A Camden Family Wedding. Victoria Pade
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Now he was making her a little mad, and the involuntary cock of her head must have alerted him to that fact.
“We want the best here,” he said before she had a chance to comment. “And when it comes to wedding planners, you’re it. We’ve all seen your work in weddings we’ve gone to. We know your reputation. And we know that you are Burke’s Weddings. But it’s Burke’s Weddings getting the real credit.”
“And with you it would be Camdens getting the credit.”
He shook his head. “No. With us, you’ll be the draw. People will have to come to Camdens to get a Vonni Hunter wedding. From high-end to lower-end—even couples who couldn’t otherwise afford a Vonni Hunter wedding will be able to get more conservative packages designed by Vonni Hunter, with Vonni Hunter’s eye, with Vonni Hunter’s taste, with Vonni Hunter’s expertise. Brides who can afford you will get more personal attention—and with us that could be not only Denver brides, but celebrities and European royalty that we’ll send you off to do first-class. What we want is to bring you into the spotlight, give you credit. And all the perks that go with it.”
Okay, so it was flattering. And an intriguing idea. Enough to rid her of that small wave of anger.
“So you’re going to put all the world at my feet as a wedding planner if only I can pull off a wedding in two weeks for your grandmother?” Vonni asked.
“The job offer is on the table no matter what. And we’re figuring that if anyone can pull off a wedding in two weeks, it’ll be you and me working together. I told you, around here I’m the guy who gets things done, and from what I understand, when it comes to weddings, you do, too.”
Reminding herself that planning a Camden wedding would look very, very good for her, Vonni said, “Doing any kind of wedding for any number of people in two weeks is a push. But since I already have long-standing relationships with everyone it will take to accomplish it, it can probably be done. But as for the other—”
It was terrifying to think of what could become of her existing job if Camden Superstores did what he was proposing. But it was also completely unnerving to think about turning her back on Chrystal and Burke’s Weddings to sign on with the Camdens and then ending up with nothing the way her grandfather had....
“Don’t say anything about the business stuff for now,” Dane Camden advised, interrupting her spinning thoughts. “We’ll have plenty of time to talk about it. You can grill me, and negotiate, and tell me everything about it that might worry you, and shape it into exactly the kind of deal you’d feel most comfortable with. And if you need to yell at me or slap me around to feel better about what happened with your uncle and your grandfather and the way things turned out on that front, you can do that, too.”
Oh, but when the man grinned it made her knees weak....
“You’re not afraid that slapping you around might be pretty tempting?” she asked impudently.
“Just say the word. I’ll get the gloves and you can beat the hell out of me.”
She couldn’t not smile at him. Although she made sure it was reserved. There was just something about him, and she could see how he got away with being the player he was.
“But you’ll do GiGi’s wedding with me one way or another?” he asked.
“That I’ll do,” she conceded.
“Then why don’t you come up with a get-started list and we’ll—” he shrugged one of those broad shoulders “—get started.”
“I have two weddings on Saturday and this week is my race to the finish line for them both, so I’ll have to do much of this after-hours—like this meeting.”
“I’m open to evenings if you are.”
“And the weekend—after the weddings on Saturday, and Sunday...” she said as if challenging him to back out.
“I’ll be available whenever you can fit me in.”
“Okay, then. I’m already swamped tonight working on place cards for five hundred but hopefully sometime tomorrow or tomorrow night I’ll come up with the list and a schedule that we will have to stick to. Maybe we can meet again on Wednesday night?”
“I’ll clear all decks.”
“Then I guess we’ll do a wedding. In two weeks.”
The grin again. “I guess we will,” he confirmed.
Vonni took her business card from her binder, along with her standard contract for him to look over, and the printout of what her services entailed.
Then, with nothing more to discuss at that moment, she stood to go.
“I’ll show you back to the elevator,” Dane offered, and she again had to give him points for courtesy.
While they were retracing their steps through the outer office, he said, “And when you’re not thinking about my grandmother’s wedding, think about your name on signs in every Camden Superstore—”
He raised an arm and swept his big hand across an imaginary banner. “Weddings by Vonni Hunter,” he said as if reading what the signs would say.
But Vonni had had an entirely different sign in mind for years now. Stylishly painted in script letters on the shop’s front window, Burke’s Weddings would be replaced with Burke and Hunter Weddings.
She didn’t say anything, but he must have sensed her lack of enthusiasm for his offer because as the elevator doors opened and Vonni stepped inside and turned to face him, he said, “Just think about it. And let me know when and where Wednesday.”
“I will,” she answered, pushing the button for the lobby.
Then as the doors began to close, he cocked his head to one side and said, “Wow. Yeah. Beautiful eyes...”
Which was strange because that was exactly what she’d been thinking the minute she’d turned and looked straight at him—how terrific looking he was and what beautiful blue eyes he had....
But then the doors closed completely and the elevator began its descent.
She was thinking about Dane Camden on the entire ride down, though.
And how she could definitely see his appeal.
Even if she had no intention whatsoever of tapping into it.
Chapter Two
“How can you be so hard to get hold of when you’re taking care of a sick friend in Northbridge where there’s next to nothing to do?” Dane had finally connected with his grandmother after four calls to her cell phone the next morning.
“Oh, Dane, I’m sorry. We needed to take Agnes to physical therapy so that’s where I was, and I forgot to bring the cell phone with me when we left,” Georgianna Camden explained. “Is anything wrong?”
“No, everything’s fine. But if you’re gonna make me put on a pinafore and do your wedding like a girl, then