A Season of Miracles. Heather Graham

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A Season of Miracles - Heather  Graham

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slowly. “We both know the real thing isn’t a sketch.”

      No, the real thing wasn’t a sketch. It was Jillian. A perfect likeness. The woman was tall, elegantly slim, but shapely, as well. The hair was long and a beautiful reddish blond. The eyes were deep green, like expensive emeralds. It was Jillian.

      And she had been drawn with love. Or at least with pure infatuation.

      “Eileen?” Theo said.

      She let out a sigh of impatience, stubbing out her cigarette. “Jillian is a designer. Yes, she’s good-looking, Theo, really good-looking, but she isn’t an actress.”

      “She could carry this off, and we both know it.”

      “Brad Casey in art must have a hell of a crush on her. Besides, who knows if she’d even be willing.”

      “Brad Casey saw something and used it in this drawing. As to Jillian being willing? Our Jillian? She is Llewellyn Enterprises. She lives and breathes the company.”

      “Careful. She gets angry when you say that,” Eileen warned.

      He arched a brow. “Hmm. I’m just a hard-working second cousin—you’re a direct descendant of the old boy, just like our Jillian.”

      “Well,” she said sweetly, leaning back against her desk to light another cigarette and survey him with cool blue eyes, “Grandfather doesn’t seem to care about that, does he. No one compares with Jillian, but you’re right up there, aren’t you, Theo?”

      “Eileen, it sounds as if we need to supply your office with a scratching post.”

      “Would you stop, Theo? I didn’t start this. Look—”

      “Eileen, you know I’m right, you know this is brilliant. Pure accident, and yes, that poor sod Brad Casey probably does have a crush on Jillian. But it’s perfect.”

      A hard rap on the door interrupted them. Griff swept in, bearing a silver tray with a tea serving and Halloween cookies. He slid the tray onto Eileen’s desk and looked at the sketches.

      “Wow! Our golden girl is a beauty, isn’t she? I mean, for real. No wonder the old boy dotes on her.”

      “Griff, some of us want to get out of here today,” Eileen said, walking around behind her desk.

      “Television spots would be perfect,” Griff told Theo. “I heard you through the door,” he said in response to Theo’s quizzical look.

      “Thanks for the input,” Theo said briefly. “What’s with the cookies?”

      “The old boy sent them out to all of us—his idea of trick-or-treat, I guess,” Griff said. “I gallantly swept them from the hands of the young office assistant about to hear you two airing the family laundry.”

      “We weren’t airing the family laundry,” Eileen said impatiently.

      “Think Jillian will be willing?” Theo asked Griff.

      “We can persuade her.”

      “I want to move on this before Marston gets any more involved.”

      “Endear Jillian to us before Marston gets his hands on her, huh?” Griff teased.

      “What are you talking about?” Theo asked impatiently.

      “He’s brilliant, right? And the old boy has pulled him in above all of us.”

      Theo turned away, studying the sketches again. “Don’t be ridiculous. I suggested Marston. I went to school with him.”

      “He’ll be just like Big Brother—watching,” Griff said.

      “This is a company, not a kingdom,” Theo said impatiently.

      But Eileen was studying Griff thoughtfully. “Douglas Llewellyn is all about family. Marston is nothing, really, not without—” Eileen said.

      “Jillian,” Griff said. “Ah, but then…”

      “What?” Eileen asked.

      “There’s you, of course. Another direct descendant. You could slip in and cut her out of the running, keep an eye on him.”

      “Griff, you’re ridiculous. I’ve been engaged for—”

      “Oh, yeah. You and Gary Brennan have been engaged for what—five years? You won’t give the poor fellow a wedding date. He might want you to go by Mrs. Brennan. Horrors,” Griff said with a shudder. “Would you give up the family name, Eileen? Even for love?”

      “Many businesswomen keep their maiden names, Griff,” Eileen said icily. “I adore Gary—we just haven’t had time to plan a wedding.”

      “No time in five years. Imagine that,” Griff said with mock solemnity.

      “I told you—I adore him,” Eileen said sharply.

      “I’m sure you do. But you’d throw the poor boy to the sharks in two seconds if he were any threat to your position at Llewellyn Enterprises,” Griff teased.

      “There is no threat to me—I actually work,” Eileen snapped back, eyes narrowed.

      “Touché,” Griff told her.

      Theo let out an impatient sound. “I hope to God we’re not being overheard. We sound exactly like a pack of squabbling children, and we’re supposed to be running a major company. We all work here, and we work hard.” His eyes fell on his brother, and he shrugged. “All right, most of us work hard. But to suggest that there was an underlying reason for bringing in Marston, to even think that anything should go on is…”

      “Is what?” Griff demanded

      “Sick,” Theo announced. “And the old boy is in perfect health. To begin to imagine that anything is going on is—”

      “Theo,” Griff interrupted, “your lack of curiosity is positively boring. Don’t you think it’s just a little bit strange? I mean, we’ve been dividing the executive duties here since we got out of college.”

      “You’ve had executive duties, Griff?” Eileen asked.

      “You’re not being very nice,” Griff said.

      “I am nice,” she snapped back, a trace of hurt in her tone. Griff heard it, she knew. He always saw the smallest sign of weakness in those around him. “I am nice. I’m simply efficient. When people are ‘artistic,’ they don’t have to be quite so efficient.”

      Theo came around behind her, speaking softy. “Artistic? Like cousin Jillian?”

      “Theo, I love Jillian dearly. We have a bond. Just like you boys have the bond of brotherhood.”

      “We’re all Llewellyns,” Theo said flatly.

      “And you’re just as nice as can be,” Griff told Eileen, grinning.

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