Malloy. But I’m known as Cook.”


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