The Tycoon's Dating Deal. Nicola Marsh

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The Tycoon's Dating Deal - Nicola Marsh

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tingles of excitement skittered down her spine.

      ‘You know. Successful. Rich.’ She glanced away, unable to match his stare.

      ‘You forgot good-looking,’ he teased.

      Her cheeks warmed as she was forced to admit to the understatement of the year. ‘Yeah, that too. So, what’s your story?’ She kept her tone flippant, hoping he was fooled. By the smug expression on his face, he wasn’t.

      ‘Not so fast. How about we enjoy our seven minutes together and if you want to know more, you’ll have to choose me as your prospective date?’

      She laughed. ‘You’re some piece of work! Blackmail will get you nowhere.’

      He leaned forward. ‘How about flattery? Will that get me anywhere?’

      Suddenly eager to match wits with this intoxicating man, she batted her mascaraed eyelashes. ‘You’ll just have to try it and find out.’

      His lips curved in a slow, seductive smile that melted any lingering resistance. ‘You’ve got a deal.’

      She leaned back and crossed her legs, giving Matt a tantalising glimpse of sheer stockings. He yearned to stroke every inch of her smooth flesh, caressing till she begged for more. Ever since he’d walked into the room, he could barely keep his eyes off her. Now he just had to convince his hands to do the same.

      ‘So, do you know how tonight works?’

      Even her rich voice seemed laden with sexy promise. He would have a hard time concentrating on anything she said over the next seven minutes if his thoughts persisted down this track. With an effort, he wrenched them back to the present.

      ‘Yeah, Sally explained the routine to me. I spend seven minutes with seven gorgeous women, then choose my perfect match at the end. No laborious blind dates, no wasted small talk, no mindless chatter over dinners that seem to last an eternity. Just the way I wanted it.’

      Kara glared at him. ‘There’s something you’re not telling me. From all reports, you love dating. The more the merrier seems to be your motto. So why resort to this? I thought you were the type of guy who loves the thrill of the chase.’

      ‘Sure, I love the chase as much as the next guy, but my priorities are changing.’

      He hoped the answer would satisfy her. He wasn’t ready to tell her the truth. He could barely face it himself.

      She held her hands up in apparent surrender. He watched the long, elegant tapering of her fingers, imagining them stroking his body. Sitting here trying to look cool was becoming more difficult by the minute.

      ‘Fine, whatever you say, Matt, though I still think you’re up to something.’ She laughed, a sweet, tinkling sound that revived memories of hot summer afternoons when they’d shared confidences and dreams. ‘I’m looking forward to dragging your secrets from you, whether you like it or not.’

      He reached across the table and captured her hand in his, sliding his thumb around her palm. ‘I’m much more open to cajoling. Care to try?’

      Kara swallowed, desperate to ease the sudden dryness in her throat. Matt’s thumb created havoc with her senses, its swirling, concentric circles sending waves of pleasure through her body. She savoured his caress, all logic driven from her mind.

      As she stared into his eyes, her stomach somersaulted. She wanted him. More than she had ever wanted anything in her life. Thank goodness tonight was a one-off. Matt Byrne was dangerous. In one day, he’d managed to revive feelings that she’d buried for years. He was far too much man for her to handle. Unfortunately, the thought of handling him conjured up more vivid images, flashing across her mind in an erotic kaleidoscope.

      She pulled her hand away, needing to re-establish boundaries between them.

      ‘I’m not here to cajole anything out of you. You’ll tell me what’s bugging you eventually. If not, I don’t give a damn. Our friendship ended a long time ago, so why don’t we get on with tonight’s business and go our separate ways?’

      He leaned back, crossed his arms and fixed her with a glare, leaving her feeling like a bug under a microscope. ‘What makes you think that tonight will be the end of it?’

      He smiled. Damn, she’d always had a hard time resisting that grin. She schooled her face into what she hoped was a mask of indifference. ‘I’m not the one who quit our friendship, Matt. As I recall, it was all your decision when you pushed me away.’

      The memory of his rejection still rankled. Pain like that lasted a lifetime. He’d been her first love. Her only love, if she was completely honest. And here he was after all this time, pretending that nothing had happened. She wouldn’t make it easy for him.

      ‘Can’t we let bygones be bygones and move forward? Besides, you were just a kid back then. What did you expect me to do?’

      To her annoyance, tears welled in her eyes. Tears of anger, shame and unmistakable regret.

      ‘A kid? I was eighteen. Old enough to know what I wanted. Not that you cared. Apparently I was a pain in the ass, a little girl clinging to you, playing at being a vamp, with a hell of a lot of growing up to do. Do those words ring any bells?’ She blinked furiously, wishing the tears away.

      He ran his hand through his hair, a tell-tale sign he was rattled.

      ‘I’m sorry, Kara. I’d just finished law school and was doing my articles. I had a lot on my mind and didn’t need the attentions of a schoolgirl, hell-bent on experimentation…’ He trailed off as she leaped to her feet.

      ‘Who the hell do you think you are? I wasn’t experimenting, I was in—’

      ‘Hey, you two. We’re about to start. What’s with the fireworks?’ Sally materialised at their table, hands on hips, a frown marring her forehead.

      ‘Sal, I need to talk to you.’ Kara grabbed her arm and dragged Sally away from the table.

      ‘I can’t do this,’ she hissed. ‘Matt is driving me insane. You can’t expect me to spend another second with him, let alone the next seven minutes.’

      Sally smiled, her calmness doing little to soothe Kara’s frazzled nerves. ‘Calm down, dear. I know tonight is an ordeal for you. Just do it for me. Please?’

      Kara took a deep breath and exhaled. There was no way she could resist the beseeching look in Sal’s eyes.

      ‘OK. I’ll do this for you. But I swear, as soon as I’ve spoken to the last moronic man, I’m out of here!’

      ‘That’s my girl. Now, take a seat, smile at Matt, make small talk and the torture will be over before you know it.’

      Kara turned to face Matt. He hadn’t moved an inch, and by the amused look on his face he’d heard every word of their conversation.

      ‘All sorted out?’ he enquired softly.

      ‘Mmm,’ she mumbled. ‘We’re about to get started. Good luck, Matt. I hope you find what, or should I say who, you’re looking for tonight.’

      ‘What if I’ve already found her?’

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