Resisting Her Rebel Doc. Joanna Neil
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The lift doors pinged and opened out on to the floor where the orthopaedic ward was housed. Brodie walked with her to the doors of the ward and then handed over her bag. ‘I’ll leave you to go and spend some time with your mother,’ he said. ‘Perhaps you’ll think over what I said about the job? We always need paediatricians and even though I’m fairly new to the hospital I’m sure the bosses will accept my judgement on this.’
‘I will give it some thought, of course—though I can’t help thinking you’re taking a bit of a risk offering me something like that when we’ve only just met up.’
‘I suppose some might think that. Actually, though, I know your boss in Hertford. Jane told me you were part of his team and I knew then you must be good at your job. He’s a decent man; he picks out good people.’
Her mouth curved. ‘It sounds as though my mother has been giving you my life history.’
‘Like I said, she thinks the world of you.’ He scanned her face briefly. ‘In fact, your boss actually mentioned you to me once. He said he had this dedicated young woman, Caity, working with him—though at the time I didn’t realise he was talking about you.’ He was thoughtful for a moment or two, then added, ‘If you like, if you’re stuck for something to do while your mother’s in Theatre, you could maybe come over to the children’s unit? The surgery will take a few hours and rather than you waiting about I could show you around. I’m on duty, but you could tag along with me, if that doesn’t sound too off-putting?’
She nodded cautiously. ‘It sounds fine to me. Perhaps I’ll do that.’
He smiled then turned and walked away down the corridor. She watched him go. He was tall, straight backed and sure of himself. He’d always been that way, but whereas once there had been a brash recklessness about him it seemed to have been replaced with a confident, shrewd perception.
He’d made up his mind quickly about her and decided she would be capable of doing the job. She had accepted his explanation but perhaps his decision also had something to do with knowing her from years before.
She didn’t know what to make of him. He seemed calm, capable, efficient and friendly—all good attributes. But could he really have changed so completely? Were there still vestiges from the past lurking in his character?
He was certainly impulsive. Was he still the same man who had girls clamouring for his attention? He’d enjoyed playing the field back then; he and his younger brother had caused havoc among the village girls.
She remembered one girl in particular, Beth, who’d been upset when Brodie had broken off their relationship.
He’d told her things were getting too heavy between them. He didn’t want to settle down, wasn’t looking for anything serious. He was still young and the world was his oyster. He wanted to get out there and explore what was on offer.
Caitlin frowned as she pushed open the door to the ward. What was she to think? Could she work with a man like that?
His personal life shouldn’t matter to her, but she couldn’t help wondering about him. Was he still the same man at heart—a man who could turn on the charm, make a girl desperate to be with him and then when someone more interesting came along simply cut things dead?
Wasn’t that exactly what Matt had done to her when Jenny had arrived on the scene? It had hurt so badly to be treated that way. She had never thought it possible that he could do such a thing.
The truth was, she simply didn’t trust men any more. From now on, she would keep her independence and wrap herself around in an impermeable, defensive coat to ward off any attempt to break her down and make her vulnerable again. That way, no one could hurt her.
Even so … she thought about what Brodie had said. A job was a job, after all, and that had to be top of her priorities right now, didn’t it? She’d be a fool to turn down his offer, wouldn’t she? Maybe she would talk it through with him in a while.
A small shiver ran through her. Right now, all these years later, he seemed like a good man, someone great to have around in a crisis, but you could never tell, could you? Agreeing to come and work with him would be a bit like making a date with the devil … albeit a devil in disguise, maybe. Would she come to regret it before too long?
‘HOW ARE YOU FEELING, Mum? Are you in any pain?’ Caitlin sat by the bedside and reached for her mother’s hand, squeezing it gently. It upset her to see how pale and drawn she looked.
‘I’m okay, sweetheart. They gave me something for the pain. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m just so glad to see you, but I’m sorry you were pulled away from your work.’ Her mother tried to stifle a yawn and closed her eyes fleetingly. ‘I don’t know what’s happening to me … I’m so tired.’
Caitlin smiled reassuringly. ‘I expect there was a sedative in the injection you had. The nurse told me it won’t be too long now before you go for your operation. That’s good—they seem to be looking after you really well. I’m very pleased about that.’
Her mother nodded, causing the soft brown waves of her hair to flutter gently. ‘They’ve all been so kind, explaining everything to me, telling me to take it easy and saying how I shouldn’t fret. I can’t help it, though—I keep thinking about the animals back home.’ She frowned and Caitlin could see that she was starting to become agitated. ‘They need to be fed and the crops have to be watered. It hasn’t rained for a couple of days. With this warm, sunny weather everything will dry out.’
‘I’ll see to all of that,’ Caitlin promised. ‘You don’t need to stress yourself about any of it. All you have to do is concentrate on getting better.’
‘Oh, bless you—but there are so many things …’ Her mother’s brow creased with anxiety. ‘You don’t know about Ruffles’ sores. He’s the rabbit—someone brought him to me after they found him wandering in their garden.’ She sighed. ‘He needs a special lotion putting on his back. I should have collected it from the vet—I forgot to bring it home with me the other day. And the quail needs his claws clipping—he’s another one a neighbour brought to me in a bit of a state. I was going to see to the clipping today—’ She broke off, her breathing becoming laboured.
‘It’s all right, Mum,’ Caitlin said in a soothing voice. ‘Don’t worry about it. I’ll see to all of it and if anything else comes up I’ll deal with that too.’ She couldn’t help but respect her mother for the way she coped with the smallholding, seeing to repairs, harvesting the crops and looking after various animals. Her mother had had a lot to cope with since she’d been widowed when Caitlin was a teenager, but she’d accepted the way things were, set to and got on with it. She was an incredible woman. ‘Trust me,’ Caitlin murmured. ‘I just need to know that you’re all right. Everything else will be fine.’
Her mother smiled wearily but she seemed comforted. ‘I’m so glad you’re home, Caity. I mean, I’m sorry for the reason for it—for this trouble with Matt, that must be so hard for you—but it’ll be wonderful to have you close by.’